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Everything posted by Swatguy

  1. Chillz is largely unappreciated by some. It still amazes me as some routinely throw him in the trade proposals and add-ins. I really really appreciate BK and the administration for recognizing talent and worth. Chillz along with JJ, Smoove and Marvin will be stars. I will add also Shell, Zaza and Speedy. This team is special. They have a chance to be an elite championship calibre team. The Dawn of a whole new thing is happening. The Real
  2. Quote: Quote: How come the article from Realgm says the Hawks could get the 11th pick then - that is in the lottery. I stand corrected, it is only top 10 protected. Sorry about that. So Al basically IMO walked for nothing and that is my opinion. So a potential number 11 pick in exchange for an offense minded defensive hindrance is nothing.
  3. Quote: I don't know. At the end of the day they traded Artest and first round pick for Harrington. To me Harrington is no substitute for Artest. The Pacers shouldn't be so happy. I'm thinking that Al proves to be the kind of guy that gives you 16 points but costs you 20. Artest certainly has other problems, but on the court he gives you 20 and costs you 13. I will add, we will beat Indy by 20 at Phillips and probably sweep them again in Indy. His new team may have been better served if he had not mentioned the 39 wins. Bulletin Board ammo indeed.
  4. Quote: Quote: Again, it was RUMORED. That means NOT FACTUAL You could make that argument about ANY deal that doesnt actually happen. The only 100% factual deals at the ones that take place. He wanted a source and i gave him a national source. Sheridan was clearly talking about the three way between Indy-Atl-Den. However he didn't specifically mention Indy or Artest so a genius like yourself could say they weren't really part of the deal since he didn't mention them. After Sheridan's comments were posted did you even read the rest of the post? No. Did you read the first reply to his post? No. If you did you would clearly see that Nene was part of the deal. if you can't see it than you are either reading impaired or just a BK apologist. Not true. A trade proposal is a statement of consideration. The article clearly by the author says "rumor has it". The author says it is Rumor and you have run with it as the gospel. I dear ask, Are you so, so Dumb?
  5. Quote: Quote: Are you really that clueless? Did you even read the thread? Watson was just considered a throw in to make the salaries work since Nene made only 3 million. Are you really dumb enough to believe the offer was for Watson straight up? The salaries don't even match. The reason he didn't mention Nene is that his inclusion was a given since it had been discussed so many times. No I'm not clueless, but your source needs to be full and accurate. Again, it was RUMORED. That means NOT FACTUAL. Can You understand? Or are you bent on deceiving? Even if (Big IF) the trade was introduced, why would a Sane GM trade a healthy contributing player for an (Still!!) injured player. A player which is soon to be a Free Agent and may never be as good as some think he MIGHT BE. Let me remind, Nene has not even started in this league.
  6. Quote: Are you really that clueless? Did you even read the thread? Watson was just considered a throw in to make the salaries work since Nene made only 3 million. Are you really dumb enough to believe the offer was for Watson straight up? The salaries don't even match. The reason he didn't mention Nene is that his inclusion was a given since it had been discussed so many times. No I'm not clueless, but your source needs to be full and accurate. Again, it was RUMORED. That means NOT FACTUAL. Can You understand? Or are you bent on deceiving?
  7. Quote: Quote: What is the source on this one? Here's one; click it was all over the place for weeks. Nothing, I say NOTHING in this supposed "Chris Sheridan" statement have Nene's name in it. Only Watson and Harrington. Unless the Nuggets or Hawks say it was purposed, it was rumored. Stop deceiving people.
  8. Quote: Quote: A lot of people here don't realize how many games your regulars missed last year. I added it up once and it wasn't pretty. Like I said I like ATL's young fellas, they will be fun to watch, Joe Johnson is clutch, but the Hawks aren't close, in 3 years could be very good, I would guess if the team is managed well and builds around that core, but not this year and not next w/o a good first round pick. And between the Hawks and Pacers it isn't close, no offense but be objective. What was the head to head last season? You know Indy versus Atlanta ? Is it an indication of which team is better? At least Last season.
