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Everything posted by warcore

  1. bro that's my go-to stretch -- the bend the ribs over the side leg? Oooo baby that gets me goin. tiger eye???
  2. along the same lines, they put us playing against them on 'Rivalry' day. Funny cuz those two franchises have never had a rivalry even remotely. Only the media is trying to portray a rivalry simply because of a trade that worked out great for both teams. Seems more like a symbiotic relationship than a rivalry, amiright??? Gotta love the jacka$$es that put together the annual clown parade over at BSPN
  3. that was no old dog... that was a junkyard dog
  4. @Spud2nique I gotta meet you on the courts next time I'm in the Bay Area. We could be the next Sidney and Billy! We could take King and Duck! "EBONY! AND IVORY!"
  5. think of the position the ball goes to if he were to use his left.... he would have had to move it across his torso to get that other angle to put it up. And the ball is right there to get slapped if that's the case. Using the right hand allowed him to extend forward instead of across his body so the ball is further forward. But I mean, this our boy why do we GAF how he roles? It's fuggin Trae Young. He's not normal.
  6. Historically, the 'wrong-hand wrong-foot' layup is used when there is a defender on your back / chasing you; so that if they attempt to block, they would have to foul your arm. It's also quicker/unexpected and they typically can't recover in time. I woulda done the same....
  7. serious question -- do you believe he would be an all star in Atlanta?
  8. I first read this as you only listen in the car and in short busses.
  9. shoulda called and educated them, shakes.
  10. used to watch this on the Box in middle school all the time!
  11. we can have them atop the backboards during games.... I heard that was a genius idea.
  12. I'm actually really interested in checking that place out... we could be pioneers and start the national team!
  13. guess he got citizenship for the baklava
  14. Not gonna lie I was scrolling down with fear of who you'd have to portray me.... Couldn't be more thrilled with who you selected. Thanks spud.
  15. everybody grows organically. We all have plenty of carbon. I'm tired of the way people use this term.
  16. I follow nobody. I simply see that JJ gives us a lot of different stuff on the court and he's locked in for 2 more years on a value contract. And you can check the receipts. I was talking JJ up well before anyone else. I started hyping him weeks into the season once we finally got to see him on an NBA court.
  17. Yeah I don't like us giving DAL such a good deal. And I'd prefer to keep JJ in any Siakam deal. Siakam is starting to scare me even more from a chemistry standpoint. None of his teammates like him.... what makes people so sure our guys would? JJ is humble and already seems to have a good relationship with Trae. We should also be getting at least a first from DAL.
  18. I would start bringing your own water bottles. Don't use the jug on the table.
  19. let the records state that I was whipping Dre looooooong before JC was gone. I was also not whipping JC
  20. I'd bet that it is not because it's not an overpay. Taking on THJ and not getting a 1st for Clint is not what we want. This did come out of bleacher report btw. Daily activities of bleach report: White guy: "Dude we should think of another trade that screws over the hawks and people will love it" Other white guy: "Dude hell yeah!"
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