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Everything posted by shakes

  1. totally forgot this....the reason I finally decided to go on a diet was because of baseball HOF Rickey Henderson. I was at White Sox vs Toronto playoff game in 1993 and got there early. Was in the outfield with about 50 people heckling Rickey Henderson during batting practice. Henderson looks at the crowd, singles me out and makes a motion with his arms and body to signify that he was calling me fat. Right then and there I decided to go on a diet. Started it the next day. I've always said Rickey Henderson saved my life.
  2. This Zion thing really tugs at me on different levels. I was a fat kid and an athlete. Always played hockey at a pretty high level, but was never one of the better players. Played in the State championship my senior year, but was an end of the bench player. I was also 5'10, 250 lbs. After high school I stopped playing hockey and switched full time to basketball. Always loved basketball, but never played it because I played hockey my whole life and they were during the same season. Started playing bball 6-7 days per week at all the local courts. Was a middle of the road player. Actually, was probably the best 5'10 250lb basketball player you've ever seen, but that still only makes you mediocre overall. At age 23 I finally said enough was enough and went on a diet. Lost 80 lbs in 4 months just from eating better. I was already exercising 6-7x per week so really just had to stop eating crap. When i stepped back on the court after losing 80lbs the difference was night and day. I went from a mediocre player to a guy who was always the best or 2nd best player on the floor. I became the fastest player on the court and the quickest. Held my own with former D1 players all the time and was accepted into their ranks as a peer. Had to stop playing basketball for good at age 30 because of back issues and decided to go back to hockey. Got on the ice at my new weight and it was just like basketball. The guys who were all state in high school were now worse than me. I was the best guy on the ice most nights. Made me think of where my life would've gone if I was mature enough to lose the weight while i was young and still in that age group where you can go somewhere with sports. watching Zion throw it all away because of eating habits hits close to home for me. At the end of the day though, no one is going to convince Zion to lose weight. He has to do that on his own. I had countless people telling me to lose weight and calling me fat and it never clicked. It was only after I decided for myself that I needed to lose the weight that it happened. If Zion lost the weight there's no doubt he would be a top 5-10 player in the league.
  3. the way Bogi recovers from injuries I doubt he is close. He's the anti-Trae in that department.
  4. It was about 10 years ago when Patrick Kane was falsely accused of rape. Tim Graham and a local Chicago radio sports update person Julie DiCaro went out of their way to attempt to convict Kane in the press. Even after it became obvious that Kane was victim of a scam DiCaro kept doubling down and trying to paint Kane as a rapist. (even to this day she still is trying). After the Buffalo DA held a press conference calling the "victim" a liar and saying how they were going to press no charges on Kane, DiCaro continued to report and opine as to Kane's guilt. The day the DA dropped the case DiCaro cried on Twitter about all the verbal abuse she was taking from Hawks fans. I responded on Twitter that she deserves all the twitter abuse she is getting. Tim Graham saw that and tried to cancel me. Posted my name and where I work on Twitter, lied and put a headline next to it that said "lawyer encourages death threats" and encouraged people to call and get me fired. I'm a self employed lawyer so that didn't work lol, but I did have a few crazies call up and talk shit to my receptionist. Shut down my twitter account as a result. So yea, Tim Graham is a POS who can go F himself. And as long as he is employed by The Athletic they will never get a dime from me.
  5. Is there more to the article? Can you post the rest? I refuse to pay for the Atlantic as long as they have Buffalo reporter Tim Graham on the payroll. We have history.
  6. As a whole I'd say the Hawks have one of the 5 worst collection of jerseys in the NBA off the top of my head. Pac Man Baby Blue Blue/Green Those are the only ones that aren't crap. The rest are garbage, especially the one we are wearing this year and the ones we wore the past 3 years. The Dikembe era one isn't terrible I guess.
  7. like the list for the most part. Putting any of the blue Dallas Mavericks uniforms on there is a travesty though. Worst jersey in the NBA.
  8. Great post. I joined here while you were on sabbatical, but I agree 100% on all of it. i actually thought about stepping away from the NBA at the start of the year as well, sick of watching the game turn into aussie rules football. I stuck it out though. Does that make me a better man than you? Hard to say, we just met, but probably. I personally volunteer to be the person who gets to slap Huerter before and during every game. One slap won't do it, we probably need a line of us like in Airplane. Watching Huerter play hurts (no pun intended) my soul half the time. Even when he is playing well, he still pisses me off with his apparent lack of interest in playing hard. Watching David Nwaba expose Huerter for the lazy no effort bum that he is really upset me the other night. BOX OUT YOU GINGER ASS!
  9. I disagree with this. Fact is we do suck. We have one player who is out there playing his ass off (on offense) and then a whole bunch of inconsistent half assers making up the rest of the roster. JC is good, but he takes himself out of some games with bad fouls. Fact is we haven't beaten a good team all year other than Milwaukee. And now we are starting to lose to bad teams. And just like in the dark days of the Lloyd Pierce era, we are blowing 4th quarter leads regularly. Yea, we suck. We suck big time.
