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Everything posted by JustSomeGuy

  1. I think Hawks fans overvalued John. He’s a dunker who doesn’t handle the ball/shoot well enough to be a true stretch 4 and too small, injury prone and not a good enough interior defender to be am enforcing big. Great guy and I wish him well but this trade only increases our long term roster flexibility necessary to compete. Important to note too that we will only have this exception for the year and either we use it or lose it so there’s definitely another deal on the other side. Maybe for a one year rental?
  2. Trae has his flaws like any player but he is also heads and shoulders our most talented and consistent high end performer. He’s one of the few players in the league who raises the offensive floor of the entire team. That is not debatable and any poster willing to die on that bill loses a lot of credibility in a basketball discussion.
  3. Dallas can trade Bertans for a pick in a salary dump but we’re stuck with JC’s contract?
  4. How does Trae feel about Capela trade rumors? Didn’t he actively campaign against them moving him in the past?
  5. There is a bit of a misnomer within this convo considering he’s never had an actual offensive coach or system to play within. Since he’s been here the literal offense has been “Give it to Trae” not to mention not playing with a lot Of equally talented players. Nate was not a player or ball movement guy, Lloyd Pierce didn’t offer much of anything at all. So it’s more accurate to say I am interested to see him play within a system. HopefullY it will help him get some easier looks.
  6. If there was ever a time to make a deal for Brown, it’s now. C’s don’t know if they want to pay him, questions about roster construction and long term fit make him about as available as he is going to be.
  7. Bogi just signed that big extension. Doubt he’s going anywhere. I don’t even know if he is eligible to be traded right now.
  8. So natural question is who, besides Trae and Clint, fits the stated criteria? Maybe Hunter?
  9. This rumor means nothing and the Lakers have zero to offer… BUT Trae has also wiped his Instagram. So probably nothing but maybe something?
  10. I like Duarte and McConnell, LOVE Sengun. Wonder if Capela and first would get us Sengun plus fillers (hopefully not including Porter Jr.)
  11. Reaves is a good role player but he’s still a role player. Harden has given up on winning and just wants one last major payday. Someone desperate will pay him but the days of him being what he was are long gone. The language framing it like he just couldn’t play his game is agent speak.
  12. Reaves is gonna get overpaid to go be diet Duncan Robinson somewhere. Probably in LA.
  13. @Diesel it’s not a bad thing to not pass the ball to guys who aren’t going to do anything good with it. Every great player would say the same thing and in fact Gilbert Arenas said as much on his podcast this week. if PGs are your chief decision makers it’s their job to make something GOOD happen with the ball. In Trae’s case there just aren’t many good options when he’s not facilitating. It’s not his job to develop his teammates. But the answer the question I think Trae would’ve kept Josh from doing as much dumb stuff with the ball.
  14. The fact that a 37 year old Al Horford outplayed 25 y/o John Collins head to head is infuriating.
  15. @NBASupes you mean the Joe Johnson Hawks or the Boston team that had Isaiah Thomas as its leading scorer? Because while he was a leader on both he was the best player on neither.
  16. @NBASupes Horford was a contributor on those teams but I wouldn’t give him too much credit for those ECF appearances. In Boston/Philly he was able to slot in as a solid role player, which is what he always was. In Atlanta he would’ve been paid and expected to lead those teams as it’s star player. Different expectations.
  17. Horford since leaving Atlanta: 1 All Star appearance, Zero All NBA, Zero NBA Championships. He owes Atlanta half his salary for helping hype him up. I think we made the right choice.
  18. @Phunkabilly I think you’re missing the point. The question isn’t whether he is at his best as an individual talent. It’s about how he contributes to this team winning. He could get better. But most NBA players aren’t getting significantly better 5 years into their career and 100% of their skills degrade as they age. For a player who has been injury prone the odds are he isn’t going to become significantly better.
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