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Everything posted by shock

  1. Yes, bear hunting is legal in certain areas. I have a co-worker who travels to northern canada every year to hunt black bear. They are over populated, and there is a 1 kill limit.
  2. shock

    What About

    I believe he injured his knee and is out for the season?
  3. Doing my "Redneck-white trash" voice....."hey c'mon mayne, issa only dangious if yeh izza lil p*ssy". But yes there are quite a few Augusta National Members that quail hunt. and while im talking in that voice to myself, allow me to let you in on the greatest quote ive ever heard from a real person about Talledega. "hey man!, if it cant be done in 'dega, ..it dont need to be done!!!"
  4. Guys, I love hunting. If you dont agree with it, then thats ok too. But just understand that there is alot more that goes into it than, "guy with gun shoots defenseless deer". I recommend quail hunting in south georgia. If you've never experienced quail hunting, I highly suggest you give it a try. Or, if you prefer shooting a 20 gauge as opposed to a 12. I use a 20 gauge skb 585 o/u. Just a great gun to shoot. also, if you own a labrador, retriever, or brittany spaniel, they are ideal dogs to take with you.
  5. Im kind of preferential to Billy Zabka
  6. I couldnt help but laugh when i saw this. The pistons just keep getting better and the magic just keep getting worse.
  7. shock

    Road Trip

    Tonight the Hawks start their 4 game ropad trip. Seattle, Sacramento, LA Lakers, and Detroit. Im predicting we go 1-3. I think we could easily go 2-2. I just dont think our young team is capable of winning in detroit when their out for revenge. Sacramento is hot right now, Bibby will be breaking down our defense and Ron Ron will be guarding JJ very tight. I think either tonight or in LA we will get our win.
  8. diesel, i posted a thread about this titled "Haterade". It ws written by Page2 columnist Bill Simmons. He used to be a boston sports writer and worked for a while as a writer for the Jimmy Kimmel Show.
  9. I remember back in the day when Marlon Wayans did a skit on In Living Color mocking a Shabba video. Hilarious.
  10. Stats.... I mean, their great if your a fantasy geek or mathmatician... When I question how good a player is, I dont go to 82games.com to get the square root of the minutes played verses ratios of ft% divided by blah blah blah...I just watch the dude play. Does he look like a good player? Can he defend? Can he shoot? Does he make his team better? Its pretty simple to figure out. Stats are about as overrated as your daily rebuttals to EVERYTHING Diesel says.
  11. Quote: And did you notice who Detroit chose to attack at the end of the game? They chose to give the ball to prince because he was the hot offensive player for them on that night. When the Lakers play the Spurs, Kobe attacks Bruce Bowan all night long. He is their best defensive player. It had nothing to do with Chillz and everything to do with Prince.
  12. shock


    Was reading the sports guys newest column today (evryone should go to espn.com and check it out), and read in horror at simmons taking a cheap shot at joe johnson. Joe is anything but a mediocre player, simmons is just hating on the guy because he wasnt the same player in boston a few years back. anyways, heres what he said about the hawks whom he ranked 28th in the league. ----Things I would do if I were Hornets GM Jeff Bower: Bring everyone into my office, call Atlanta GM Billy Knight on my speaker phone, pretend I was just checking in to say hello, then deadpan the requisite, "Hey, you aren't interested in trading Marvin Williams for Chris Paul, are you?" joke ... followed by one of those "Bwaaaaaah haaaaaa haaaaaaa!" laughs as everyone in the office cracks up. (See, this is why I could never be an NBA GM. Also, I wouldn't make dumb trades and overpay for mediocre players. That's another reason.)------
  13. the only darko i've ever liked was donnie.... great movie!
  14. shock

    jj for lamar odom

    Quote: I just threw up a little bit in my mouth In some cultures, the only eat vomit. I've never been there, but, i read about it...."in a book"
  15. shock

    Deadline deal

    Quote: I have an idea! Create some continuity with your team by adding to what you already have instead of proposing all of these dumb azz trades Or how about we create a winning, playoff team by adding an all star. Go ahead and keep thinking that we can just trade a scrub for a better scrub, and that our future draft picks will pan out to help the guys we already have win a title. If we could get JO for Al/Smmove then hell yes i would do it. That is not a "dumb azz" trade. I agree that most trades on this board are ridiculous and would never happen, but i argue that toying with the notion of trading our assests for proven, bona fide superstars is anything but a proposed "dumb azz" trade.
  16. shock

    Deadline deal

    I dont know. You would probably have to ask the 29 other GM's. I like smoove, but if adding him to a package deal to land someone like Garnett or whomever, then its worth it i think. Im just opening up discussion of what we could do to land a difference making pg, c, or pf. Not a dan gadzuric,steve blake, reggie evans, or some other 2nd or 3rd tier player. Im talking about an allstar, household name kind of guy. Maybe we dont even have the players to make a deal like this? Or maybe we do but it would cripple our team? Just throwing some thoughts and ideas out there.
  17. shock

