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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. Ya me too I just didn’t wanna go against Burd and get fired I tend to follow directions now and get in line with the best of them.
  2. Ok I’ll let you have Bey but the rest.. {Mel stares into the depths}..
  3. This just in.. NO TRADE! STAND PAT!!! We comin. We are getting our roles straight, Embiid is out and only 4.5 games out of the top 6 with 33 games to go. NO TRADES! -Outsiders
  4. Recap Game 1 - JJ (lost) Game 2- Hunter (lost) Game 3- TEAM (won) Game 4- DJ (won) Game 5- Trae & DJ (won) Game 6- Trae & JJ (won) Game 7- Bey (lost) Game 8- Trae/ DJ/ JJ (won) Game 9- Trae (lost) Game 10- DJ (won) Game 11- Bey & Bogi (lost) Game 12- JJ (lost) Game 13- Trae (lost) Game 14- Trae (won) Game 15- Trae (won) (Trae +40) Game 16- Bogi (lost) Game 17- Hunter (lost) Game 18- Trae (won) Game 19- Trae (lost) Game 20- Trae (lost) Game 21- Bogi (lost) Game 22- Bogi (lost) Game 23- Trae (lost) Game 24- Trae (won) Game 25- Trae (lost) Game 26- Trae (won) Game 27- Trae (won) Game 28- DJ (lost) Game 29- Trae (lost) Game 30- Bogi (lost) Game 31- JJ (lost) Game 32- Trae/DJ/JJ (won) Game 33- JJ (won) Game 34- DJ (lost) Game 35- Bogi/OO (lost) Game 36- JJ (won) Game 37- DJ (lost) Game 38- OO (lost) Game 39- Trae/JJ (won) Game 40- DJ (won) Game 41- DJ (won) Game 42- JJ (lost) Game 43- DJ (lost) Game 44- JJ (lost) Game 45- JJ (lost) Game 46- Bey (won) Game 47- TEAM (won) Game 48- Trae (won) Game 49- OO/Cap (won)
  5. DJ took it personally that the rook was trying to battle him, he’s like nahhh, not tonight, plus you didn’t know, I’m the new closer! Kyra is old news @JayBirdHawk our boys are coming alive! DJ OO and Trae JJ Bogi been at the party. Kudos to Clint too he put up tonight. TEAM!!!!
  6. Ya I went down to the ground and emulated it for the special lady by gettin reeeeeeaaalllll low to the ground .. approximately 2cm showing with my index and thumb indicating a mismatch had taken place. My lady and our dog:
  7. I called him a glorified broken shooting machine but I like vase and tide much better. Respect
  8. The swiped by Trae. Has he been watching Gary Payton videos? No joke, the way he has been swiping the last 2 games is eerily reminiscent of the glove and his steals. Man, Superstars add to their games, it’s not a cliche and Trae did WORK and it’s showing. Kudos to this kid boy are we blessed. OO played like I always thought he should and could, he played BIG AND STRONG!
  9. Wowwww!!! Loved it just finished it with the special lady. She saw us go 3-1 in her brief watching week. We only lost to Luka but tonight … My boy OO showed he’s ready to start baby! JJ is a godsend and Trae is a superstar with Murray the closer and Quin the genius architect. HAWKS SOARRRRR!!! @JayBirdHawk @kg01 who gets gumball TEAM or OO?
  10. He’s only half of Dunmurphy. Therein lies the issue.. How far has @kg01 traveled squawk this season? Ooohhhh special lady friend said gazelle last night. Both good. {insert Rappaport’s evil laugh} Thanks lw3 as always! If y’all don’t know me my name is Spud and I’ve hated the Warriors longer than you or anyone on here. I have circled them on the schedule since 1985. Faced the Winston Garland’s, Chris Gatling guns, the David Wood’s, the Adonal Foyle’s, the Sprees and everything before and after run TMC… The end. GO HAWKS!!!!
  11. I swear I feel like more people have passed away that I’ve know of in the last five or so years than my previous 40 something on this planet . Love Carl Weathers. Two of my favs of course Rocky’s and Happy Gilmore. Long live Chubbs’s en rip
  12. Those steals and that block. Even had my special lady shaking her head in disbelief …. I said … YA, THAT’S TRAE WORKING ON HIS D THIS SUMMER. PLEASE BELIEVE! Baby mitten lil GP east coast new age that boi let’s goooooo! Defensive liability my rump!!!!!!
  13. Watched the game with the special lady and we did it!!! Well played by everyone. DJ doing the closing while Trae carrying us and everyone playing their parts! Love it! she has watched 3 games in a row now.. Luka Lebron KD She likes main events I guess Go Hawks!!! Ps @JayBirdHawk Trae or team gumball?
  14. Feed you pessi monkey a banana
  15. {insert infamous Deez} he plays well play him, otherwise why acquire him in the first place Quin? Somebody sign the man please Swiss Army knife I’ve been a turd never a fit. Maaa maaaa @lethalweapon3 hittin a brother up early with tongue twisters I felt like the singers in “we are the world “ warming up their mouths Matthewses did it im limber AF! Leggooooooo! Thanks lw3! You da maaaaan! Go Hawks!!!
  16. I’m a biased Hawks fan but in my 40 years of watching the NBA I’ve never seen a bigger snub. The only one I can remember dates back to the early 90’s like 93 or 94 I wanna say where they left off Mitch Richmond and Mitch was a BEAST for the Kings, I followed them when Spud got traded there. He was phenomenal as a shooting guard, he could do it all. But even the Richmond snub wasn’t this bad to me. Mitch was awesome but Trae is a generational passer. When people say “life isn’t fair” sometimes it feels like a cliche of sorts. This week I learned from all aspects, damn doh Like I used to ask @JayBirdHawk “what did I do to you” upon her smart Alecness towards me. Now I wanna ask the same of the league, what did the Hawks do to you? You’d think it’s possibly commissioners but Stern dismissed us as much as he could as well, I guess Silver is from the Stern but seriously, it’s like blatant disrespect that has to be seen by other fan bases as well? No? Processing all this bs.. is the day over yet? I need a nap .
  17. Oh dang Burd was on it before I even saw about Nic. Burd don’t flex on me! I like it!
  18. What about getting another Claxton not Craig? Nic Claxton more available for trade than previously advertised I’ve heard more than once this week not to discount the idea that Brooklyn big man Nic Claxton could be more available over the next seven days than previously advertised. – via marcstein.substack.com Top Rumors, Trade, Nic Claxton, Brooklyn Nets
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