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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Free speech has never been free. The problem now is people seem to have forgotten that.
  2. There's a lot of people here who disagree with me that he's a clown. But I was never a believer in that guy, the chair incident was just icing for me.
  3. Well, there's a difference between believing it as a Christian and walking around with a placard demonizing people you don't know.
  4. Sorry but this can't have been a 'basketball' decision. The idea that the "defense took a step back" is a 'thing'. Really? As you said, Jrue to Lillard accounts for that. Smells like planted 'news' to me. I'm not saying it's 'untrue'. I'm saying there's more there but they're using canned reasons to make it look good.
  5. That's what the one coach did here, imho. Not Prunty. Can't remember his name but I hated that guy. He snaked every head coach he ever worked for.
  6. Honestly though, we've seen a LOT of bad NBA coaches hold onto jobs for YEARS ... lookin atchoo Bill Donovan ... ... so, unless something really strange happened, this move smells and they're gonna hear some noise about this.
  7. Oh crap, with the news comin outta MIL today, is @Diesel prophesying somethin...
  8. I refuse to continue to believe this stuff is the rocket science these folks portray it to be. Think about what I said the next time you watch a game and see guys break their neck to challenge a poor a** shooter. These are the same crooks that sold all the load management staff to us. Only now to admit years later all of it is useless. Screw 'em all.
  9. Noooooo!!!! We're on it, marqo. But I can tell you there's only one guy in MIL skrong enough to get this done..... Thanassis! Haha Griffin probably was honest about how bad that dude suck and was on the first thing smokin' Please hire GLLLLenn. Please!
  10. I think it's easier than we think. You can find dudes that can hit mid-hihh 30's from 3. And, in reality, they don't have to even be that good to draw the defense out. It's super hard for defenders to not react to an open shooter not named Clint Capela. Watch how hard dudes close out on Bey rn. It's human nature. Ain't nobody thinking about percentages during the game. More truth here than folks wanna admit.
  11. First of all, I don't know who told you I was bad mouthing the wolves, but snitches get stitches. And I'll blame who I want to blame, my good sir. This is the internets, I don't have to be right. I've been with you on that. But honestly, if we get the roster right on the wing, it could work. Go heavy defense at the 2-4 and we're fine. Our issue is we went light defense EVERYWHERE. Which is, shall we say, problematic.
  12. I seen him whup our bigs' a**es enough to know I want 'im. Why won't CHA take my monay?
  13. Do it, Hawx! Do eeeittt!!!! Take my monay, Sharlotte!
  14. Speak my truth, warc.
  15. Whoa, Tristan got popped for juicin'.. 25 game suspension. So, they need a C ... they got anything we want?
  16. I'm guessing OKC. Whaddo I win?
  17. What the fng heyul? They lost? I didn't even check the score. I was sure they'd won. That's terrible and his coach is right. No way they're supposed to lose to CHA. Him tryna get-hizz is probably why they lost. Anyway, you know what I'm expecting from MIN this year... playoff, flame-out. Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap. Don't tell @Sothron....
  18. We never fully got rid of iRobot. SkyNet has become sentient so its like Nate never left. He just shifted from JJ to AJ due to a glitch. Seriously tho, we shld be playing Lundy and AJ instead of meth-Bogi. It pains me to say because meth makes me smile on the court.... wait, that makes me sound like an addict. Ah well, it's out there now.
  19. HotSupes, I'm thinking of demanding a trade. Let's agree on a truce so we can both get outta here together. I have just enough value to offset your baggage. What's your preferred list? Houston? OKC? Wanna go big market? LA? NYK?
  20. I read rumors that BOS wanted him, which I found odd. But, then again, he'd probably have to do less for them and it'd be a better fit. So our old nemesis of poor roster building shows its ugly head again. Sad-face.
  21. MLE money? With the way he's playing, he'll be lucky to get N-E money. Bah-dum-pah...
  22. Ol, Bey. Always thought it odd that DET, of all places, found no use for him.
  23. Although I view the 'system' stuff more as an excuse, I'm wiling to grade on a curve. Even doing that, there are things he shld be able to do regardless of 'system'. That's where I have problems.
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