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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. @sturt how good of a return did the Nats get for Max and Turner?
  2. I still like the flow better aesthetically. That has not changed. I do want equal treatment but that is a whole different issue to me.
  3. I wish I could make gifs work. I need the “why not both?” One with the little girl. I like the free flow of the game better aesthetically. I also want fouls called evenly (either both sides or neither side gets the call…and that is obviously not happening for us right now).
  4. Not good for Trae for sure. Still think overall less fouls is an improvement but it would be nice if things were called evenly.
  5. I mentioned this in a thread the other day but I am loving how the games are much more free flowing now and less stop/start with constant fouls. More like a soccer game with constant run. This will serve us well with our depth and strong defenders.
  6. Hunter’s lateral quickness is unmatched by almost all except Kawhi.
  7. I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the pace of play and less stop/start with decreasing the foul calls. If their goal was to improve enjoyment of watching the game with the new rules then I am all for it.
  8. Y’all are making my head hurt now. I think this thread has reached its limit. tl;dr vaccines good, get them. Love your neighbors
  9. And this is not even mentioning the severe increase in mental health problems that don’t lead to suicide (or at least haven’t yet) in parents and children, homelessness, lost education time, etc. The number of neglect, abuse, and anxiety/depression cases I have seen has skyrocketed since March 2020.
  10. Not to mention that Moderna and Pfizer are both ~95% effective. So if we could get over 90% of the population fully vaccinated we would be able to cut down on cases significantly and limit deaths and severe cases to a minimal amount. Also Jeff, I agree that that this will likely become a yearly booster with slight adjustments made to the vaccine each year to account for new mutations (just like flu shots). And as someone who cares for children, I am very excited that many kids 12-17 are excited about being able to be vaccinated and that approval for 5-11yo should be coming before the end of the year (I hope).
  11. You are thinking of Jehovah’s Witness. As a church blood transfusion is a no go. For SDA, there is no religious exemption for vaccines and no refusal for vaccines as part of the church. There are, however, many SDA who are personally opposed to vaccines and certain “medical stuff”. To answer Marco, there is no religion that I know of who officially has a religious exemption for vaccines but I know for sure that Jehovahs Witness have a no blood transfusion policy. As an aside, I have only seen one instance in my career where that was overturned by a judge as a patient (child cancer patient) was in dire need of a transfusion for survival.
  12. On the bright side, I believe Gilbert was sincere in his apology after. I feel that it brought some good awareness.
  13. Amen BK. Not to mention the cost of training. That is why I think if he can bank some cash now for a few years and play a game he loves, he can then go to medical school with no stress about bills (sometimes up to almost $400k for training) and just enjoy something else he apparently loves.
  14. And plus when you make that much money for a few years medical school will be paid for and then he can pursue whatever specialty he likes without concern for ability to pay back loans. Maybe even become a missionary!
  15. The best to you on your new adventure!
  16. I feel you on this. Recent injury has limited me as well. Online chess is taking too much of my time.
  17. Thank you. Even if he is “not guilty” in a court of law there is something wrong here. Repeating from above: hurt people hurt people. Caring for children and, by proxy, moms that are/were in domestic abuse situations is very challenging as they often stay or go back to the abuser. And I have heard the “she asked for it” line too many times for me not to get riled up when that is his defense. Really, she consented to being punched in the head and vagina and being sodomized while unconscious? I doubt it.
  18. “It’s the pleats. It’s all an illusion.” if only I could make gifs work. Y’all know the reference.
  19. So why not out this in the Senior section?
  20. Sorry buddy. I guess it just has struck a cord with me. I work with domestic violence survivors sometimes at my job (women and children) and this being explained as “consensual” really bothers me. I have seen it too many times. My goal is to increase awareness how often this is done as an excuse. I will let it go. But you are right, it is scary.
  21. Summary of day 2. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/32041332/attorney-dodgers-trevor-bauer-cross-examines-woman-day-2-restraining-order-hearing
  22. I think you are right on the money with this. Hurt people hurt people. Still, what is the next step? Will he end up with a longer suspension than Ozuna? Is this behavior ok even if he said it is “ consensual”? Is this sexual assault?
  23. I don’t think he will be traded until his second contract. Could be wrong. His knee also may explode.
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