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Everything posted by joannes3000

  1. Slap a time limit on it (30 seconds?)and call it good. And if it takes a built-in point deduction for each missed attempt, then add that too. 14 attempts is beyond excessive and if the judges can't think for themselves to deduct points, they should start screening the judges a little more.
  2. Quote: AI dosen't make others around him better and if he comes to Atl than don't expect a lot of shots for Marvin and Smoove. What's your reasoning? I think AI makes others around him better because of the way he either draws a double team or puts up a lot of points. Even when he gets doubled, he still gets his (33.2 this year) in less shots and with better accuracy than Kobe (1344,44.3% / 1253,44.7%). And assuming that Marvin and Smoove progress the way they're being groomed (more low post than jump shooting), that should work out just fine. I think adding AI would give them more quality looks.
  3. Quote: There is no way the owners could be dumb enough to give Al a big offer. Plus BK has shown that he can be tight with a dollar. OT, but can someone with accurate cap knowledge put a post up regarding exactly how we stand as far as our cap figure going into next offseason?
  4. Word on the street is that the Chargers won't lock up $10 mil on Brees by designating him their franchise/transition player. Could he come back at a lower price tag? Is it time to start collecting on the Philip Rivers investment? I say no and yes. I'm no medical expert but a torn labrum doesn't sound reassuring in any sense.
  5. Quote: So why is it that every time Al goes to the bench the Hawks go on a run? On other teams when they take their top players out the actually lose ground most of the time. I'm telling you guys, put Al back on the bench to play 6/7th man along with Salim!
  6. Quote: I see Philly making a move towards the future. What they get from us is: an ending contract (Al) and actually, you could probably put Delk in place of Lue... Plus Chillz. I think Chillz is a strong player at the Sf position. AND a high 1st rounder. The first rounder is something that is a bit shaky because of our future deals. Because of that, this deal couldn't be done .... However, it's interesting. Was just about to say... With Iguodala currently at the 3 and CWebb currently at the 4, where do Chillz and Al play? Or would Philly really only be interested in freeing cap space by trading for Al?
  7. Here's another quick read regarding Al rumors. "Al Harrington doesn't seem to be a part of the Hawks' plans and becomes a free agent this summer. As a result, the Hawks are certain to try to get something for him while they still can. The veteran forward turned 26 Friday and should be in line for a belated present -- getting back on a team with playoff plans. Harrington has played in 25 postseason games and was a major factor in the Pacers' run to the Eastern Conference finals in 2004."
  8. Quote: So what can the Hawks expect from Al as the team gets better? if they resign him they will probably be playing them more at the 3 so his rebounding will go down some. So they can probably expect about 15/6, not the 20/8 that his delusional agent proclaims. One thing they can expect at the very least - and this is my main reason for wanting to keep Al instead of trading him - is that he's putting up 18/7 right now and can do so until Marvin is ready to step up and produce similar or better numbers and provide much better defense. Taking those numbers out of the equation right now would be taking a step back when this summer was when we saw our team taking what resembles steps forward. I also agree that as our team gets better, Al's numbers will definitely decrease as his role gets reduced. But until that time arrives I think it's better that we stick with the known commodity unless we are getting another piece of the puzzle in return (which should also be a known commodity and nothing resembling a project or potential). I don't think signing Al to a 6 year contract works out perfectly because I don't think it will take Marvin half that time to get into the swing of things, but that's a risk that I'd be ok with the team taking. It's not like he can't be traded later.
  9. Unless they claim that they originated the concept, I think it would be fair to say that those that would care would already know realgm was first.
  10. Quote: If the trade was Al, JC, Lue, 1st for AI... would you be interested. Ai, JJ, Marvin, Smoove, Zaza... AI = 33.2 ppg, 7.4 apg. Absolutely. Even though AI isn't a pg, he is a threat on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball that teams plan against. I can live with that in place of Al. Getting AI to man the point for the next few years would lock up both guard positions for that stretch, making JC and Lue expendable. And that 1st round pick... Set it back for 07 or 08 so we can draft a guard this year or next year for depth.
  11. The USA Today has a similar rumor in today's paper also. They mentioned AI along with Garnett being two franchise names that could possibly be on the block, however little it may be. I'd personally love to see an AI + JJ backcourt. Could you imagine the problems that Iverson would cause driving to the hole and creating open shots for the rest of the guys?
  12. Quote: Al, Delk, Salim 1st for Allen and Fortson..i would be happy with that bt don't think they'd do that... A JJ-Ray backcourt would be nasty. That's about the only reason I'd want to see the Hawks picking up Fortson. Although I don't know about giving up that much for essentially Ray Allen since I'm sure that by the time the offseason comes around Fortson would have worn out his welcome or gotten horribly out of shape.
  13. I got a chance to watch his shot in person at the Blazers home opener and man it looks ugly. But like it's been said, as long as it's going in, I could care less.
  14. No doubt we took a step in the right direction this summer with the acquisition of JJ.
  15. I agree. With Salim's role of coming off the bench, I don't blame him for shooting a lot and shooting from long distance where I like his chances. That's what he's supposed to bring to the table for now, so as long as he's producing in that role I'm happy with it. As far as development down the road, I also agree with Diesel that Salim leaves a lot to be desired in terms of a more team-oriented style of play.
