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Dermarr Johnson article from AJC


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to resign him if he's healthy. The only question is if he's healthy, will he choose to resign with us? I think Babs is praying that he'll recover and if he does, he'll offer him a contract. But who knows what DJ will do, particularly if he gets a better offer from another team. If I'm a GM, I KNOW I'd offer DJ a deal at the MCE if he passed a physical. He's just too talented not to take a chance. Even if he never becomes an All Star, worst case scenario, the DJ of the end of last season was a pretty good NBA player and the potential is still there that he can be special. If I were a GM, I'd love to steal him for the MCE. I could see his skill set fitting VERY well in a lot of places. He would look pretty good as a 3rd option in LA or as SG in Dallas. He'd also look good in SA with Duncan, whatever Big FA they can get (Kidd?) and the rest of their young talent. If he's healthy, I think he will draw a lot of interest on the FA market. The million dollar question of course is will he be healthy?

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Trace, I like DJ a lot, like what he was starting to become and the "potential" that he showed. But I don't think anyone, the Hawks included, are going to offer him a multi year deal, esp. one at 4.5 million or so, coming off an injury of this magnitude and without his having played any ball in nine months. It's a risk for sure...

regardless, and not to be pessimistic, but with DJ, it's all a matter of speculation at this point - if my understanding of things is correct, we won't know the full extent of his deficits, if any, concerning muscular movement etc. until further down the road.

Time will tell. I hope he recovers fully and is in a Hawks uniform next year.

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I wouldn't anticipate anybody giving him a multiyear contract starting at $4.5 million either if he is not able to play ball by the time summer league starts next July. The thing is that NOBODY knows what his recovery time is going to be (or even if he will ever play again). As far as anyone knows right now, he COULD be 100% by next summer and be ready to go out and prove to a team that he is good to go. IF (and that's a big if) that happens, who's to say that another team won't offer him a contract as good or better than what we are willing to offer and who's to say he won't accept a contract from another team? I understand the team's situation and I am not suggesting that we should pick up DJ's option but the reality is that we could lose him as a FA next year if we don't.

The question is whether or not its worth a a one year hit to next year's salary cap at a little over $3 million to protect our interests in DJ in the event that he does recover. I think that only management can make that call based on the medical information they are getting from DJ's doctors. Either way they go, there is risk involved. I can certainly understand if they choose not to pick up DJ's option given the situation, and in fact, I'll be downright shocked if they do pick up his option. I wish there was a way that we could protect our interests in DJ without giving him a guaranteed contract for next year but there isn't.

Honestly, I just hope he is able to resume his career. I hope like hell its in a Hawks uniform but if it's not, he's got a lifelong fan in me.

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I guess Dermarr is my favorite Hawk to follow. I think he may still have that McGrady/Pippen type game in him. But, if I were Hawks management a forced to make rational economics decisions, I would not pick up the option on Dermarr for next year. I'd take a gamble and see how his recovery progresses. If he looks good, we could still sign him up later and maybe then I'd go ahead and lock him up for a 3-4 yr span.

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could sign him just as easily as we could. The very same option you laid out regarding DJ is available to every team in the NBA. All I'm saying is that if we don't pick up his option, he will be an unrestricted FA and we could lose him without compensation. Period. It's a terrible situation but it is what it is.

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It's true, and while many teams are going to have some money next summer, there are also going to be quite a few top/upper tier free agents eating up a large portion of that money.

A couple of questions: 1) what was the duration of Ham's contract?

2) Assuming we don't pick up DJ's option this year (which I don't think we'll do unless we get word from the League that we'll get an injury exception for him - which would change everything), we still retain his Bird rights correct? One thing that fans have to keep in mind, esp. with the (hopeful) resigning of JT next summer, is that we are the cap and therefore can't sign any free agents without the use of our exceptions.

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He has FOUR cracked vertebrae! That's a tremendous amount and believe me there is NO WAY he is 100% by next summer. THAT I do know. He might be able to begin to train for basketball by then (i.e. by starting to run) but even then he has to regain strength he already doesn't have or has lost and develop skills he either hasn't developed or has lost. I also know that his $3+ million to be EARNED next year could go to resigning JT. I do know that DJ's ability was not that of a #6 pick and may be found in (or better yet, surpassed by) a mere FA rookie earning the minimum in Grizzard in a couple of years. I also know that we have still more guaranteed draft picks coming and must likely have some room for them on the roster as well as an understanding that we may also be able to fill what specificly DJ gave us with a draft pick.

If DJ should come back sometime next year or the year following I am sure we will be a player in his signing decision. However, now is not the time for the franchise to speculate by guaranteeing him $3 mil on top of the $2.4 mil this year.

