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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. Fck the Bulls. That’s all I got. Having said that we need to play better we played like a D+ game at best. Hunter is fool’s gold.. ok fool’s silver.. dude is gonna mess it up when it counts more, when things aren’t on the line he will shine most likely, or still be . Please get him off this team I can’t watch him play basketball anymore, he just never learns anything. I was so wrong about Hunter in his rookie year. I said “look at that dude on the bench, baby Kawhi is studying the game”… He wasn’t studying $hit prolly playing cartoon music in his head. Everyone was bad tonight. The whole band sucked.
  2. Check game balls thread for more info
  3. Marvin Hunter will always be inside waiting…
  4. Played good ball for 21 or 22 minutes and just collapsed before halftime. Both our starting guards were off. Bogi was on but not enough. How do refs give the benefit of the doubt to the road team? Frustrating watch. Last season was “even Steven” and I thought that was bad. Now we are even worse. Come on guys, win. I don’t care how anymore just get some wins. ps That play the Bulls had with 4:22-4:11 left in the 3rd where they swung the ball all around and ended up with a Terry 3? THAT IS WHAT WE NEED TO DO! Move the ball, don’t let it stick and make some shots. Hornets on their nest next. Go Hawks!
  5. Chakkup was a douche in that HBO Lakers series anyways
  6. folks.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3BSt6-P5Ou/?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==
  7. Recap Game 1 - JJ (lost) Game 2- Hunter (lost) Game 3- TEAM (won) Game 4- DJ (won) Game 5- Trae & DJ (won) Game 6- Trae & JJ (won) Game 7- Bey (lost) Game 8- Trae/ DJ/ JJ (won) Game 9- Trae (lost) Game 10- DJ (won) Game 11- Bey & Bogi (lost) Game 12- JJ (lost) Game 13- Trae (lost) Game 14- Trae (won) Game 15- Trae (won) (Trae +40) Game 16- Bogi (lost) Game 17- Hunter (lost) Game 18- Trae (won) Game 19- Trae (lost) Game 20- Trae (lost) Game 21- Bogi (lost) Game 22- Bogi (lost) Game 23- Trae (lost) Game 24- Trae (won) Game 25- Trae (lost) Game 26- Trae (won) Game 27- Trae (won) Game 28- DJ (lost) Game 29- Trae (lost) Game 30- Bogi (lost) Game 31- JJ (lost) Game 32- Trae/DJ/JJ (won) Game 33- JJ (won) Game 34- DJ (lost) Game 35- Bogi/OO (lost) Game 36- JJ (won) Game 37- DJ (lost) Game 38- OO (lost) Game 39- Trae/JJ (won) Game 40- DJ (won) Game 41- DJ (won) Game 42- JJ (lost) Game 43- DJ (lost) Game 44- JJ (lost) Game 45- JJ (lost) Game 46- Bey (won) Game 47- TEAM (won) Game 48- Trae (won) Game 49- Trae/OO/Cap (won) Game 50- Hunter (lost) Game 51- OO/JJ/Bey (lost) Game 52- Trae (won) Game 53- DJ (won)
  8. Just finished it. DJ mad and playing like it. Loved his performance tonight he played like an all star and specially loved the way he handled Brooks. Man, that dude be trying to tag folks in the groin area too often. That ain’t right. DJ took him to school. Bey! Can’t say enough about his performance the last few games but tonight he was a man amongst boys. He fought and fought and gave 110% effort with intent! Not trading away DJ and Bey was a win win for us no doubt. JJ is incredible and super efficient. Dude glides to the rim with the ability to pass and score and boards really well. He keeps surprising me every game. me some JJ, fun watch no doubt. OO is coming along as well with that one emphatic slam that got me up off my chair like AAAAANNNNNNDDDD 11111!!! MY BOI! Lets beat the Bulls on Monday and keep this rolling. GO HAWKS!!!!!
  9. I call him Alpie. He asked you to call him Alpo? sheesh make up your mind you Turkish smooth criminal. I read somewhere earlier him talking about stopping Messi? Let’s focus on here Dillon. @lethalweapon3 by the way you know I always wanted to be a Dillon (since 90210). They got it from their coach Amen brother and thank you lw3 as always! GO HAWKS!!!
  10. What team was that? Was that us? We balled out. Everybody was on it from the jump. Probably one of the best all around games of the season for us. Easy watch on the eyes. @Wretch OO is ready. I mean it this time His touch on those floaters and that outside corner 3 is pretty doh ! Bey played the best and most complete game I’ve seen him play as a Hawk. Hustling and driving to the hoop WITH INTENT. That was vintage Bey. Superstar- Trae is unbelievable I just can’t say enough about his game. He’s on a different level than many guys most nights. JJ- Wow. Like he still has me saying WOW. The plays he makes and how smooth and easy he makes them look. The gliding dunks in the lane through traffic and all, pretty. BRUNO- in 14 min he was a perfect 4-4. Him and Bey wanted to win and beat up the Sixers physically as well . Prolly the best game watched for me in a long time. Everybody clicked led by superstar Trae. Couple of key dunks by JJ.. This pass to JJ from Trae was special. I love Trae and I’ll scream in from a rooftop. The precision and the point passing. GO HAWKS!!!!
  11. Thanks lw3! Post trade deadline everyone relax and ball ! Go Hawks!!!
  12. Sorry folks I’m Chandler today rip
  13. Same. I wanna see Gueye get burn That dude is nice
  14. I miss him badly. Not gonna lie.
  15. It’s a year and a half away. Landry can acquire assets, tank, trade to get really crappy for 2025 and give us a chance.
  16. Well because if you listened to the press conference he’s looking for specific culture dudes who aren’t Ben Wallace Metta World Peace or anyone like that. Do you have confidence in him AHF?
  17. If he doesn’t have a checkered pass, I’m betting Landry wants him bad. I swear if we get in tank mode, I’m gonna lose it I can’t go back to the NBA lottery.. we were there too much.
  18. Ya you were one I recall. Some others. Gramps loved him. I love OO but Hali turned into something above expectations for many. I mean he shouldn’t have dropped pass the 7th pick where the Suns took Culver I think. Passing on him for us gave us a pass because we had Trae but I’d take a Trae/Hali pairing right now no matter the defensive liability. My bad that was 2019. But whomever picked 7th after us needed to take Hali. PISTONS! Killian!
  19. We are screwed. #squawkvetoverreaction #dontjudgeme #itscold
  20. FMl he’s aiming for his man 2025 and beyond.. I don’t want him..
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