  10. he's had a rough life already in that aspect. Didn't his older brother drop dead out of nowhere in high school?
  11. this 100% is the problem. We have a team full of prima donnas. And only one of them carries his weight enough to get away with it. I'd trade half the players on our team for one David Nwaba.
  12. yep there's an outbreak and the only people being hurt en masse are unvaccinated. Which brings me back to wondering why anyone should go out of their way to protect those people.
  13. Spreading it to who though? the only people at serious risk are unvaccinated and they've had plenty of chances to get the shot. Why should the NBA care about those people?
  14. I'm not here to fight either. But, who are the vulnerable folk? Everyone who is vulnerable and cares about his/her own life is vaccinated. COVID deaths amongst vaccinated are extremely low and almost nonexistent. So who is vulnerable and who are we protecting? just idiots who refuse to get vaccinated. And why should anyone give a crap about protecting those people? And why does the NBA only care about protecting people from sick NBA players? NBA sure doesn't care about the fans who are being packed into the arenas maskless for the most part. It's all so idiotic and hypocritical you would think we were living in the Onion at this point.
  15. I should clarify. Stop testing ASYMPTOMATIC players. What is the point of that other than to enhance the fear porn?
  16. it's almost as if they should stop testing perfectly healthy young adults.
  17. It's Bogi. He'll be out the maximum time possible for whatever injury he has. EuroCharmin.
  18. This team is garbage and full of too many soft spectators. Last night we played a team full of dogs and they made us look like the little weak ass bitches that we are. If I was Nate I'd make them run sprints all day and ride them nonstop until I was either fired or the team started playing like adults.
  19. I wish Huerter would toughen up and not be so soft out there. Also would like him to stop standing around so much on defense just being a spectator. He's not good enough on offense to completely mail it in on defense like he does. Just once I'd like to see Huerter be the first guy on the floor for a loose ball, not the last.
  20. Huerter has spent a lot of time in my doghouse over the years, been in and out of there quite a bit. Something about him always bothers me a bit. I think it’s because he’s soft and has a tendency to stand around and watch the game. Especially on defense. Too many times have I seen a loose ball in his area and he’s the last player to make a move towards it…and rarely does he go to ground even as others are diving for it. Nwaba took advantage of that because Nwaba is the exact opposite of that type of player.
  21. Other than Trae, this team has no heart. Lost to a team who clearly just wanted it more. They sure weren’t better. We have Trae and a bunch of bums who shrink from the moment, have no intensity, get consistently out worked by their guy every game, etc. this team isn’t fun to watch anymore. Except Trae. He’s fantastic…on offense. But, he has to do so much on that end he mostly gets a pass from me on the other end.
  22. I told y’all that TLC would fvck us over with his terrible shooting. He sucks. And won’t stop shooting. At least Solo had the good sense to realize he sucks and stopped shooting more than 1 or 2 times per game. But this dummy keep hoisting them one after another. For god sakes he missed more bunnies today than Capela ever had in a game. Pathetic. Pretty sure at one point he surrendered.
  23. yea Dale Brown was just god awful. To not do anything with Shaq and Chris Jackson is criminal. Best Dale Brown story: Indiana was playing LSU in 1987 S16 and LSU was up big in teh 2nd half before Indiana came back and won. After the game Bobby Knight said, "I thought we were in trouble, but then I looked down the sidelines, saw Dale Brown was coaching the other team and knew we would be fine".
  24. Spud will give up Solo, Mays, bag of practice balls, 3 second round picks for all 3.
  25. I'm 51 years old and grew up in Deerfield Illinois where the Bulls used to practice. Jordan and Pippen lived about 2 miles from me. I used to deliver pizza to Will Perdue. Worked at a different place that Jordan ordered from, but was never lucky enough to get that ticket. I'm extremely lucky in that I got to experience MJ during a person's absolute peak age as a sports fan (age 14-28). We never love and are as obsessed with our teams as much as we are during that period of our lives and I got to be a diehard Bulls fan while that was going on. My craziest story from the dynasty. We won so much that me and my buddies had our own rioting route that we would walk every year after they won. Started on the north side of the city and walked to Rush Street. After the beat the Sonics for title #4 we were starting our route which always began with a stop on a busy intersection by my apartment where we would hold up signs and yell at all the passing cars for about 20 minutes. So we are doing this and a limo pulls up and stops across the street. Out of the limo steps Blues Traveler lead singer John Popper and the bass player Bobby Sheehan (RIP). They walk right up to us and ask us if we know where Dennis Rodman's post game party is. We didn't so they used the payphone we were standing next to (that's how long ago this was). Then we gave them each a beer which they gladly accepted. Then I pulled out and lit a joint and we passed that around. So, got to smoke a joint with Blues Traveler. Ended up hanging out with them on that corner shooting the shit and celebrating for about 15 minutes. A few years later that bass player died of a drug OD. I think I contributed.
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