  9. Quote: 1. Liquidation of redundant pieces. 2. acquisition of cheap bodies. 3. No big offseason moves. I keep hearing people talk about the offseason moves we intend on making next year with our "cap Flexibility"... Come on now. The same Handcuffs BK has on now, he will be wearing then. I think our acquisition of players will be on a trade basis and most likely, we're taking cheaper players. It would be wise to see what the season brings. why would you rush to judgement and project what NEXT Year will bring and September '06 has not even happened. The ownership will take care of itself. The roster is in place, enjoy the season you fretter, worrier. You guys purpose seems to be to bring EVERYONE Down on your negativity. Try edifying why we like and look forward to sport instead of gloom, doom and hate for BK.
  10. Quote: I personally still weep in copious amounts the loss of Priest Lauderdale and Ed Gray. If only we had them! So how is Pete doing?
  11. Quote: 1. Mihm, Cooke, McKie. 2. Magloire 3. AI. 4. Joe Smith, Dallas' first. 5. Hell right now, Theo and a first from Boston sound really good. 1) Mihm-second string at best but not needed with Lo on the roster. Cooke-6'10ish but an outside threat only (we have loads of outside shooters) so, not needed. McKie- puhleaze. In all it would have been wasted money and wasted effort to incorporate the waste in the roster. 2) Magloire-slow, already past prime and 8 million dollars for the one-year rental. No economic return what-so-ever. 3)AI- would cost two approaching prime talents and a total cap killer. Aquiring AI is the thing Babcock would have done. BK is smarter than that. 4)Joe Smith and a first is a thought but costly and an impediment for Shelden, Smoove and Marvin. not prudent. Basically our roster is reading to go to camp now. A Cato on the cheap could suffice but thats it. Only a fool spends money just for the sake of spending it. Spending just because you have it means you lose it. It's the same as many are telling you but I really no not expect for you to receive the good information. I am excited about the added maturity of our roster. We can surely expect Josh, Josh and Marvin to step up to prime time players. I am also excited to see what Zaza, Shelden,Batista, Salim and Ivey will bring. Without a doubt Lo and Lue will be professional and ready to war (people forget Tyronn's contributions). This team just needs to age and fans to mature.
  12. Quote: Quote: No people like Walter don't admit they're wrong. They blame someone/something else, or practice selective memory. I admitted that while I still think Iggy and Deng were better picks and prospects than Childress, Childress is a better player than I thought he would be. Unfortunately, he's buried deeper on our bench than just about anyone. I was also wrong about JR Rider, although I think we had to rebuild the team and the worst case is we would do so thuroughly if Rider imploded, still I regret ever seeing the guy in a Hawk's uni. I've even said I was wrong to want Deron over Paul. Early, but the returns seems pretty solid for Paul no matter who he is compared to from last year's class. I take strong positions but when have I blamed someone else or used selective memory and what have you admitted you are wrong about? W Seems like you have been wrong a LOT
  13. Quote: Honestly speaking, in light of the ownership mess, do the Hawks deserve ridicule in the national media? I think yes, it is a huge blemish on the organization and alot of the negative criticism is derived from that, rightly or wrongly. I think not. I am a fan. A fan of NBA and a fan of the Hawks. I believe a lot if not most realize the competition that is league, is to achieve the championship. In actuality only one (team) of course wins in the end. Particularly only 3 or 4 actually successfully compete to win the prize. Every NBA game I watch I see something that is truely great and amazing, game wise many many amazing athletic , clever and or stupendous feats. So even when I am disappointed (When my team losses) I'm still blessed. It's a game. Sure we have a mess in the FO but there is a shining beautiful silver lining in JJ, Marvin, Josh, Josh, Zaza, Speedy, Ty and Shelden. BK and Woody pressing for the mark (13, 26, 40?, 55?). With all about, our coach and GM stand strong and dignified as others try as they will bring them down. The job of the media is to build them up and bring them down. One day a Peyton Manning is the great All-American QB. The next weak he is dogged as a playoff loser. One year Josh Smith is the greatest highlight since 'Nique, next season he can't make the sophmore team of what 20 players?. The media and some of you are fickle. The Hawks have the youngest team in the league, More young talent than any in the league, improving in every way every year(since BK). Stability in management (BK) and coaches. So those who think the Hawks are down, guess what, The are looking UP. It is Ridiculous to ridicule a team on the rise.
