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Everything posted by lawman

  1. i have to say woody is worst and the reason is i think if we bring in a better coach we will be a lot better than we are even with all the questionable decisions bk has made. i truly believe with another coach we would be in the playoffs this year with the exact same players on this team
  2. the fact that smoove is the only player that will start the fast break to get us out running is crazy. he is not the best ball handler on our team nor is he the best passer but when he gets the rebound he is out and running and i love it. would be great if we had an actually point gaurd.
  3. I think smitty should be our new head coach
  4. it seems that everyone on our team are playing a step slow tonight.
  5. vince takes everyone to the hole with ease. thats why he is consistently in the top ten in scoring every year. at least we did not let him score 40 on us. so dont let that disturb you. 40 points = concern........... sundays game= not disturbing
  6. Woody stunk it up once again. it was clear that his inability to sub players at the correct time was horrible to say the least. I dont think anyone would say woody did a good job in todays game.
  7. So you would rather have Boris Diaw at 5 years/45 million and a 1st than Joe Johnson at 6 years/45 million?? i am very happy with what we got in the deal. phx did not have to extend diaw's contract. they chose to do that. phx might regret giving diaw that contract but they have not missed a beat since losing jojo and they are going to have a great pick this year for a team that has the best record in the league.i think jo is one of the best players in the league and i dont regret getting him at all
  8. Quote: I know that but what I'm saying is if he becomes a RFA some team will offer him a HUGE deal that our ownership may not want to match. That's why we need to resign him after THIS season. Plus if he absolutely blows up next year, we'd have to give him the Max, I'd rather not have to give him the max. Phx could have signed JJ the YEAR before we got him for 6 years, 45 million but they wouldn't do it. We came in and offered the max. I'm sure they regretted it. i doubt phx regrets anything about that deal. and after they get this very good pick this year courtesy of the mighty BK they will probably be sending thank you gifts to our management for the next decade
  9. Quote: The HAWKS are not that stupid to let such a talented young guy get away... sorry to bust your bubble, but that is exactly how stupid the hawks are. ihope we are smart enough to lock him up but BK never does what every one expect. i am starting to think that BK purposely goes against the grain just to try to prove a point. and his point is nobody knows what the hawks need better than him...............
  10. Quote: Signs with the Bakersfield Jam of the D League. Saw it on NBA Network. Nice to see the pride of my alma mater Cedar Grove H.S. back in the league. what year you came out of cedar grove?
  11. Quote: This just goes to show you how bad both of these players have been value wise the 2nd overall and 5th overall picks for the Hawks cant make a 24 man roster of rookies. This is the reason this franchise is not better then it is right now BK needs to be fired. This is very sad guys. its only 18 players on this roster. is it suppose to be 24 roster spots?
  12. sheldon should be on the team before paul millsap for sure
  13. i would like to see the pick and roll pick and poll ran with j smith and jo jo instead of shell or zaza
  14. i think they said that portland offered memphis those players and memphis has not got back to them as of yet
  15. i wonder who is the biggest idiot, zaza for making that dumb pass or coach woodson for allowing him to stay in the game after such a dumb and careless/ ill advised pass
  16. aint nothing mannish about that ass though!
  17. i think coaching errors at the end of the game almost always cost us. i have know idea why we kept running the pick and roll at the end of the game with jojo. steve smith was right in saying just let jojo go one on one instead of bringing an extra defender over to help trap him; luckily jo is a very talented player and it did not hurt us. if we are going to let some one set a pick for jo, i think they need to run it with smoove
  18. Quote: First of All as everyone knows I am a MArvin fan so please don't turn this into hate thread. Now on to my point. I noticed last night that when he shot the ball he had a strange hitch to his release. It was so bad that you knew that when it left his hand it wasn't going in. The game before when he was hot,that hitch was not there and it was a much smoother shot. I find this kind of strange. Could his hand not been fully healed and if not he should not be starting or playing as many minutes. We need more consistency in the lineup because he isn't there yet. Right now he is where Smoove was last year. Unlike some guys on here (Diesel and Walter)I knew that it was understood that he was a three year project. Having said that there shouldn't be any excuses next year. But I have noticed that his man on man defense is pretty good and he uses his length well. Maybe that is why he is starting. you are right! good observation. i have notice the hitch in his shot for a while now; he is not shooting with the same mechanics he had last year. shouldnt the coaching staff notice this and have mw make the proper adjustments
  19. if the hawks are even to consider drafting durant we might has well trade marvin now because durant will be another swing man
  20. Quote: I heard on the Zone that the Rams were putting together a deal? No specifics. Good to hear that there is talk. I wouldn't want the Moss deal but Oakland would be a good place for him. whats wrong with the moss deal?
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