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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. Hey I just saw a dude in a coffee shop with a Lakers hat, old vintage, I swear he was an NBA blogger, I think I wanna ask him if he’ll be my “source”.
  2. You and Jay been throwing that term around a lot in front of the kiddos have ya? #burners #conspiracy101
  3. Can we have a royal rumble here. In one corner, Morris twins in the other the Jokic bros. Another tag team could be Nurkic and Roco.. ANNNNNDDD HERE COMES UDONIS HASLEM WITH THE CHAIR Adam Silver would love it too. More loot for the snake , hey @kg01 get mean gene on the line and Jimmy McMahon! Hit it Mike 🎙 LAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDYYYYYYYYYY’S and GENTLEMAAAAAANNNNNN ITS THAT TIME.. @kg01 you and I are the Rockers I already sent in the licensing docs we good nobody can steal our thunder ever again!
  4. I’m still mad at that one fcker who was tryin to school me on whose Mitch Rob was and his profile, lil kid didn’t know who he talkin to.. I was watching Mase bang in da paint fo his mama had him. ps Kudos on the title, a little more well endowed than the norm, good for you!
  5. Oh $hit good lookin out, I guess I would have voted anyways but awesome.
  6. I like Brad Jamalos list over on realgm. He had us getting some impact dudes namely Brown and Smart. But again it’ll have to be a 3 way I can’t stomach a 1 on 1 trade with the C’s. Fool me thrice…
  7. Oh not currently but I’ve watched enough NBA in 40 years to know that he’s one of them, he has IT, he has tools, consistency and experience is the only thing needed and that comes with time, he was just a teen not too long ago.
  8. CAM IS A DAMN SUPERSTAR STOP TRYING TO TRADE HIM!!!! We finally developed him. Man, this roster is good we just need to get healthy, hold your water Travis we good, the NBA ain’t about seeds this year, I see a 7 or 8 seed knocking off a 2 or 1 specially in the East. Hold on Travis!!! Don’t get crazy just yet.
  9. I got 33 minutes and I can vote 🗳 again ps I haven’t missed a day since it opened up on Xmas.
  10. Yup same. I see great things in Cam and JC is a lot of our heart and hustle. We may have to just move Gallo and Dieng or something.
  11. they ask this in 2K too? I think Brian Anderson asks Grant Hill and Hill says talent also.
  12. I didn’t wanna say it. Lol. I mean, you could argue that Garnett was in the same boat as Towns, minus the the WCFin 2004 with Spree and Sam I am. But even back then I wanted the Hawks to get KG despite not having a winning track record, there was something about him, I don’t get the same feeling with KAT.
  13. That’s who I thought as soon as I read it too. You’ve been quiet this year @hazer hope all is well man.
  14. I just don’t see it unless there are essentially 2 big trades, Cap next to KAT isn’t great and JC and KAT doesn’t really work either. 2 big trades seems super unlikely, not after going to the ECF. How patient is Schlenk, he’s been awesome, eager to see if his overall grade stays at an A/A- with me. I’d give him an A- so far overall he’s been great.
  15. That would mean JC gets traded with one of Cam or Hunter for KAT and folks don’t think he will because he’s our heart and voice.
  16. They keep saying 2 for one for an IMPACT player, what the hell does “impact” mean, because JC is at least a 3rd fiddle so impact must be a Robin to Trae’s Batman. Here are the combinations, which is most likely and which is least. Unless they really mean just strictly Cam and Gallo as they state here. Wow, I’m really attached to our players I mean I do want to take the right step but these guys have kind of grown on me too. Dang. The NBA is ruthless business. JC and Cam JC and Hunter Capela and Cam Capela and Hunter Oh here’s the clip… Amick reports that the Hawks would be willing to offload the likes of Danilo Gallinari and Cam Reddish in a 2-for-1 trade in order to thin out the rotation and bring in an “impact player.” Gallinari is only due to earn $5 million in guaranteed money next year, though if he remains on the Hawks’ roster he’ll be due $21.45 million, making him an ideal candidate to ship off at the deadline.
  17. But @JayBirdHawk, would you? (Not that old game where you point out if you’d sleep with kg but rather the KAT thingy).
  18. Good God unstudies are the best! Wow, you’ve gone above and beyond. Somewhere, @hawksfanatic. is smiling cheers @JayBirdHawk she guuuuuuuddddd doh
  19. Didn’t you love the smoothness of how he stepped into his first 3 last night in Sac, it’s so smooth!
  20. You mind ringing the poll 🗳 bell for the talley of YES then. Lol. I’m counting on my fingers here.
  21. You not read the whole ting? Collins + Cam or Hunter and a pick or 2.
  22. Wondering how many are on the side of selling a bit of the farm, well a lot of it in this case to land KAT. Just wondering which side of the fence everyone is on. Thoughts? ps Selling the farm=Cam or Hunter and JC and possibly a first or somewhere around that cost.
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