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Everything posted by shakes

  1. he's wrong. It was a good no call by the ref. Trae barely got touched and then acted like he got blocked by Michael Oher. If he didn't act like that he wouldn't have been so off balance when attempting the last shot. Stupid play by Trae and the result is what was earned.
  2. Today's trivia question update. As you recall, after the game 5 games ago the question/color was orange. The next game the question was Orange, Lime Green. The next game the question was orange, Lime green, white. After the next game the question, was orange, lime green, white, cream/gray. Which brought us to last night's game. Unfortunately there won't be a new addition to the question because last night Jalen Johnson did not cooperate and continue to wear a single color sweat suit. So there is your answer. I guess I'm the only one who notices stuff like that off the court.
  3. If no one gets the answer after tonight’s game I’ll give the answer.
  4. at this point I think the only path to relevance is to give away some of our contract players for peanuts and then hope to hit on a superstar in FA....something that has never happened in the city of Atlanta.
  5. follow up question, when he throws pool balls at his kids, how often does he hit them?
  6. just answer me one question, can he shoot 40%+ from 3?
  7. incorrect. The answer is not someone's shoes.
  8. it's in a new thread. Updated it after Saturday's game and added to it. QUESTION: Orange, Lime green, white, grey. ANSWER: I will keep updating after every game until one of you dummies figures it out. Very surprised no one has gotten it yet. I guess no one is as observant as me when it comes to the little things that go on in an arena at an NBA game.
  9. They both have the same answer. Just updated it after the last game.
  10. No, but that looks interesting.
  11. Question: Orange, Lime green, white, cream. Answer?
  12. how does Hunter play the 2 when he can't even dribble well enough to play the 3?
  13. if you're gonna make Jew jokes at least make them good. Your jokes are so bad it's basically the equivalent of you pointing at me and yelling "JEW!" and then pausing for laughs.
  14. not gonna give a hint, but I will update this question after tomorrow's game.
  15. Defense: Despite relatively good health, the Hawks are only 25th in points allowed per 100 possessions, and the underlying stats suggest they might be lucky to even rank that high. No team has given up more dunks, but the Hawks also give up the highest rate of corner 3s. Atlanta is 29th in opponent 2-point percentage and, in the rare event an opponent misses, they’re 27th in defensive rebound rate. This is nothing new for Hawks fans — the team has been in the bottom 10 every year of the Trae Young era — but the hope was that Quin Synder could scheme them to respectability. It hasn’t happened. — John Hollinger The two best shots in basketball are the dunk and the corner 3 and here we are, the worst team in the NBA at defending both. Time to jsut blow it all up, this team is garbage.
  16. incorrect, but this is the best answer so far.
  17. wrong and wrong. keep trying. Clue: the answer is Atlanta Hawks related.
  18. it's looking like one of the worst drafts in recent memory.
  19. Question: Orange, Lime Green, White? Answer:
  20. It won’t lead to a title, but at least it will be fun to watch. Definitely better than the current plan whatever that is.
  21. Hawks top 5 in offense and bottom of the barrel in defense. Why you focusing on offense? You really think the way to go is to just say F it and try and outscore everyone? That plan has never produced success in the NBA.
  22. that oughta improve the defense
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