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Everything posted by Dukegotgame

  1. bender is a great talent. harrison is that center for colorado. he has been playin good. he is a legit 7 footer i believe and built
  2. forget jack i want this guy
  3. good lord, im sitting here watching the falcons and then i go to yahoo to check the box scores. i see josh got 10 blocks. anyone who watched the game, did he have any highlights?
  4. umm we better be getting some outfielders fast. our offense is looking terrible. does anyone have any info on the prospect we got for eli?
  5. collier is just plain trash. he is worthless. drob i like as a great backup center who can be productive with 15 min. we need a big athletic big man who will just block shots,rebound,and defend. maybe even stop pgs from strolling into the paint and throwin it down like its nothin
  6. i have noticed the popular opinion is that we need to get rid of walker, or he is not in our future plans. why do you guys feel like this? sure he makes some dumb mistakes, but he is a very skilled player. i actually see some fire in him and not the usual lazy attitude. he has shown improvement in atl. i think you all are judged him before he even got here. maybe he finally knows that it is on him here, not dirk or pp. he knows it is him to time to shut ppl up. now my last thing is i want to see more of josh smith. this kid is being extremely productive in his minutes. he is giving us great effort and hustle. he deserves more pt than he has been getting. his shooting actually is getting much better
  7. who are the atlanta knights? im guessing you mean celtics?
  8. louis williams is no where nere NBA ready. he is skinny as a rail and never been to a weight room. he is like 6 foot 1 160 lbs. he plays no defense whatsoever, does not know how to pass the ball, and doesnt shoots practically a set shoot. if we draft this guy we are fools
  9. i voted for paul and adlridge. paul,felton,jack are all very close, but i think felton and paul have that rare explosiveness that jack lacks. and paul is a better shooter than felton so i went with him. as for aldridge, i choose him because he is a kg type big man. we need someone like him. i think with our personal we need to become a atheltic and fast break team. aldridge is very verstaile and fits BK's style of drafting
  10. i always wanted deng ahead of childress
  11. i noticed childress sucks! damn i wish we picked snyder or deng
  12. hes not ready for playing center. it would also slow his development in regard to his skills. idealy he will be our future 2 or 3... an interchagable swingman
  13. Both dolfan and cba have made valid points regarding whether the yankees are good or bad for baseball. I think that the yankees have aspects to their organization that are both GOOD AND BAD for baseball. However, for someone to try to say that their opinion is simply a fact is incorrect as everyone has a unique viewpoint regarding them. I am in the group that believes the negatives of the yankees outweight the positives. That being said, as dolfan pointed out, the yankees do help produce revenue for other teams since they sell out the majority of their road games. On the other hand, the yankees do have many advantages that other clubs don't possess when it comes to fielding a competitive ball club. IMO, the way they use these advantages is wrong and in the end hurts baseball. Now, I am aware that there is no salary cap, so by the book they are not breaking any rules. But just because there is not rule against a certain action, does not justify carrying that action out. For example, has anyone ever seen the NBA game, when Bill Walton throws his shoe into the air in an attempt to block the other team's shot? While the wasn't a rule against this, it was against the spirit of the game. Dolfan, your point that everyone has the same oppurtunity to sign FA, is not entirely true. Teams that are run by coporations, such as the braves(AOL), have no interest in their team. Their only goal is to cut payroll, and they will simply not even think about signing the top dollar FA. You say that the yankees are willing to pay out of their pockets, but being located in new york presents them with a way to put that money and more into their pockets. As to whoever said that yankees front office and owner are shrewd when dealing with their organization, that statement is ludacris. When was the last time the yankees had a significant amount of players that came up in their farm system contributing? I am so tired of hearing about their overrated prospects like Drew Henson. How hard of a decision is it to bring in players like AROD from other teams when you have unlimited cash? An idiot could run the yankees with the kind of cash Stein fronts. Giambi, Sheff, Matsui, Arod, Mussina just to name a few are all players that the yankees took from other teams who couldn't afford them after huge yrs. How hard is it.... any team would want these type of players if they had the cash. I can just see the yankees front office losing sleep deciding between vlad and sheff. Just my two cents
  14. i dunno, but if anyone is the next AI, it is wagner
  15. i saw that josh smith pick coming, but honestly i dont know who i would've picked between nelson and smith. is it possible for us to trade up somewhere in the 20's to nab neslon? i feel so bad for the guy seeing all those shots of him on espn
  16. our first second rounder could net us pretty talented player too.
  17. well jefferson is gone, the bigs podz and ramos and JR smith will likely still be there too. also the 6-8 guard from russia may be too. either way we should get a very solid player
  18. nelson smith humphries jefferson snyder all of these guys have yet to be picked
  19. it could get awful crowded now in the backcourt though as bk has stated many times that he strongly wants to keep sjax around
  20. i sure hope not, this dude is sorry(biedrins)
  21. wow ron artest is wayyy more valuable than JT. He is a great all around game, and imagine pairing him with diaw on defense. We could have two guys who lock down anyone on the opposing team. Plus we would finally have a person with attitude that won't take ****
  22. how old is jim thome? that dude is a classic slugger
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