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Everything posted by Swatguy

  1. Al is over-rated. He is limited offensively and timid. He is better than average defensively. For what Al brings and also what Al do not bring, trade him for what makes sense. Signing Kris Humphries brings more than Al.
  2. he he that locker would love to have Vick instead of Matty Meltdown.
  3. Do you think that MLE would get Kris Humphries?
  4. What picks(Marvin, Shelden ect...) were BK and What pick(s) were Gearon? How much power is Sund allowed?
  5. With Cliff Levingston on the take down.Cliff: whoa hoss thats my guy!!. As he stiff armed Oakley while on the floor:You aint gettin Nuthing here !!
  6. A.T. without a doubt. He knows where the bones are buried.
  7. By Hawk do you mean player or player/employee?
  8. That works playing with Rose. If somehow they could sign Humphries and Shannon Brown they hold teams down to 85 points a game.
  9. Atlanta Is a Media center. CNN is that news center. Turner is very very major with NBA.com/TV and TNT. I have not backtracked at all. He does have roots here. That does not mean he will demand a trade home nor did I say so. There is no arguement of favoring Dwight coming to Atlanta, I'm for it. I'm not even trying to understand your "arguement". Question, how do you suppose to know Dwight's intentions? Are you an inner-circle? Why do you know so much about his desire? Bottom line, Josh is a friend and can be influential if Dwight has thoughts of playing for the Hawks. "upcoming"? Click on to 33,34,41,293. Watch "Meet the Press", GOP debates, count the foriegn embassies consulates here. It Is an international destination point. Get real.
  10. Perhaps you have me confused with the poster that started the thread. I answered him, "It could happen. I believe the trade though would be, Al and Joe plus a #1 for Dwight and Arenas. Maybe two #1's." Never have I said or inferred "Well if the argument is that he absolutely positively wants to be back "home" ". Not me.Furthermore I don't think that is what the argument is about. No one No one has said he is demanding to "come home". Where do you get this from?
  11. There are good points and there are poor points. What does it matter if Dwight has a home in Orlando? Are you kidding me? Dwight made 28 million dollars last year. Of course he will have a home in whatever city he works in. Atlanta IS HOME. He has roots and property HERE !! He is not estranged from Atlanta. He had Hawks and 'Nique posters in his bedroom growing up. He is as Atlanta as the varcity and the bounce. So it matters nothing that he spends more time in Orlando than Atlanta in the offseason. Geez.
  12. How are Boston and Bay area bigger. There are more people in Atlanta than both. Atlanta has 5.6 million gaining 150,000 annually. Boston at 4.5 gaining about 40,000 a year. Bay area is at 4.4 and gain about 35,000 a year. In 5 years Atlanta is number 5-6 in the country, presently number 8-9. Atlanta is a hot destination for many, many industries domestically and internationally. I believe the Hawks and the city have to make the better job of marketing. The area is prime for a much larger fanbase which draws the elite athlete. I guess it goes back to ownership. We may need a "Cuban" before we can get a "Dwight"
  13. The term "Big Market" seems vague. Can you/we define "Big Market"? Is it as New York, Chicago and LA are the only big market or are they the "Biggest Markets"? Are populations of 5-6 miliion big markets?
  14. Of course he has a palace in Orlando and he has Properties here also. Where the guy lives in the offseason doesn't mean it is where he works. Many guys live in Atlanta. My apologies. I had not seen that article. I have not heard the list (from Dwight). I suspect it is more Fagen's list than Dwight. Where are the other links?
  15. Dwight indeed has property here. When did Dwight "Howard has already listed his preferences in the past (lakers, nets, mavs, etc) and didn't include the hawks then." do this? Stop making up stuff.
  16. Hmm...First, Dwight would not be " would move cities to be closer to friends?", he'd be moving back home. Dwight indeed grew up Atlanta dreaming of playing in the NBA for the Hawks. Secondly, These last playoff Hawks beat Chicago with Dwight instead of Al. In fact, most any team with Dwight becomes a contender. Orlando was a contender before it was traded away. Even then the were viewed as a contender. " the question is if they are sufficiently better to warrant him alienating his original fan base? " Pul-ease. The fan-base in Orlando is significant but the potential fan base of 5.7 million in Atlanta is staggering. Philips is packed Haks have 20 TNT-ESPN dates.
  17. It could happen. I believe the trade though would be, Al and Joe plus a #1 for Dwight and Arenas. Maybe two #1's.
  18. Marvin said in his "At Home" segment, that he was a football player. That he Loved football, but then he grew tall. At this point he was a basketball player not because of love and passion but because he was too tall for football and he was actually good at basketball. The guy does not seem and never had a passion for basketball. But they pay him well, so.
  19. I couldn't waste time to look for evidence. I don't give a care.
  20. If we signed a Shannon Brown he would be that backup combo. Developing Sy is certainly the idea also.
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