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Everything posted by warcore

  1. eeeesh. You just shot yourself in the foot, mayne.
  2. You just agreed with everything I said on the above 3 points. And you say it doesn't make sense. You already processed it and then say you can't process it. You don't make sense, mayne. I give up.
  3. Ok I can explain it. use my brain. You listed poor handles, vision and motor as reasons Nique is not an all time Hawk great. You prop up Deandre. Deandre has terrible handles, vision and motor. Are you the only one unable to process it? Anybody else able to help me out?
  4. You cannot take jabs at Nique for the above and prop up Deandre Hunter at the same time. That's a case of the hypocrisy knob turned up to 11.
  5. Sorry man... thanks for informing me. I christmas tree'd the sh!t outta that exam. That's a relief. Losing Billy Hoyle doesn't hurt as much as Brate.
  6. Has Landry run that by Lauren?
  7. You won't get your answer. They're too ugly to show their faces 'round here. They just hide behind those big pine trees of Canadia.
  8. Problem is if they give him what he will agree to sign to, NOBODY will take that awful contract off their hands. They'd have to give up 1sts to convince someone to take that albatross.
  9. It's pretty funny that he says we ain't gettin nothing or giving up our top prospects. Well buddy -- we don't NEED anything. Most of us don't WANT Siakam - he ain't all that. He's good for a Raptors player, but he's not all that. We have top prospects! We can simply keep them and be happy with that. You have an old POS that no one wants around. Most people would call that a problem. The first step is recognizing you have a problem.
  10. stay with us squd! Hold the line! The only thing being dangled is JJ's Grady Wenis when we play the raps.
  11. Just bolding that part that 'Dans prefer to skip over...
  12. Say it again for the 'Dans in the back.
  13. Hey DuduTang-OG.... Siakam sucks. Raps suck. Masai sucks. And everyone in the states knows that troll under the bridge is spewing out Masai garbage -- no real substance. Y'all are going nowhere and you're not getting back what your delusions suggest for Siuckem.
  14. what do you act like? Asking for a friend...
  15. I also think JJ would have similar numbers if given that many minutes.
  16. Well that's a nice bit of info. But sadly, I think it more highlights how poor JC, Dre and CC are at kicking the ball out of traffic. They tend to just throw it up into the abyss then raise their arms and open their mouth.
  17. No - JJ is a lot more fluid, has handles, and fantastic vision. Dre is doo doo in the handles and vision part. I see them as very different players. I think his vision is the biggest reason we need to keep him. He's our only front court option to play make.
  18. I can confirm this with what's been mentioned behind closed doors.
  19. It's a good argument you make. But where it's flawed is that Travis's era of drafting is only JC through AJ drafts. All past samples are not comparable because the Hawks didn't draft that well in the past. Babcock, ASG, Sund, Ferry, BudCox.... all terrible drafters. Best players we drafted were Smoove and Horf as far as the 2000s go, until recent. And yes, I'm against a trade for Siakam if it includes any of AJ/JJ/OO. I am all for trading out Dre and Clint for an upgrade to allow more opportunity to the above.
  20. I wasn't happy with the pick for same reason as some others have stated -- Whitmore was on the board and he was the obvious BPA. I can at least say that of the PGs available, they didn't take JHS... I'd prefer Bufkin over him.... I just thought there were better options at a greater position of need -- forward. For now, I will give him time to develop and see if he can change my mind about the pick.
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