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Everything posted by Devon

  1. I know it's the 2nd round already, but I'd love to sneak in a pick if at all possible... I'm aware that I'd have no true star, but I can build a team with all the talent that is still out there.
  2. Make's ya kinda sick to your stomach there, eh? Dirk wants a Ring, desperately, and he's a German icon so he'll never "need" money ever again, but to take $16m LESS than you could demand in order to win a ring, that's a TRUE PRO. How much money does one person really need? I know that we live in a greed-driven Uber capitalistic society, but damn... I applaud Dirk on this one.
  3. a LOT of overpaid, underproducing, underwhelming players in this list... Rashard lewis is the 2nd highest paid guy in the eague? Didn't Sund sign him to that GOD-AWFUL contract? #'s 2, 5-9, 16-19, 24 & 25 are in some way/shape/form "stealing money"... These bloated salaries make me angry that I'm having to BUST MY A$$ to make 70k/year... Grumble, Grumble, Grumble.... 1. Kobe Bryant - Los Angeles Lakers $24.8 million 2. Rashard Lewis - Orlando Magic / Washington Wizards $20.5 million 3. Kevin Garnett - Boston Celtics $18.8 million 4. Tim Duncan - San Antonio Spurs $18.7 million 5. Michael Redd - Milwaukee Bucks $18.3 million 6. Pau Gasol - Los Angeles Lakers $17.8 million –. Andrei Kirilenko - Utah Jazz $17.8 million 8. Gilbert Arenas - Washington Wizards / Orlando Magic $17.7 million 9. Yao Ming - Houston Rockets $17.6 million 10. Zach Randolph - Memphis Grizzlies $17.4 million 11. Vince Carter - Orlando Magic / Phoenix Suns $17.3 million –. Dirk Nowitzki - Dallas Mavericks $17.3 million 13. Carmelo Anthony - Denver Nuggets / New York Knicks $17.1 million 14. Amare Stoudemire - New York Knicks $16.8 million 15. Dwight Howard - Orlando Magic $16.5 million 16. Joe Johnson - Atlanta Hawks $16.3 million 17. Kenyon Martin - Denver Nuggets $16.0 million –. Elton Brand - Philadelphia 76ers $16.0 million 19. Predrag Stojakovic - New Orleans Hornets / Dallas Mavericks $15.3 million 20. Chris Paul - New Orleans Hornets $14.9 million –. Deron Williams - Utah Jazz $14.9 million 22. LeBron James - Miami Heat $14.5 million –. Chris Bosh - Miami Heat $14.5 million 24. Jason Richardson - Phoenix Suns / Orlando Magic $14.4 million 25. Carlos Boozer - Chicago Bulls $14.0 million
  4. I disagree... As somebody who went to a TON of Padres' games when I was growing up the team actually IMPROVED under Moores' ownership and they got a sparkling new stadium; PETCO is freaking BEAUTIFUL when it comes to new stadium builds and very "fan-friendly"... You've got to understand that San Diego is NOT Los Angeles (even though remotely close in proximity); it's a beautiful area but lacks the pulling power of it's big brother up the 5. I think Moores' has actually done well in an environment that doesn't necessarily foster high attendance #'s (generally older demographic, high # of Immigrant populations, not really a sports town, etc) Where he went wrong is in personnel decisions; one key one in particular. Someone, anyone, tell me why Tony Gwynn isn't managing the Padres'?
  5. Sund is a "yes-man" for a bunch of DIP$HIT "owners"... I said it, yeah, F*CK THE ASG... I'm tired of our city getting the shaft by these A$$CLOWNS and nobody saying $hit about it. I would personally spit in Gearon's & Levenson's face if given the opportunity. Those A$$Holes personify evil and incompetence.
  6. F*Ck the A-S-G, I hope all of them have permanent painful rectal itch...
  7. An increased role for Marvin means a decreased total in the "W" column... He's garbage, plain and simple; at this point he's stealing money.
  8. Everything you said has merit but it is all HYPOTHETICAL and quite frankly I'm tired of constant "5-Year Plans"... "If we get a superstar", "If we realize our potential", etc... When does the "if" game STOP?
  9. The moves haven't been awful... okay: 1. Marvin Williams makes $8+ million dollars a year and will for the next 3 years, why?... 2. Joe Johnson makes $5 million more/season than Dwayne Wade, $6 million more than LeBron and will for the next 5 seasons, why? 3. You watched as they traded away an over-paid broken down Mike Bibby/JC2/Mo Williams/and our 1st rounder for a run-of-the mill average NBA PG in Hinrich and a bench scrub (Hilton "Lane Violation" Armstrong); awful trade. 4. You were witness to last seasons' DEBACLE of a 2nd round; worst in NBA history defeat margin, and the subsequent "Search High & Low then turn around" coaching search; bad decision to hire Mike Woodson's right hand & THEN give him no wiggle room (2-yr. deal/ least $ of any HC). 5. The ASG has RAISED ticket prices EVERY SEASON since they took over "ownership"; Why? 6. Etan Thomas, Jason Collins, the selling of the draft pick acquired in Damion James / JC2 trade, all HORRIBLE personnel moves. 7. Josh Childress being drafted ahead of Luol Deng and then flipping the bird to the ASG in going to Greece; i know he sucks now, but that was a low I thought we wouldn't see again. Thankfully Memphis put in a low-ball offer a few seasons back for Josh Smith otherwise he would've walked, and yeah, we've re-signed Al Horford, but we have a whopping SEVEN players under contract for next year and are WELL OVER the projected salary cap... I don't think I'm overreacting at all, I'm a season ticket holder that is seriously FED THE F*CK UP!
