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Everything posted by Devon

  1. Devon

    Tyrus Thomas

    NO, NO, NO!!! we DO NOT need another 6'7"-6'9" player... We need a center, we need a pG... If they aren't there we need to TRADE!!!
  2. Devon


    Nene is garbage, what has he ever done? he's gonna get $8-10 million simply because he's tall... I'm sorry, but a player coming off of major re-constructive knee surgery, that has not done ANYTHING in his career does not interest me. I'm not sure why his name keeps coming up
  3. Devon

    We need a Center

    LaMarcus Aldridge or TRADE DOWN!!! I'd be SO stoked if we could somehow snag Daniel Gibson and LaMarcus Aldridge!
  4. Being happy with going 8-12 is why we will NOT be competitve or newsworthy or attract free agent talent tat is DESPERATELY needed. If you are happy with 8-12 then you've given up a long time ago. Now if it were 12-8 we'd be saying something, but being satisfied with 8-12 shows that you've accepted losing as a standard. I'm sorry, I expect more than mediocrity.
  5. I don't think we should be winning championships but I certainly do think that we should at least be competitive! We play in the eastern conference for Christs' SakE!!! A sub-.500 record can get you the 6th seed and we are NOWHERE near even being competitive! I blame the people in the positions of power; Billy Knight has made some AWFUL personnel decisions. Lest ye' forget that while we were waiting out K-Mart's max-deal refusal from us we could've gone after Manu Ginobli instead. while I understand the coup that it was to get Joe Johnson, I also understand what it has and will cost us in the future... If we keep Mike Woodson those picks will still be lottery picks when Phoenix has the rights to them and we will be looking for somewhere to trade Joe... Al Harrington is GOING TO WALK FOR NOTHING at the end of the season... All of the kool-aid drinkers who think he actually wants to stay here are fooling themselves and if you are one of em' I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd love to see to you. We need to trade him and get the best possible deal we can find; although by now people around the league know that they can have him at the end of the season without giving up anything... BAD MOVE(s) BILLY!!! While we could've drafted our PG of the future we went with potential in marvin Williams; I like Marvin a lot and hope he turns into what everyone thinks he will, but do you really see him blossoming under this coaching and with this support staff? I blame Mike Woodson for not having a clue about how to rotate players into the and out of the game in key situations. he has his head up his ass when it comes to that... At this point we should simply get all of our young players as much experience as possible and sit the rest of the scrub vets'.
  6. I'm still pissed that we gave up Pau Gasol for Shareef "Homerism to the max" Abdur-Rahim. That is the trigger that started all of this losing.
  7. I certainly can't hate on Charles Barkley for stating the obvious. We're terrible and EVERYONE has a field day against our team... ATLANTA SPIRIT... DROP THE LOSERS (KNIGHT & WOODSON) and bring in a winning attitude. I'd love to get Stan Van Gundy, hell, i'd even settle for Bob Weiss. What about a top name college guy (Billy Donovan?) ANYONE OTHER THAN THE JOKERS WE HAVE NOW!!!
  8. Devon

