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Everything posted by Dakin

  1. Sucks that, all off season,we're gonna hear people complaining about how guys spend their night off if the Hawks don't win it all.
  2. I'm pretty sure this spurs guy is hotlanta's playmate. They can't be older than 19.
  3. If only Thabo wasn't at the nightclub.*cries*
  4. We really missed Thabo tonight. If only he wasn't up so late. Woe is me.
  5. Injuries happen. The show must go on. Go Hawks!
  6. So many crybabies (And perfect people, apparently) in this thread. It's hilarious. GO HAWKS!
  7. What a win. Scott is back, Thabo looks great and while it's unfortunate Sap got banged up, at least that means the MOOSE is LOOSE! Love that dude's energy.
  8. You are kidding, right? Please say you're kidding. Please. Please.
  9. Dakin

    The difference

    Aw, Alex, it's gonna be okay.
  10. When Al is off, with that goofy shot, he is OFF. Still early though.
  11. congrats spud2nique and the hawks, and sap for going over 9,000.
  12. The Magic coach kinda looks like Spock. R.I.P. LN.
  13. UGLY first half. Thank goodness for that ridiculous first 4 minutes or so at the beginning. Teague is looking Antić-esque,
  14. He's great. He can come off a little clownish and his role probably seems a little vague or confusing to the average fan. I agree with you guys who wish he was the owner.
  15. We could just as easily be 0-4. We haven't played a really good game yet.
  16. Is this another loss we can build on? We should be ready to build some wins soon.
  17. I don't think they're better, then again I thought the hawks were supposed to be better than last year and that prediction is making me look dumb. .
  18. The hornets and their fans were complaining just as much, come on. So many stupid conspiracy theories going around. We sucked tonight against a les than mediocre team.
  19. This is a soft, poorly coached team.
  20. We sucked when we had a chance to win. It's not the refs fault. Terrible coaching, terrible execution.
  21. Cursed by bad coaching and bad execution.
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