I wish we knew the details of the accident and I hope that there is COBRA insurance or the like for such situations.


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I'm certainly not a doctor and I have no idea what his prognosis is for recovery. All I know is that based on the reports I've heard, there is a CHANCE that he could be playing ball next season for somebody. That may not be a likely scenario but it is possible. We could very well lose him next season without compensation. Whether or not that is a good thing is certainly debatable but whether or not we could lose him without compensation if we don't pick up his option is not.

As for Grizzard, I hope he sticks and becomes a significant player but he is not the talent that DJ is. If DJ is unable to come back it will be a damn shame because I think he would be the perfect SG to fit in with what we already have in place.

As for our guaranteed draft pick(s), I seriously doubt we will be drafting in a position to get a player of DJ's potential as we will be sending the better of our picks to Milwaukee to complete the Big Dog trade.

I am not saying that we should pick up DJ's option because I don't know what the doctors are telling the Hawks. My one in only point is that there is a very real possibility that we could lose DJ without compensation and while you obviously don't see that as a problem, I think that would be a huge loss.

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contract but seeing as to how the Hawks REALLY wanted Ira and he only signed for one year at around $700,000, I'd be surprised if Ham got much, if any, more than that. I guess it's POSSIBLE he got a 2 year deal but I doubt it.

As for DJ, we DO retain his Bird Rights but there is a BIG catch. We can only use our Bird Rights to sign him to a deal starting at what he would have made had we picked up his 4th year option (roughly $3 million). Therefore, ANY team that has a middle class exception (MCE) next year can use that (or a part of that) to sign DJ. Seeing that the MCE for this year started at $4.5 million, our Bird Rights regarding DJ won't allow us to outbid ANYONE for DJ's services because remember, we can only offer him a contract starting at $3 million under the Bird exception. We could also use our MCE to sign him (like LA had to do with Devin George) so we could offer him what MOST teams could offer him using the MCE but we wouldn't be able to use the MCE to fill any other needs and teams under the cap COULD outbid us for DJ.

As for JT, we are likely going to be in luxury tax land if we resign him and not picking up DJ's option COULD free up an extra $3 million to go toward signing JT. However, if we don't pick up DJ's option and then look to resign him, we COULD be paying DJ MORE next season than we would if we had picked up his option just as the Lakers had to pay George more this year because they failed to pick up his option.

As things stand now, I don't see the Hawks picking up DJ's option and I certainly understand that. My point is that we could lose DJ next season without compensation. It's nobody's fault, it was a horrible, unfortunate accident. Hopefully, everything will work out great and DJ will come back and once again wear a Hawks' uniform.

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That's an awful insignificant issue given that:

1) few teams would have given much in the form of compensation prior to his injury and afterwards would give nothing

2) we may be able to resign him for even less ensuring more compensation (if that's the issue) should he prove himself healthy and capable

3) We would wager $3+ million that could go to resigning JT (or DG or another) on our getting the very little compensation for a significantly injured if not then retired, formerly talented but little skilled player.

You don't invest in DJ's return more than personal support for his recovery, extending him an opportunity to work out and develop/train in your facitility, and an opportunity to resign with the team should you feel confident in his ability, health, and price demands. Who knows. He may have been the wreck's responsible party denoting perhaps a risk of future incidences. But more importantly...should he play at any point next year (and it will not be at the season's start) he will be terribly weak, weaker than he already is. DJ will likely not be able to train with ANY intensity for some time. Serious strength training, not one of DJ's strong suits will take perhaps longer. Should DJ return LATE next year he will still be a year or perhaps TWO M-O-R-E from returning to full strength or progressing to having enough strength to again succeed against the rigors of the NBA.

Yes, this is mostly opinion but FOUR vertebral fractures do not a good prognosis make no matter how you break them. Certainly not a good prognosis in the short to moderate term for a player so lacking physically.


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I'll take minimum salary rookie FAs with a similar upside like Grizzard and a draft pick or two that we will likely have to make room for regardless.

I know you don't think Grizzard has DJ's upside but he has a signifiacnt amount of upside no matter who you are, his Freshman college numbers were better than DJ's, while he hasn't had the luxury of professional basketball experience, he may already have a better handle, passing, and moving without the ball skills, and lastly, his 7'+ wingspan is equal to DJ's and his overall frame is almost identical to DJ's meaning he can provide the same type long player that DJ is. I'll take that for nothing and the MIN. Better than a #6 pick's worth and $3+ million to a guy with FOUR vertebral fractures without the body that can afford to lose 30 Lbs due to injury and a lack of ability to exercise, much less exercise for mass.


