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Everything posted by Squawker24

  1. Quote: People who know basketball, in the basketball world, understand what my place is in basketball history," said Wilkins, now the Hawks' vice president of basketball. "And I'm confident things will be fine this go-round. Do I think I was a first-ballot? Of course. Hopefully things will work out this time.
  2. True, maybe they need to add instant replay.
  3. Squawker24

    Josh Smith

    Actually, I think that losing this year is the best thing for his game.
  4. Quote: The dunk contest represents everything that is wrong with the NBA. The emphasis on individuals above the team, flash over winning, etc. It takes great athleticism to win the dunk contest, but not a great basketball player. Did it represent everything that is wrong with the NBA back when Jordan and Nique were battling for the title? This is a show, for the fans. Is the All-Star game wrong too, since it is all about the best individuals that make the team. At least there wont be any show boating(flash) in the actual game.
  5. This was Smooves last dunk compition. He did get robbed with the 41. He put the tape down for show and got everyone pumped up, then when he didn't even attempt it, it was a huge let down and the judges were not that impressed, granted it was a nice dunk, but not original.
  6. Exactly, Nate had a better overall performance.
  7. Isn't is kind of ironic that the guy that wins the dunk contest is 5'9", while the the three point champ is 7'0".
  8. They said before the contest started that you don't get penalized for missed dunks. However, there should be a limit on attempts. Like say you get three attempts and your done. If you miss the first two and make the third you shouldn't be penalized, but if you miss all three you get nothin. You should have known going into this that if nobody was hands down better then Nate, he was going to win. AI probably should have got higher scores but this was Nate compition to lose. I for one was pretty impressed with Nates jumping ability and stanima. The only negative was all the misses, but again as they stated before the compition, judges are not to penalize for missed dunks. I would say his performance tops Spuds from 1986.
  9. Judges are not supposed to dock points for missed attempts. Nate did take 14 tries and got creativity points for it. AI had the best dunk of the night with the behind the backboard jam, but collectively Nate had the best dunks. I was impressed with all but one of his dunks. He is 5'9" for crying out loud. He had better dunks overall then Spud ever did. Plus the judges clearly wanted to give it to him
  10. I think BK will stick to his guns and only trade AL for quality and picks. I don't think he will trade AL just for the sake of trading him. Who knows, maybe AL asked to be traded along time ago but the word is just getting out now. Don't be so quick to judge, nobody here knows the real situation.
  11. Quote: I'd put my money on Dirk No, I win!
  12. How steady is your hand? Try to reach the goals without touching the walls. See if you can beat all four levels. Make sure your sound is on. http://www.winterrowd.com/maze.htm
  13. Better because while both big guys forgot to jump Vince jumped OVER his defender.
  14. Dominique Wilkins who many believed would be a no-brainer first-ballot inductee last year, was not among those chosen to enter the Hall, and I realized that the selection committee is a bunch of idiots. "The Human Highlight Film" is a nine-time NBA All-Star and two-time slam dunk champion. What more does it take?
  15. I hope Kobe doesn't go for 82 tonight. The Hawks have a chance, depending on who shows up.
  16. Magic gets Darko and Arroyo Detroit gets Cato and 1st (2007)
  17. Not looking good. Might end up 0-4 on this road trip.
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