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Everything posted by bird_dirt

  1. aren't you in germany, dawg? hawks don't play any overseas away games!
  2. Quote: It was kind of surprising to see how much he still has left in the tank. lol, it's not like he's been burning up his fuel on the court the past few years. i'd hope he has something left in the tank. i'm not trying to be an @ss, though, i know what your saying. it kind of reminds me a little of my boy ken griffey jr. just one bad break after another, all the while they're getting older by the day.
  3. it's been since nov. 2002 when they were 6-5. wow, so sad--yet so happy at the present moment. it's only 3 games, but it's still so nice.
  4. it matters to me....he's on my fantasy team!!
  5. Quote: Cmon, don't be abysmally pessimistic. Even with our lowly franchise plenty of people want a chance to show what they can do, an opportunity. Contrary to current mood on this board we do have players capable of winning in this league, and a lot of assistants and former coaches would love an opportunity to win with our franchise. i was trying to be more comicly pessimistic than abysmally pessimistic. i know there would be some folks willing to step up, but no big names, just someone more than likely looking for their first shot. it would be difficult for anyone, though, to step in after the season has already begun, knowing that your job could only last as little as a few months depending on the legal battle. it would be surprising if someone who already has a job now would leave it for something on such shaky ground, regardless of it being a head coaching job. i wouldn't be surprised if woody got let go this season and herb brown or one of the other assists gets promoted for the remainder of the season.
  6. good luck finding a new coach (or gm) wanting to work for the hawks while the owners are in court. you may find somebody (retired college division II coach), but not likely anyone good enough to do anything better. maybe gsu's old coach (what's his name--lefty drisell?) is getting bored with retirement!
  7. a.s. may not be the brightest ownership, but belkin is slimey, and he would run the team on the cheap, too. i'd prefer the spirit, sans legal battles, to belkin. ideally, i'd rather some other party to step up and buy control (and not move them out of atl). used car salesmen need not apply.
  8. get the player you like the most.... you don't even slightly favor one over the other? their games are different, do you feel more of a connection or appreciation to the style of one over the other? personally, i like marvin. despite smith's game, i think marvin seems a little smoother...prettier jump shot. smoove is more flashy, though.
  9. salim couldn't hit the side of a barn lately. 1 for 10 tonight. i thought that was the one thing he could do well.
  10. now it's 11, with salim at the line, 7+ minutes to go.
  11. i wonder if in europe, "royal" ivey would be called "1/4 pounder" ivey? sorry, my mind tends to wander when it seems the hawks' minds are, too.
  12. Quote: i don't see the purpose in giving anybody else significant minutes. for six more fouls each, though i guess you don't need significant time to do that.
  13. so, uh....how 'bout them thrashers....er, nevermind.
  14. no, yahoo game tracker has it 55-40 at the half.
  15. anyone else notice that 790 has an ad for espn college game day at the beginning of their "listen live" online player? isn't 680 the fan atl's espn affiliate? just curious.
  16. Quote: The Landlord payed a little rent last night! i wish my landlord payed me a little rent, for a change.
  17. Quote: ... and Kobe/Oneal would be a legit tandem. kobe/oneal, part 2
  18. yeah, don't like the 5 to's by shell, but he did end up with 12 pts/9 rebs (tops on the team), plus showing some defensive impact. not bad to start the preseason with--wouldn't you agree, walter?
  19. press and hold down the ctrl key when you click to enter the chatroom.
  20. i keep doing a double take whenever they mention harrington on the broadcast (junior w/ the grizz).
  21. lo wright mixin it up with "no FRIEND of mine"
  22. lo throwin' bows, "no friend of mine"
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