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The Lakers had to give Devean George a multi year deal starting at the mid level exception and I'd MUCH rather have DJ than George. DJ is 3 years younger than George and put up comparable numbers in a similar situation last season. Both players are young with upside but I think DJ's upside is MUCH higher. Obviously, DJ's injury makes picking up his option a risk and I certainly understand why the team will likely choose not to do it. That still doesn't change the fact that we could lose him without compensation.

As far as what other teams would have been willing to give for DJ, we have no idea but if he had come out and had the type of season that I think he was going to have after getting stronger in the off season, I think many teams would have had significant interest in him. Whether they have interest or not next season will depend on where he is healthwise when the FA season begins next summer.

If we are able to sign DJ for less than $3 million next summer, it will be because of his health and not his skill level.

I have no idea what that jumble is in your 3rd point but you clearly don't know what skill is if you don't think DJ has any. All he needs is experience and to grow into his body and he is going to be an outstanding player.

The following quote is pretty lame, even for you, a confirmed DJ hater:

"Who knows. He may have been the wreck's responsible party denoting perhaps a risk of future incidences."

That is low, even from you. Talk about drawing conclusions without knowing anything! Give me a break! What KIND of "incidences" are you referring to? I don't know the details of the accident regarding who was driving or if anyone in the vehicle was impaired in any way and neither do you. You can speculate all you want but DJ has been a model citizen during his entire tenure here. His teammates, the coaches and management have NEVER even SUGGESTED that he was a problem in ANY way, on or off the court. The accident could have happened to ANY player on this team.

As for DJ's condition next summer, again, you're speculating. You don't know what he will be able to do, how strong he will be or anything else about his condition. Who knows, he might be bigger and stronger next summer. He might gain weight simply because he is going from boyhood to manhood. As for his weight training habits, again, you are speculating. You don't know anything.

The bottom line is that the Hawks were put in a terrible situation by DJ's accident. I don't blame them for not picking up DJ's option but they could end up losing a guy who turns out to be a special basketball player. As I said before, it is debatable whether or not the option should be picked up but it is not debatable that we could lose DJ without compensation if we don't pick up his option.

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I like Grizzard but I don't think his ceiling is anywhere near the ceiling that DJ has. If it was, he wouldn't be struggling to make an NBA roster.

It's funny that you see all these "skills" that Grizzard has and yet he was a 2nd round pick who couldn't even stick with the team who drafted him. Then after he was cut, it's not like teams were beating down his door to sign him. He has nowhere NEAR the upside of DJ. I don't think he has the upside of Glover.

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When has any sentence starting with the phrase "may have" ever been the drawing of conclusions? PULEAZE! Regardless, management likely knows the answer to this, so they will take that event should it have been in part or wholly DJ's fault OR NOT his fault into account.

DJ's condition of having 4 fractured vertebrae do not take alot more than common sense to speculate about. My 5 years of orthopaedic physical therapy experience has never dealt with such an extensive neck injury. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU ALOT ABOUT ITS SEVERITY! However, I know enough in addition to having enough common sense to not have to speculate about DJ's injury. He's not just trying to return to daily living. He's trying to return to one of if not the most elite sports at the most elite level in the world. He already was weaker than the entire NBA. Now he will come out of his injury 10 months from now 20-30 Lbs lighter, significantly weaker than he ever was, perhaps still unable to train for months if ever, perhaps never without significant pain not to mention loss of mobility or extremity strength, perhaps never will he play again.

I'll take a minimum contract, no draft pick, rookie FA chance on the many other possible "special basketball players" like Grizzard and resign JT in the meantime and if DJ wants it and shows he can still earn it then look to resign him.

YOU SEEM TO FORGET, TRACEMAN we can resign DJ NEXT OFFSEASON for likely less as he will be OUR restricted FA! Yes, there isn't a team in the NBA who would be willing to pay the $3 million we are slotted to pay for DJ next year should we extend his rookie contract to four years, but if there was we could simply match it. The more likely two posibilities are that we wouldn't want to resign DJ due to severe, lingering questions about his health or we could for MUCH less for similar reasons and the fact that an injury such as this will remain with you for MANY years if not forever.


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the Washington roster was overflowing with not only players but swingmen, he was coming off an injury, and as a 2nd rounder (He was a lottery pick last year but when you break a leg before the draft your stock doesn't go up now does it? It's that whole injury thing. Hmm? If a broken leg makes your stock drop what does 4 Fx vertebrae do to it and your asking price?) his contract was not guaranteed, meaning he COULD be waived without it costing the team.