  14. I have full confidence in BK and Woody. It does not matter much that youse sleep on Chillz. At close examination, Josh Childress has more and better skills than Josh Smith. 1) Better Shot, at any range. 2) Better finisher, more dependable decisions. 3) Better post offense, consistantly best Bigs in the paint. 4) Defends better from the perimeter. Dont really want to compare the teammate as much to reach the knowledgable fans.
  15. More like JJ vs Lebron with Marvin cleaning up EVERYTHING else.
  16. The guy is Still Trill. He played 72 games averaged 43 minutes, 33 points, 7.4 assist and 2 steals last season. He has not slowed. With our roster it would be 38 minutes, 28 points, 10 assist and two steals. 42-48 wins and 17,000 screaming delirious fans at Phillips Every Game.
  17. Josh, Josh, JJ and Marvin.
  18. Quote: Quote: I personally think Iverson is just screwing with the media/Sixers/fans. He is sending people a message. He knows of the trade talk... Yeah, that was my gut reaction too FQ. Iverson likes to get on TV and stir the pot...be the center of attention for awhile. Sports media dudes gotta love him for wearing a Hawks jersey. Something to talk about on slow news day. I'm not sure which side I'm on as far as actually bringing him here - but I don't think the jersey was anything more than a stunt. Never knew AI liking or wanting the media's attention. I have known him as a shy but confident guy, brutally honest but not telling all his mind. Iverson with Josh, Josh, JJ and Marvin propells the Hawks to the second round of the playoffs without a doubt.
  19. As time passes, I'm more drawn towards Iverson as a Hawk. I just don't wanna give up Josh, Josh, JJ or Marvin. I would be comfortable dealing Lue, Speedy or/and Shelden with Al. It should be noted, AI is a Superstar. One of only 5-6 in the league. If Shelden is involved, a big must return to us. The addition of other teams to facilitate is likely the want for completion.
  20. I just saw and heard out of BK's mouth on the program "Around the South" saying, quote "I like Sheldon Williams but I cannot say I will automatically pick him". There is hope I will sleep well now.
  21. OK, it is the 11th hour. In light of these supposed promises we Have to try to right the wrong. Here is the email of the Hawks owners. Let us tell them who we want. hawks.fanmail@atlantaspirit.com
  22. Quote: I'm suprised Bargnani got that many votes. I would have thought Roy was going to win for most wanted. I think the second poll is no longer necessary. It's very clear nobody wants the Hawks to get Gay. Bargnani cannot find the paint or defend (Euro's don't defend except AK47)
  23. Quote: Quote: I'm talking about our play calling. Do we run plays for Chillz or is it that Al was just in the zone for the time he was on the court and we took advantage of that matchup? I can't comment on this as I did not see the game either but this play calling issue seemed to have started last year. I hope Woodson has an idea of what a offensive set is. I am subscribing to the NBA package this year, so I will have much more to say in the up coming season.... Why would coach not have "an idea of what a offensive set is"? Do you think he had an opportunity to have a clue or "idea" in ALL his years. At Indiana, in the 11 years in the NBA, coaching in the NBA? Do you have an idea ?
  24. I went to the website and answered my question. Question:Is Cenk actually here participating?
  25. What is or where can I find the complete list of invited or signed players?
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