  10. I wrote this to illicit the feelings of all of you to whom I've spoken with in the chatrooms and sat with at games... This group of A$$CLOWN$ are a disgrace to the city of Atlanta, and YES, I do blame David "The Mafia Boss" Stern. David Stern is as corrupt as they come; his lack-of-handling the situation with Belkin & The Idiotic 7 is deplorable... Nothing is going to change if we, the TRUE Hawks/Thrashers/ Atlanta sports' fans don't unite against this treachery we know as the ASG. Speak up, I plan to email all of these idiots collectively as I have a friend that works in corporate for them. I want them to know what we really think!
  11. Dear ASG Members, I'm writing this letter to you on Hawksquawk because I know through experience that you don't check your email's at your corporate account. First things first, cut the crap. * You, personally (the collective group), are on the verge of losing an NHL franchise for this city because of your own inadequacies and no amount of spin will EVER change that fact. * You mired this city in one of the WORST and MOST EMBARRASSING lawsuits the professional sports world has ever seen. All of this over a player none of us can really stand at this point, but I'll get to that later. * You insulted the fanbase(s) of TWO professional sports franchises with: - shoddy-at-best managerial decisions; often borderline Bush-League decisions - horrible personnel moves (draft, FA, Hiring/Firing, etc) - a lack of insight/knowledge/credibility about the aforementioned sports you bought into - a smug-at-best "deal with it" attitude when presented with serious concerns of season-ticket holders, etc... We've watched you bumble, stumble, and ultimately fumble your way through the better part of the past decade and I cannot stomach it any longer. Sell the Thrashers, sell the Hawks, turn tail and run like hell... You are a plague on this great city, you are pariah's, you are UNWELCOME. I will NOT be renewing my Hawks' season tickets as I honestly hope NONE of you ever make another dime off of the hard-working sports fans in this city. I don't trust you, I don't like you and I honestly don't believe you have it in you to actually be a part of something that "Wins"... Once the Thrashers are moved to Winnipeg you'd all better pack up and move along with them... Atlanta will not be a place for you to call "Home" ever again; Hey Bruce Levenson, "Deal With That". As for the Hawks... You signed a 3rd option, ho-hum, non-captain material Joe Johnson to a contract worth over $20 million dollars per season for the next 6 years. Why? That same "max $ player" went 6-22 in Game 6 and was laughing on the sideline and joking with fans as your team/his team was OUTCLASSED AT HOME by the Chicago Bulls; a team that went 62-20 this season with a FIRST YEAR HEAD COACH / NBA Coach of the Year; one whom you DID NOT EVEN INTERVIEW. After firing Mike Woodson you preached how the team needed a "new voice" and then after much "song & dance" for the media you signed Mike Woodson's lead assistant, Larry Drew; again flipping a cheap middle finger to the fan base basically telling us "This is what you get, like it or not". What exactly did Marvin Williams do to deserve a new contract with this team? How do you (Michael Gearon Jr.) go on 680 the Fan and make comments like "What have Deron Williams and Chris Paul done in the playoffs? Some people need to get over the fact that we drafted Marvin Williams over Deron & CP3; we believe in Marvin and the fans should too." ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME? That statement alone proves to me that you are as inept a sports owner as is humanly possible. I applaud Mark Bradley at the AJC as he has every right to point out your failings, en masse', as the list is ever-increasing, all while the win totals dwindle along with fan interest . So in closing, while there is much, much more I'd love to say to you CLOWNS I won't waste my breath. I'll speak to you in the only way you'll understand; WITH MY WALLET. Tuck tail and run you bunch of LOSERS; Atlanta deserves better than the ASG. Suck It, PDL - A FORMER Hawks' season ticket holder....
  12. Devon

