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Everything posted by lawman

  1. It almost seems like the hawks managemnent is try to throw the season on purpose, maybe to get in the oden sweepstakes. i am not sure if that is what's going on or not; but it is pretty clear that coach woodson is incapable of coaching this team, but by keeping him on as coach and our lack of involvement in the A.I. trade is making it very clear. i am not saying that we should get iverson for our team but at least try to get something. we have several areas of weakness with our interior argueably being the most pressing and for us to pass up a chance to get help why we still have a chance to make a the playoffs speaks volumes. maybe the only way BK can ensure that we miss the playoffs is by keeping woodson on as coach; i feel very bad for the players on the team that wants to win more than anything and are being set up to fail by no ammission of there own. we have all seen so many games loss this year due to poor coaching. woody not putting the right personel in the game during pivotal points of the games which cause us to lose the game. most teams lose close games because of poor execution and we lose games because of poor planning..............just pathetic
  2. Lo wright is terrible. i cant find one thing this guy does well; he is a 7'0 that plays like a 6 footer.........we need scoring right now so woodson takes salim out of the game after playing him 2 min in the 2nd half; sometimes i wonder how many games we lose due to poor coaching and terrible subbing by coach woodsdumb
  3. Zaza's defense is probably the worst post defense ever played in nba history!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Zaza is not coordinated at all......you can be a basketball player and not be coordinated; the ? you should ask your self if zaza was 6 foot 6 would he be in the leave. and the answer is absolutely not but cause he is not coordinated; i dont think marvin should be in this category at all. he is just trying to get his feet wet
  5. throw in steven hunter and you have a deal
  6. dont we have cap room; so therefore we would not have to match up salaries exactly
  7. every thing you said about salim you could very well say the same about T lou........shoot first point gaurd
  8. salim lead the hawks in assist last night; he should have took over early in the game. he shot 10-17 last night. i am not sure what else you want from him; the fact of the matter is if we are going to have an under sized scorer on our team it should be salim not t lou. if jj is out next game we need to start salim at the point because he is off to the races every possesion. if we have any shot to win games with out jj it would have to go through salim. he is the only person on the team besides jj that can create his own shot and penetrate in the lane; mw can do that as well but he is not ready as of yet, i will give him a couple more weeks to get back in the mix
  9. i think every one knows a interior defense sucks and that we need to save cap room for an defensive presents on the inside............BUT if some one can name some possible players we can bring in that will fit that bill i will be very surprised; due to this minor circumstance i feel that if we can score 115 a night by adding A.I to our team then we should do it...........the only way to combat poor defense is to do what the sun's, and mav's do which is to score!score!score!
  10. i have an upperdeck steve smith autographed rookie card. i used to collect back in the day, but not anymore
  11. he does live in atlanta now.....he plays pick up ball with steve smith and dion glover at georgia tech sometimes and also at life college in marietta
  12. if salim played under don nelson he more than likely be tearing it up too!
  13. T Lou is the reason the hawks gave up that 24 point lead in the first place......did you not notice that he brought the ball up the court each time and they ran a pick and roll for him and he always shot the ball. no one else on the team touch the ball.ball rotation was dead granted his late game heroics help solidify the win but the game would not have been that close in the first place.....25 points and 1 ASSIST are never good numbers for a point gaurd. i hear so much about salim being a chucker but Lou chucks at an unimaginable rate for at least one qaurter a game. the sad thing is one bad quarter is all it takes for us to lose a game by a couple of baskets.
  14. t lou aint never put up 6 or 7 assist a game not with us or the lakers; in addition to his lack of defense i never actually see him get the rest of the team involved in the game
  15. do you think by the time we make it all the way down field that vick may possibly be tired after all the running he does on the long drives to the red zone. he might be out of gas by that point
  16. norwood do need more touches; i dont understand why vick passing has not improved since coming in the league. we will not go any where in post season if we cant pass the ball. i think norwood has a problem holding on to the ball at times and maybe coach mora is a little worried he will fumble
  17. Quote: I don't think he will miss the game entirely. They will use him on 3rd downs more than likely. I do expect his time in the game to be very limited. I am still PO at Mora for even having him in there to begin with. No reason he come up with is acceptable. word is the falcons only had 3 active defensive ends on the roster and chuancy davis was the only back up defensive end on the roster and he was filling in for patrick kerney in the carolina game and thats why abe was in the game. dont understand why we only had only one back up defense end on the roster
  18. Zaza all the way baby! hands down the best choice
  19. I think steve smith would be a great choice to be our head coach. he is young and very knowledgable of the game and the players on the team will respect him in that he can probably beat most of the people on our team in one on one at his age right now. i think that steve can help take us to another level
  20. boston just picked up allen ray. doubt they would want salim due to them being similar players
  21. Quote: Mihm sucks. He is worse defensively than Zaza without even the energy, he's a pedestrian rebounder and the only saving grace to his entire game is his outside jumpshot. Which isn't even good, but average. I would hate having Mihm on this team because he would do nothing to address actual needs on our team. so who would you suggest we get with out giving up our core! it seams like you want us to get a great big man with out giving up are best players. i will take c mihm if it means we only lose t lou. sounds like you are living in fantasy land. the objective is to get the best big man we can with out giving up important peices of our team; any big man we get is an improvement over john edwards!
  22. swift was traded along with rudy gay during the draft for shane battier
  23. Jasikevicius is the clear choice. not like its just a great selection to choose from!
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