  16. I thought I just read that Isiah's current delusion is that a backcourt of Starbury and Franchise would be like him and dumars. Right. I don't know which team would be harder to get a shot attempt on, the Lakers or the Knicks with this possible starting guard combo. If we were to get in the mix and end up with Franchise as our pg, I don't see how it could be any worse than having lue/ivey manning the position. For all the bickering and selfish attitude (which for me is enough to NEVER put him in our young locker room) he has, the man is explosive and it would be a lot more entertaining to watch the hawks. At least until Franchise got tired of losing and started in with his best TO impersonation.
  17. Here's an idea I just thought of after reading your post. What if we were to put Al back into a 6th man position and start Marvelous at the 3? Clearly we've been divided between wanting to trade Al and not wanting to, but this proposition could accomplish the pros of both arguments without the permanent effect of trading Al. Is Marvin ready at this point to be a starting SF? I doubt it. But it will definitely give him the playing time to get adjusted to the speed and nuances of the NBA game that you can only practice in theory during film sessions, training camp, etc. Instead of speculating on what the future holds, why not get the future started now? Is Al enough of a defensive liability that we can trade away his offensive contributions? I doubt it. Could you imagine having him AND Salim coming off the bench as instant offense? In a way this would somewhat remove Al's lack of defense and not trade away his 18 ppg average.
  18. This year, definitely the Big East with 'Nova and GTown's resurgence. Most any other year though it's gotta be the ACC without question.
  19. Quote: Michael Vick is hyped up by the same people that are currently hyping up Vince Young. Neither one of them are quarterbacks. They are athletes playing quarterback. That doesn't work in the NFL. I hate the politically correct media that wants to hype up a particular style of black quarterback due to their social conscious over the issue. This leaves the black quarterbacks that should be getting the hype in the dark. If the media wants to hype up a black quarterback, it should be Byron Leftwich. At least he can pass the football effectively and doesn't look to use his legs first. Not to say that you can compare college success to NFL success but here's something to look over: 1. Rudy Carpenter, Arizona St 175.01 2. Brian Brohm, Louisville 166.73 3. Vince Young, Texas 163.95 4. Troy Smith, Ohio St 162.66 5. Drew Olson, UCLA 161.59 6. Phil Horvath, N Illinois 159.23 7. Brady Quinn, N Dame 158.40 8. Matt Leinart, USC 157.74 9. Colt Brennan, Hawaii 155.49 10. Drew Stanton, Mich St 152.98 That puts an athlete playing qb with a higher qb rating than everyone's college definition of the prototype pocket passer in Matt Leinart.
  20. I watched the Allan Ray show then ate dinner thinking UCONN was gonna pound 'Nova in the paint the rest of the night and take back control. Instead I come back and fittingly 'Nova is up by 3 and they end up winning the game.
  21. Quote: What we will do is trade Al and Zaza to Chicago for a resigned Tim Thomas and their #1 pick. Then we will get both Carney and Gay. And we will have: JJ, Carney, Gay, Williams, and Thomas as our starting 5. We will create all kinds of matchup problems. That's so ridiculous it can't possibly happen. You're right about creating all kinds of matchup problems but it will be us mismatched on defense, as usual. This thread brings up the ever intriguing question of who we could and should draft, though. I'm thinking Rudy Gay is the BPA as of right now. But here's a completely crazy idea; why don't we trade down, draft JJ Redick to man the point (note I didn't say PLAY point), and just try to outscore everyone. It would work on the PS2.
  22. I've had the same crazy notion also, which kills me because I love rocking my Vick jersey. What could we get in return for Vick would be the biggest question. I think we could definitely get talent/picks in return, but like with all the discussions we have around here regarding Al, is it in our best interest to trade him? I think our biggest offseason priority should be shoring up the run defense by getting a headhunter at safety and/or a presence to line up either across from Kerney or beside Coleman. With that said, could we fill either of those needs by trading Vick? If not, I don't think it's a good idea. We've got a new qb coach that's versed in the WC offense and Vick has had another year in the offense as we run it. We also have a very well regarded backup in Matt Schaub that may be better off traded for the above-mentioned piece(s). ESPN the mag went as far as to annoint Schaub NEXT, along with the likes of El Presidente, Vince Young, and Michelle Wie - and on a side note, he did rip it up when Vick was out against Minny and nearly guided us to a win against the Pats so I believe there's more than just hype behind Schaub.
  23. Quote: If the Blazers trade Theo to NY for Penny then they will certainly resign Prz, so that is one center off the market. I just got done reading this morning's Oregonian and there's a front page blurb pleading with Paul Allen to trade D Miles in hopes of dumping his contract for the hopes of resigning Pryzbilla.
  24. Quote: Thank god Seattle didn't win. Agreed also. The calls definitely fell in favor of the Steelers though. The touchdown replay - it was ruled a TD on the field so the replay would have to have shown proof AGAINST the call, not for the call. The illegal block on Hasselbeck - that was indicative of the penalty calling. The offensive pass interference - see above. I would've liked to have seen a better called game in hopes that it was more competitive but it was still pretty good nonetheless.
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