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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. The way it is looking now, I feel that it is going to hinge on if and when Bogi gets better before we make any decisions on trades. Also the December 15th mark when players can be traded as well as Jay pointed out earlier is probably another marker.
  2. I love Trae as well but agree with you I have been disappointed in how much he is forcing things to “get his” when everyone else (especially John and Dre) have been playing so well. I know he is doing great with assists and his shots are going to start falling more but I have played enough over the years to have a good idea what those other guys are thinking about Trae with his hero ball right now. There have to be some eye rolls when he is forcing shots. I also agree with Diesel that Trae is going to shoot better and will be an Allstar. And there will be games where we need Trae to go off. My hope is Trae does a little less looking for his shot and little more looking to feed the hot hand(s) when he is not the hot player provided others are doing well (which they have so far). But I also fully recognize the need for Trae to take over sometimes like in the playoffs two years ago in that Milwaukee game to give us a shot to win. I do feel that need will be few and far between now though with DJ and an improved John and Dre. Ok, now y’all can fire away at StonedDogs and me. Can I have my blind fold first? And gum please, no smoking here.
  3. Another thought I have right now as my youngest is having severe growing pains in his legs (which are no joke for any of you lucky enough to not have kids with these), I know who I want us to trade for. we need the Moose goggles back for a backup center who can shoot 3s. Only owed 3.5mil each of the next two seasons. Not exactly sure how the trade would go down but he is my choice for now after a quick lookup.
  4. I remember this quote also about wanting play like Miami with a smaller lineup. I have to trust they know what they are doing but I have to admit I am skeptical about intentionally not having another true center.
  5. It is amazing to me that he said during his interview with Bob and Nique this is the first time he has been pain free playing basketball in ~5 years. It makes me think if we give him time to truly heal: 1. He is going to be much better on both sides of the floor and basically a great 2nd half of the season pick up. 2. Kudos to our staff for making sure he is better rather than riding him at well under 100% “to get our money’s worth”
  6. First thing I am noticing is we still have no size. I wonder why we are intentionally wanting to be so small on the NBA and G league team?
  7. 53-29 going to ECF and maybe more! one big trade at the deadline
  8. I would offer 4/$64m Dre likely wants 4/$100m i would accept 4/$72m likely going to RFA
  9. So far that is true. The Athletic has fallen off big time. Some of it seems to have coincided with being bought out by the NYT.
  10. No kidding. It is going downhill faster than one of the roller coasters at Six Flags.
  11. Anybody see this junk trade offer on The Athletic? Six “all-in trades” for Spida the Athletic has fallen a long ways from when it started. SMH Hawks’ all-in package John Collins De’Andre Hunter Onyeka Okongwu 2023 first-round pick (unprotected) Kings’ 2024 first-round pick (top-14 protected in ‘24, top-12 in ‘25, top-10 in ‘26, then becomes two second-rounders) 2024 first-round swap (unprotected) 2028 first-round swap (unprotected) 2029 first-round pick (unprotected) really? They think this is even close to a fair offer? And they said we could take some of their junk contracts to make salaries match Even for $1/mo I don’t know if it is worth it anymore
  12. I empathize with you. There are three munchkins at our house also. Seen some doozies over the years with wife time. Did find out I like British shows. But definitely had my share of Ls too.
  13. Three Little KGs later, definitely can’t blame it on a rookie mistake. Gotta take the L on this one. Now where can I find that L for love emoji Spud loves so much?
  14. It is a fun one during snuggle time right before bed. “Dad, youwr spiky beward is poking me through my jamas”
  15. Two weeks is my max before I can’t take it anymore. Then the buzzer comes out. Unless Mrs. Jdawg or one of the minions tells me to remove it sooner. The “spiky” beard is not a hit with the little ones.
  16. That neck beard is looking itchy.
  17. Last studies I looked at from the most recent sports medicine conference I attended found that low tops with ankle braces apparently provide the best ankle support FWIW.
  18. Jdawgflow

    Steve Koonin

    Is there a transcript of this on their website?
  19. Can you go into more detail about limitations after the hard cap?
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