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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. I guess my question was more related to if you heard anything about this specific trade or did it come together really quick?
  2. Did any of our insiders get any indication that the Collins trade was going to happen?
  3. The short version is Hawks fans can’t have nice things it seems.
  4. You may be right but that was the deal mentioned and some (many?) of us would have jumped at that before Utah could have changed their minds. Even if it was LM and 1 FRP we still would have done it.
  5. Some of us did want that trade at the time. Getting a player who was similarly talented (viewed as maybe a small step down), cheaper, shorter contract, and 2 FRP was a great deal at the time and in hindsight was a terrible decision to not take.
  6. That is just embarrassing. It is hard to be a Hawks fan most of the time. Kind of like being a Falcons fan. At least we have the Braves.
  7. If that is true Schlenk deserved to be fired. Was that trade offer legit?
  8. Ridiculous. He has got to know that his choices are sabotaging his own team.
  9. So he going to sell or will it flow downhill (my guess is the latter). I don’t think this is just on Schlenk. Makes me want to throw up knowing how much money matters more than winning (or at least doing everything possible to try and win).
  10. it does seem far-fetched. But if it was even close to real, heads should roll.
  11. @Sothronwho is going to get fired for not taking the Markkanen and two first round pick trade from last year?
  12. I wanted to click the laugh emoji, but then thought this is the most likely thing to happen and so I wanted to click the sad emoji. Now I don’t know what to do.
  13. I remember going to one during the Atlanta Spirit days. It was a lot of fun! Not sure how many of us there were.
  14. that man has too many baby mommas to pay and food to buy to not get the rest of his contract. Bad for the Pels because I doubt they will get much on the court production for all that money.
  15. I am sure he will technically be in the league at least until his max contract runs out.
  16. I thought I remember you saying before that Tony wanted Trae because it would sell more tickets?
  17. I hear you but having two play in teams make the final four seems like a good reason to keep the play in games. And truly it is only six total extra games to cover the week between regular season and playoffs starting. You get “basketball players to play” a bit more. The game against the heat was one of my favorite of the season and we would not have been able to have that with no play in game.
  18. I think you are right that there is more parity. Having a chance at the start of the year for more teams to be in the title hunt is good for business. And I think the new CBA will encourage even more parity. @Spud2nique I have to disagree with your take on the play in game. It makes the last month of the season much more fun and gives many more teams something to play for. And multiple play in teams have made it to the final four this year which is cool and will likely give other teams on the bubble a reason to go for it and not sell off everything at the trade deadline each year. It has done the same thing in baseball with adding the extra wild card.
  19. I unfortunately felt like a speed bag the other day with our new puppy who was “nesting” as my wife put it. His paws were like watching a Rocky montage. and I think all of us will be singing that soundtrack today. The Bone Thugs N Harmony song on that soundtrack was my favorite. Sorry Seal.
  20. You know that is how the guys who got ball bagged by Paul felt.
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