    Deadline deal

    Or how about Al/our 1st/another player for someone really good? Why hasnt this scenario been brought up on this board? We could definatly land an all-star with a al/1st/smoove package or something similar.
  18. Quote: Simien has a nice post-up game. I can remember watching him at Kansas; he seemed flat out unstoppable at times. The down side to Simeon is he's not as tall as your prototypical 4. He's listed at 6'9, but might be closer to 6'8. One thing I have noticed is that the guy is HUGE. He might be 6'8" but he easily weighs 245 and has ridiculous strength
  19. ...and he is taking a beating out there. Im glad to see one of our pg's take it strong to the basket and draw the contact. ivey knows he cant go wrong with this plan. either he 1)draws the foul, allowing haywood and co. to get in foul trouble 2) wizards collapse on him and he dishes for an easy 2 3) scores
  20. Not sure if this has been posted or if you guys have seen it...... Diaw leads strong group of Most Improved candidatesBy John Hollinger ESPN Insider Archive When it comes to breakout years, few can match what Phoenix Suns forward Boris Diaw has done this season. When we last saw the 23-year-old Frenchman, he was mired at the end of the bench for the lowly Atlanta Hawks. After briefly breaking into the starting lineup as a rookie, he quickly fell out of the rotation in his sophomore season and by the end of the year rarely saw action. When he did play, his inability to connect from long range and his reluctance to shoot from any range was a constant source of frustration. He was, arguably, the worst player on the worst team in the league. That all changed when he arrived in Phoenix as a throw-in to the sign-and-trade deal for Joe Johnson. Suns coach Mike D'Antoni thought the 6-foot-8 Diaw's combination of size and versatility would be an asset in Phoenix's open-court system and figured Diaw might be a diamond in the rough. But even D'Antoni wasn't totally sure. Andrew D. Bernstein/Getty Images Boris Diaw has soared beyond the Suns' expectations. "I thought he could be effective as a 4 or 5," said D'Antoni. "But I didn't know if he could guard 4s or 5s because he always played 1, 2 or 3 [in Atlanta]. ... Then he came in and he could guard 4s and 5s really well. That just opened his whole game up, because he can drive to the basket, he plays like a point guard at the 4 position, and we can run offense through him." Diaw took that opportunity and ran with it, thriving as a power forward in the Suns' small-ball lineup and creating nightly mismatches with his varied skills. He averages 11.7 points, 6.5 rebounds and 5.9 assists for the Pacific Division-leading Suns. Additionally, Diaw is shooting 49.7 percent and has keyed one of the league's most improved defenses. As a result, he's one of the favorites to win this year's Most Improved Player award. Diaw credits a better fit in Phoenix for his sudden blooming. "The philosophy of the game, they way we play here in Phoenix, it's really unselfish," said Diaw in his French accent. "A lot of passes, a lot of shots, a lot of up and down. The game is faster, too. When I'm on the court I'm able to read better and make passes to my teammates because I know where they're going to be." Needless to say, his exploits have left those who saw him in Atlanta flabbergasted. While many Hawks fans complained that the team gave up too much by sending two No. 1s to the Suns for Johnson, absolutely nobody said a peep about throwing Diaw into the deal. His hesitant offense made him a bad fit in the backcourt, and the Hawks' overcrowded forward position made moving him to the frontcourt impossible. "You've got to be happy for a player like that." his former coach, Mike Woodson, said. "I think he's always had skills. I think the fact they're playing him at the 4 and 5 has put him in a position where he's found a niche for his game." That's not to say Diaw is done enduring growing pains. His shooting remains a work in progress -- 20 percent on 3s, 69.3 percent from the line -- and the passive play that marked his years in Atlanta still creeps to the fore once in a while. For instance, during one sequence in his return to Atlanta last week, Diaw caught a pass in the lane and had a chance to post up from short range. Instead he took a dribble, surveyed his options and fed the ball back out to the perimeter, earning a three-second violation for his efforts. "He's still got to be more aggressive, he's still got to dunk with authority, he's still got to work on his shot," said D'Antoni. "He has those [reluctant to shoot] tendencies, but you can't get upset with him. That's how he plays, that's his game. He'll do that, but I think little by little we can get him to be a little bit more aggressive in finishing." Despite D'Antoni's efforts, Diaw isn't planning to go on a Kobe-esque gunning rampage anytime soon. That unselfishness, though taken to extremes at times in Atlanta, is part of his style. "I don't think I changed a lot," said Diaw of his breakout. "I still play the same way, kind of a versatile player. I got better for sure, I get better every year, but I don't think I changed as a player." Regardless, he's changed enough to have the inside track on the Most Improved trophy. "I didn't realize he was this good," admitted D'Antoni, even though the Suns had been interested in Diaw since he was playing professionally in France.
  21. shock

    JT sighting

    west siiiiiiide!!!!!! what a douche.
  22. One thing I will give Isiah credit for is that the guy knows how to draft. damon stoudamire, marcus camby, tracy mcgrady, trevor ariza, the three rooks they have this year and getting jamaal tinsley from us. I certainly dont agree giving an expiring contract for Rose, but count on this, that pick they got will be a good player. This move by zeke just shows why the good teams stay on top and the bad teams stay at the bottom.
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