    Diesel's plan.

    Sac-town is one of those teams that CAN take on more $ in a trade than they dish out cuz I believe they were only at 78% of the salary-cap during the season... I like Dalembert; I think he's soft, but he's a decent C in the East... I'd rather have D-Cousins or Jason Thompson, or hell, the guy we should've taken with the 1st pick in the 2nd round, Hassan Whiteside. Have I mentioned it before that the ASG is a JOKE; a bumbling bunch of moronic idiots that wouldn't know their asses from a group of holes in the ground? Michael Gearon Jr's smug replies on 680 the Fan last week make me want to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE; "Some writers (Bradley/AJC) just can't seem to let go of the fact that we drafted Marvin Williams ahead of Chris Paul & Deron Williams; what have those guys done in the playoffs? Marvin has helped get this team to the 2nd round three years in a row... We believe in Marvin, the fans should too" In the words of Napolean Dynamite: What a friggin' IDIOT!
  13. Guys... marvin is an $8-9 million dollar LEAD ANCHOR on this team for the next 2-3 seasons. Nobody wants him, why we re-signed his *ss is beyond me... We couldn't move him for a future 2nd round pick this season and you guys think the Clipps' are going to give us a solid 18/9 true center for him? That's delusional at best... All of you saying we need to "Go all-in for Dwight Howard" and then follow it up with "if we trade Smoove...." are DELUSIONAL... It's been said a million freakin' times; Smith & Howard are best friends and Dwight will ultimately CHOOSE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO; its already a slim chance at landing him with Josh on the team... If you trade Josh you have literally ZERO chance at landing Dwight. Face it... We're stuck and in a BAD way... Jamal should either be s&t'd or allowed to walk... You HAVE to listen to any offer you can get for Joe "Laughing at the end of a Game 6 Blowout at Home" Johnson; I WANT HIM GONE! You have a PG of the future in Teague and a decent backup PG in Hinrich; you have an inept group of moronic owners, a joke of a GM and a "learning on the fly" HC... Not to mention, there is a HUGE possibility that the NBA doesn't unlock its doors in time for next season; their CBA-issues are worse than the NFL's and we all see how that lovefest is going...
  14. Marvin should've NEVER been re-signed; that contract is an Albatross (as evidenced by literally NOBODY being willing to take him off of our hands at the trade deadline)... Say what you will about Joe's contract (which I think is asinine in nature/years/salary/etc...), Marvin is a lead anchor. It's like he forgot how to play basketball.
  15. Good stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet... hmmm... Nope, I'm all out.
  16. Marvin sucks... I've tried to keep the faith but he's a bust, a flat-out bad pick at #2 bust... It's only compounded by the fact the PG's taken at #3, 4, & 5 are all solid (Felton) to All-Star (D. Williams) to SUPERSTAR (CP3) level... Marvin is literally stealing $ at this point...
  17. because then joe wouldn't get his obligatory 14-18 seconds of dribbling & hesitating against a player 3-4" shorter in height and million$ shorter in wallet thickness.... This post has been promoted to an article
  18. Devon

    This game

    My ears stopped working when Jamal hit that shot... I was in section 206, got beer spilled all over us and didn't care... It was PANDEMONIUM, and my wife and I were LOVING IT!
  19. I'll be there, section 206, row A, seats 11 & 12 for the 23rd time this season! LET'S GO HAWKS!!!
  20. I've already got seats for games 3 & 4 but if the series goes to 6 I might take you up on it then... You definitely gotta go go see NBA Playoff basketball if you can... It's a whole other energy level, a whole other monster... It honestly makes it seem like these guys kinda sleepwalk the regular season then go HAM in the playoffs.
  21. Devon

    Really ESPN?

    F*CK ESPN, end of story.
  22. I want in next season, count me in!
  23. Alright, damnit... Now is the time. I'm praying that we grow a scrote and play with some fire... I'll be a hopeful fan, LETS GO HAWKS (don't crush my soul like you did last year!)
  24. this i know pimp... I am still hopeful that the ASG gets run out by a person that wants the whole package (thrashers, Hawks and Phillips Arena), then Jerry Sloan.
  25. I hate to say it but Joe Johnson has become nagging injury-prone... Whether it's a calf strain or a thumb bruise or a sore knee he just can't seem to get through the season healthy. I don't really understand it... He's not a banger He's not a slasher He's not a "dive on the floor" type of player He's a jump-shooter, and from the looks of his photos he's in excellent physical shape, but always gets bit by the injury bug at the most crucial times of the season... I fear he's got the "I'm paid" attitude, I hope I'm wrong and he comes out on fire in the playoffs, but.... Let's just say I had my hopes up this time last year, and then I found myself at Game 7 against Milwaukee on pins & needles... A week later the season was over, in ugly fashion. Cheering on this team is liking going back to an abusive spouse because they promise not to hit you again...
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