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Depends on his offseason. He needs to come back with a more consistent offensive game. At this point Batier is a better all around player though he does not get to show all that he can do. His role in Memphis limits him. There is still an opportunity for Diaw to be a major contributor on the Hawks.

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diaw could become the next pippen, christie or artest

he needs to work on his offense, just like all of them had to...

he can score, he just chooses to pass first, shoot later...

once he learns it's not selfish to take an open shot, he'll be more offensive, and his assists/off effectiveness will go up as well...he's a great passer and has great vision, but after awhile, this was somewhat neutralized cause teams knew he'd pass so would guard the pass and not the shot...once he starts shooting more, that'll open up the pass more again and he could become the next pippen

as far as potential:

he could be a top-flite defender

he could be a top-flite passer

he could be a top-flite ball handler

he could be a good shooter

if he just would be more offensive-minded and continue to develop, he could be one of the top 2nd/3rd options in the league

u can teach shooting/offense....u can't usually teach the passing/vision, ball handling, defending

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