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Everything posted by warcore

  1. It's a good argument you make. But where it's flawed is that Travis's era of drafting is only JC through AJ drafts. All past samples are not comparable because the Hawks didn't draft that well in the past. Babcock, ASG, Sund, Ferry, BudCox.... all terrible drafters. Best players we drafted were Smoove and Horf as far as the 2000s go, until recent. And yes, I'm against a trade for Siakam if it includes any of AJ/JJ/OO. I am all for trading out Dre and Clint for an upgrade to allow more opportunity to the above.
  2. I wasn't happy with the pick for same reason as some others have stated -- Whitmore was on the board and he was the obvious BPA. I can at least say that of the PGs available, they didn't take JHS... I'd prefer Bufkin over him.... I just thought there were better options at a greater position of need -- forward. For now, I will give him time to develop and see if he can change my mind about the pick.
  3. Anything happen since Thursday morning?
  4. Gonna hafta wait a few more days. I'm packin' up to head out to the mountains to check on Sturt. If anybody needs me, just whistle real loud.
  5. the 'Dans don't know what they're taulkin aboot.
  6. it's been a minute since I lived in Atlanta.... but was it the Edgewood Marta station that had that REALLY long escalator/stairwell? I used to slid down that thing on a regular basis. I burnt through so many back pockets doing that. Rail-surfing is the best and 17 is the perfect age to do it.
  7. I See Even Evan Massey Gettin' Messy (typed like DeJounte for effect and to celebrate his extension)
  8. I feel like you could use this as an argument against acquiring him. Kinda suggests selfishness.
  9. I think the reason Masai can't accept our offer, is because he's seeing all these fans' venomous and nonsensical trade offers all over the place. He sees their expectations and knows our offer will disappoint those delusional fans. He doesn't wanna deal with the backlash.
  10. But we did trade JC for nothing. That's done. We got our precious breathing room under the tax. I've moved on. Whatever is traded for whatever else we bring in, JC is not a part of that. And I don't agree that we are in the same tough spot TOR is. We have our two stars locked up and they're in their mid 20s. Masai knows that he can't max his aging start next summer and this is his last chance to get something decent in return. And I don't think this roster is that bad as is. I don't want to make a bad trade just to "save face" on giving away JC.
  11. My homie from grade school plays Goldman Sacs in that movie!
  12. He's already making an excuse for him caving in negotiations. I hate this.
  13. I'm neither team KAT nor Siakam, until the JB situation plays out. That's the top prize.
  14. Ron was my favorite until Griff the crime dog came along.
  15. which is why he made all of this up
  16. As bleach stated, it's a cold spot.... they gotta build fires to stay warm, even in the summers. And where there's fire, there's smoke. May there always be, smoke over Canadia.
  17. Hey! There's Dragitoff! Just like old times. It's like you never became a realtor.
  18. you should apply to the Outsiders TM
  19. yes because we can get him for vet min / MLE once his contract expires
  20. Where in my post did I say that? Please, show me. Show all of us.
  21. I like the idea of being patient. At least waiting til the Lillard and Brown situations play out. There is the potential of our role players increasing their trade values throughout the season, since there will be more opportunity with JC gone. And Quin at the helm. Although I like him, Bey is the one we should most look to move. He's an asset on the court on his rookie contract. And above all, we won't be able to resign him. That money has to go to OO.
  22. Seriously -- this is between @Spud2nique, representing the outsiders; and @thecampster, representing the insiders. You can take a side. But you don't wanna get caught between this noise.
  23. you also probably haven't seen the new CBA and it's mistress, the 2nd apron.
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