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Everything posted by Dukegotgame

  1. chillz are you saying that the xbox360 will let you burn stuff onto it, like games and dvds,cds?
  2. doflan theres a huge difference between when an oline gets cut blocked and chop blocked. when you are chop blocked, you are being engaged like you said. honestly i dont even remember that play but i doubt it was an actual chop block. from time to time chop blocks happen but gibbs teaches his oline to cut block, not chop block.. do you really think that after what like 7 yrs now he would still be so highly regarded if he taught his line to chop block?
  3. hudson has always been better than mulder.
  4. well we took 2 of 3 from the cards earlier this yr when we were realllly hurt and to be honest we should have taken 2 of three from them this time. that bs ball call in the 8th was huge. it was so obvious edmonds went around and the pitch was nowhere near his head so he canty agrue he was gertting out of the way. but either way he had already sung. think about it, if we get that call reistma doesnt have to come in. then we can pinch hit julio with the bases loaded and have a fresh reistma to close the gm out
  5. lol this joshsmith guy reminds me of hawksfreak. whatever happened to him btw?
  6. We traded colon and a minor league pitcher( zach something) for fransworth. this is great. i feel much better with fransworth and reistma in the 8th/9th. guillen better watch out!!
  7. all of those teams improved in the off season. the eagles did not.
  8. lol are you serious? do you not realize how much better the pats were than everyone in the nfc last year? those years you mentioned was pretty much the bucs and the eagles were okay. now you have several good nfc teams who can be contenders. the eagles,falcons,panthers,vikes, and you can never count out favre
  9. ahf thats a terrible agruement. those past years mean jack . the nfc was weaker then.
  10. wow tmac you are clueless
  11. your crazy chillz. with philly to is a favorite to win the super bowl. without him they are a wild card team. thats a huge difference.
  12. damn you got a sharp eye. i saw it in the theathers and i think i did notice it but i didnt put two and two together. my full attention wasnt on the movie though so i could be mistaken
  13. ima beast at that game lol. if anyone plays online and wants a gm with me my sn is bestlnatl
  14. the hawks dont need big z. he is too slow and doesnt fit the up tempo type team we need
  15. are you freaking kidding me? you seem to love these foreign players though. too bad marty didnt get picked till like 40 something
  16. if unc didnt have marvin they wouldnt have beat duke at chapel hill
  17. i dont understand how some of you guys can rationlize drafting a pg to fill out this team and maybe win 25 games in a lost season anyway when you have the rare chance to draft a potential superstar. You guys want to complain about how we cant defend the quick guards with a 3 forward lineup. but u fail to mention how a quick guard is going to guard one of those three guys
  18. Quote: then Martynas should be the #1 pick. After all he is 7-3 and I would say he is just as good of a shooter as Marvin. This is why I don't understand what makes Marvin so special in so many peoples' eyes. He dunks on a few people and makes a couple of 3 pters and now he is the #2 pick. Many people have failed to realize how mediorcere of a defender he is, despite having all of that size and athleticism. He averages hardly no blocks, and isn't the best rebounder to boot. I would seriously take Martynas over Marvin, since Marty can do everything Marvin does, along with better blocking, better ball handling, and with a year in the weight room, could be a great player. While Marvin at best will turn into a short Jermaine Oneal, and we know how long it took for him to turn into an all-star. Please take some time to look at Marvin's weaknesses from draftexpress.com He doesn't have the most upside in the draft and doesn't have an offensive game to speak of besides a mid-range game that works when he is wide open. I don't care what anyone says Chillz is a better shooter than Marvin, along with Donta, and maybe even Smoove towards the end of the season. So can someone please refresh my memory why Marvin is supposed to be the superstar to come out of this draft. If I was Smoove I would be ed off for not going to college, because if Marvin can come off the bench drain a couple of threes and make some wide open dunks and become a top 3 pick. Smoove could have become the number 1 pick since he does everything right there along with probably having a 20 block game in college. worst.post.ever
  19. you cant bench a 2nd pick of the draft?? hmm i wonder what ever happened to that darko guy....
  20. i really thought they way stone cold used the n word was in bad taste. im not even black, but that part of the movie disgusted me. they could have gotten the same message across in another way. it wasnt just the use of the word, but how it was used
  21. he shut down those guards last year by overpowering him. he just doesnt have the quickness or change of direction that i think is neccesary to be an elite pg in the nba.
  22. bk would probably draft felton before deron williams. there is no way bk wants a fat pg who is slow running this team.
  23. the problem with trading for 5 and 13... is that the choices at 13 wont be worth the difference and every player we have talked about at 13 has problems that could lead to bust.
  24. shut up dumbass you are probably one of those comet crazies. if you could read, i said he does have a good shot but he doesnt elevate which makes it a set shoot. that doesnt work in the nba. secondly i have played vs him in aau and high school and locked him up as we beat them in high school his jr yr and aau his soph and jr years so dont question my knowledge. your the idiot for saying he has pg abilites. it is more than being able to pass the ball dumbass. he cannot see the court like a pg should and he doesnt know how to run an offense. if you were at or saw the mcdonalds gm and heard about the practices you would know that. all you need to know about his atttitude is he and his coach are famous for the quote practice is ove that they put in the ajc after the oak hill gm. get outta here w/ ur weak tt
  25. After watching the playoffs, i have come up with the formula need to win in this league. First off, you need players who can defend and rebound at all positions. Your pg needs to be someone who can first and foremost read the defense and make good decisions. he needs to know his teammates strenghths and weaknesses. Finally, he needs to be able to knock down a jumper or take it to the rim if the def gives that to him. You need a post who can play with his back to the basket, but also can finish strong off pick and roles. You need a slasher. Someone who can work off of cuts and doesnt really need any plays designed for him. You need 2 players on the court at all times who can spot up and hit the open 3. Now the question is, how do we get these types of players? Right now we have a glut of the slasher type player. This makes me think that even that we need to pick up Marvin. He could become our Amare type player. In the second round, I think we need to pick Salim Stoudimire. This will help us out in two needed areas. This means we need more guys who can shoot, a point, and a post such as Nazr( who we shouldnt have traded) to be physical when teams want to play two bigs at once. I think then we need to look at ray allen or mike redd. then if jwill is so open for trade, we need to try to trade al for him.
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