    Hawks Defense

    I think we should scrap this entire season and play all of our young guys constantly... Play Salim, Joe, Marvin, The josh's and Al... let them get the experience they need to really hate how it feels to be blown out. The only way to stop losing is to HATE it and not let it happen. I see Salim being a leader, i just wish he was a true PG and wasn't so turnover prone. Billy Knight and Mike Woodson have GOT TO GO!!! What has Billy Knight done for this team that has been positive for us?
  9. 23-97... We fired Terry Stotts for going 58-74. I'd gladly take the Terry Stotts' coached Hawks over this pathetic excuse of NBDL players and coaching. I said it before and everyone on the board jumped down my throat, but, FIRE MIKE WOODSON RIGHT NOW!!! Did you see all of those people dressed up like empty seats? Do you really wonder why NOBODY wants to be a Hawk? This team is a disgrace to the league and it's because of BAD COACHING!!! They've obviously quit on Woodson, so the only solution is to get rid of him NOW! If they don't I certainly won't be renewing my season tickets for next season. I'm tired of watching a bunch of overpaid millionaires not give a flying rats a$$ about getting blown out night in and night out.
  10. At this rate we will be top 4 in the draft and yet I'm sure we will find a way to screw that up as well... Knowing Billy Knight he'll draft Rudy Gay saying that "he's a superstar in the making and can play point guard with some work at it" Get a clue... We're gonna hose that up too!
  11. This team looks awful and like they have quit on Mike Woodson. he has absolutely no clue how to run a team or when to substitute players in/out... I have watched the hawks for 20 years now and I am DISGUSTED at the direction of this team... Seriously, why do we have to suck? Billy Knight is clueless if he thinks we are gonna re-sign Al Harrington. Not trading Al now simply allows him to walk away for nothing at the end of the year. We need SO MUCH and have the young players to use towards that purpose, but yet we just continue to suck... 9-26 and getting worse is COMPLETELY Unacceptable... You wonder why the Hawks' average around 6,000 or less fans per game.
  12. There is no way he gets $8-10 million from this organization. Not with the way Billy Knight and the entire coaching staff has continuosly re-itterated that we had the tools for the future "in place" (Marvin and Smoove are the future) Al will more than likely be a S&T deal or a trade deadline deal for a 1st rounder; that is if he is productive. Unfortuanetly I dont see a place for him in the Future unless we deal one of the kids.
  13. Any word on the extent of JJ's injury?
  14. Vecsey's a douche. The minute I saw he was the author I stopped reading
  15. I think Joe Johnson is our Point Guard come hell or high water... J-Chill is going to mature into one helluva SG and I hope it is in a Hawks' uniform. Think of the matchup problems when you put Childress and JJ out on the flor with Smoove, Al and Zaza. We have a large backcourt that it would be awesome to be able to take advantage of.
  16. was Predrag Drobnjak all that bad? I know he had stonefeet and move like molasses in January, but his numbers weren't all that bad and he didn't appear to be too foul prone. That is my main worry with ZaZa; he's a hacker
  17. You could tell that the Hawks' heads were just elsewhere yesterday in their game with Charlotte. I really hope they can take the positive from Jason's life and not be consumed by the negative of his passing. That isn't what Collier would've wanted. I hope we can rebound from this and put together a respectable season in Jason's memory!
  18. I just hope he turns out to be a steal and not a stiff!
  19. Yeah... The dude seems like a "glass is 1/2 empty" kind of guy. He didn't mention Al, JJ, or Marvin.
  20. Devon


    But defense is teachable... ala Tayshaun Prince He was never a defensive wizard at UK and is now a beast with the Pistons... I think Josh Smith is going to become a better defender; but it's gonna take time... He's a year removed from High School and never played against the Pac-10 and National Competiton that Josh Childress did... Everyone needs to keep in mind that Smoove was drafted on pure-borderline freakish-athletic potential alone. He's basically clay, waiting to be molded by the right coach/system. But face it, he's a legit 6'9" 240lb teenager that can jump out of the gym. Hopefully Woodson is an artist when it comes to molding young players; he's certainly got a lot of clay to work with... GO HAWKS "I'll be there opening night... Will You?"
  21. Bynum is gonna be good but,unfortunately, he's WAAAAY Young and has a lot of bumps to take before he can ever really be considered "NBA READY". I don't think the Hawks would benefit by trading for a guy who in turn is going to spend 2 or 3 years on the bench... David Lee is gonna be a stud; just call it a hunch. I wish everyone would stop on the Marvin bashing; he's yet to play "Game 1" of his NBA career and we're already writing him off and looking for ways to trade him. Marvin does a J-Chill this year and next season is doing big things... I feel it~!
  22. Devon


    My one concern with that was the stressing of Al harrington not really feeling his role here in Atlanta. Are we really gonna trade him based on Marvin's potential alone? I'd love to see him become a star and actually have some stability for once in his career. Joe Johnson/Tyron Lue Josh Childress/Salim Stoudamire/Royal Ivey Josh Smith/Marvin Williams Al Harrington/Esteban Batista Zaza Pachulia/??? We;re young, but athletic!
  23. I like Tyson a lot... BUT The dude is 22years old and already has Back Problems. Do we really want to offer up yet another MASSIVE contract to someone that, until this point, is somewhat unproven? We aren't talking about Amare or KG here. Tyson reminds me a lot of a young Theo Ratliff. So my question then would be; "Would you give Theo Ratliff a max contract 3-5 years ago?" If not, then you'll understand why I dont think we should offer a MAX deal. I'm new here guys, glad to be on board and away from the GAWD AWFUL ESPN boards.... GO HAWKS!
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