You don't think DJ would have had it rougher sticking with teams that first year if he hadn't been a top 6 pick and had a huge guaranteed contract? PULEAZE! He played worse than horrible in summer league, training camp, the season, the next summer league, and the next preseason...certainly bad enough MJ and Stack wouldn't have had time and space for him.

Fact is that Grizzard may not have had the theoretical potential DJ did but his similar Freshman numbers were the same or better, he is almost identical in terms of physical build and position, similar athletically, perhaps more skilled with and without the ball...most certainly he has more "potential" than DJ does now as we at least know he can physically play the game on this level again.


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The fact that you would even make a statement which implies that if DJ was the cause of the accident then that could indicate "a risk of future incidences" CLEARLY shows what your thought pattern is. Again, what type of "incidences" are you referring to?

As for DJ's restricted FA status, I was the one who first posted what the actual situation was so I think its obvious that I DIDN'T forget! We can go up to a little over $3 million to sign DJ using our Bird Rights. EVERY team over the salary cap has an MCE which will EXCEEED that $3 million exception we can use to sign DJ. What part of COULD lose DJ without compensation don't you understand? I NEVER said we SHOULD pick up DJ's option, in fact, I said that I understand why the team won't pick it up!

You are using your medical training to evaluate what little you know about DJ's injury situation. That's fine! I have no problem with that. However, you don't KNOW what DJ's situation will be next summer. [censored], the doctors who are treating him don't KNOW what his condition will be next summer. You can speculate that no one will pay more than $3 million for DJ next summer based on the risks but you don't KNOW it. There IS a chance he could be signed by another team. That's all I'm saying!

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"The Washington roster was overflowing with not only players but swingmen..."

Yeah, and next year Jordan is likely retiring and Stackhouse very well could be out the door because of salary demands. Sounds like the PERFECT situation for a young swingman with potential to me, particularly when you can just hide him on the IR all season because of the knee injury.

"He was coming off an injury..."

Yeah, and so was Glover as well as other young players (Diop, Borchardt) who still landed in the first round because of their potential. In addition, Glover's injury was FAR worse than Grizzard's!

"And as a 2nd rounder (He was a lottery pick last year but when you break a leg before the draft your stock doesn't go up now does it? "

No, your stock doesn't go up but if you have enough potential, see Glover, Diop, Borchardt, etc, teams will take a gamble on you because of the potential gain. Apparently, teams didn't feel that the upside with Grizzard was worth the risk.

"It's that whole injury thing. Hmm? If a broken leg makes your stock drop what does 4 Fx vertebrae do to it and your asking price?) his contract was not guaranteed, meaning he COULD be waived without it costing the team."

No question DJ's stock and asking price are going to be affected by his injury but all it takes is ONE team willing to take that risk and he could be gone.

"You don't think DJ would have had it rougher sticking with teams that first year if he hadn't been a top 6 pick and had a huge guaranteed contract? PULEAZE! He played worse than horrible in summer league, training camp, the season, the next summer league, and the next preseason...certainly bad enough MJ and Stack wouldn't have had time and space for him."

Uh, Kwame Brown's stats last year were almost identical to DJ's first year stats, he had a HORRIBLE summer league before his 2nd season and I don't see him going anywhere. So yes, I DO think MJ and Stack would have had time and space for DJ because unlike you, they realize that the vast majority of young players with potential aren't going to come into the NBA and be able to compete right away. It takes time! And yes, DJ definitely would get more leeway as a #6 pick than Grizzard did as a 2nd rounder. He was a #6 pick in the first place because he has more potential than Grizzard and as a result, he IS going to get more leeway! Happens all the time!

"Fact is that Grizzard may not have had the theoretical potential DJ did but his similar Freshman numbers were the same or better, he is almost identical in terms of physical build and position, similar athletically, perhaps more skilled with and without the ball...most certainly he has more "potential" than DJ does now as we at least know he can physically play the game on this level again."

Grizzard is a good athlete but he is not a "next-level" athlete like DJ is. Although Grizzard is a good to great athlete, there is an obvious difference in their levels of athleticism. Their relative stats as freshman mean little. There are a lot of freshmen who put up better numbers than either of them did who will never put on an NBA uniform. It's all about potential.

Your bias against DJ is obviously making it impossible for you to understand what I'm saying. Because you hate DJ so much, let's try this. Say Darius Miles was in the same situation that DJ is in now. If you were the Cav's GM, would you be concerned about the fact that you could lose Miles for nothing if a team decided to take a chance that he was going to fully recover from his injuries?

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