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Everything posted by lawman

  1. in this deal would the falcons be giving up there 10th overall pick as well
  2. if memphis is looking to lower pay roll for rebuilding process i think we could be a good fit; hawks getting gasol is too much like the right thing for management to do so more than likely we would not even try; BK sucks!!!!!!!!!
  3. what about marvin and zaza for oneal...........we should have enough room under the cap not to have to send back matching salaries. i think this should be a viable option
  4. does any one know what the rest of kidd contract is looking like?
  5. i have yet seen ivey actually run the show like a point gaurd should do. i agree he is very good at not turning the ball over and thats great but can we get some assist. i have yet to see him run a fast break and finish it of by making a good pass to the wing to complete the fast break. we are suppose to be a running team and i dont royal ivey will be significant contribution to us being a running team. matter of fact the oly time we seem to be a running team is if we dont have any of our real point gaurds on the court. it actually a pretty weird situation;
  6. this is only salim's second year in the league and he does not get any free passes from the fans; how can royal ivey need more minutes but salim is not even on the list at all for what the road ahead should be
  7. i think salim had a good game; we are suppose to be a running team and i think having salim on the court makes us just that; at times it looks like he has to make him self not go at full speed per coaches orders. if he can continue to drive the ball and kick i think he will only make us better. josh smoth tonight handled the rock pretty good. he looked very comfortable dribbling the ball tonight which is something we have yet to se him do
  8. I am now hoping coach woodson will not be fired this year because the players dont have to tank the rest of the year woodson tanked our season without trying. one thing is for sure we will not win with him as our coach. i am starting to think that BK is keeping woody as our coach on purpose. Ray charles can see that coach woodson sucks so it is impossible that BK and the spirit does not recognize this
  9. I am now hoping coach woodson will not be fired this year because the players dont have to tank the rest of the year woodson tanked our season without trying. one thing is for sure we will not win with him as our coach. i am starting to think that BK is keeping woody as our coach on purpose. Ray charles can see that coach woodson sucks so it is impossible that BK and the spirit does not recognize this
  10. Quote: Their uniforms are really clean at the start of the game. there uniforms are really clean at the END of the games as well
  11. yeah you are right chill needs to be the 3 and jj the 2
  12. I think you may be on to something there; and when smoove gets back he will start at power forward position. i think that would be a great idea
  13. last i heard he was suffering from turf toe and calf was still bothering him; not sure if thats why he is out though
  14. we get the leather ball back in a few days; hopefully this helps; the only problem is the rest of the league gets to play with that ball too! so we might be going in circles
  15. steve smith should be our head coach
  16. Quote: Saw a rumor that Sonics may release Andreas Glyniadakis. He couldn't be any worse than Lo. He was in camp with us so should be familiar with our schemes. what scheme is that? i dont think the players on our team right now are familiar with are scheme or know what are scheme is for that matter; we dont have a scheme. we are a schemeless nba team
  17. we are going back to the leather basket ball in a few days and i beleive that will get salim jumper back on track...........you say salim is fitted for the west coast because of the up and down game but i thought we were suppose to be a running team. makes you wonder what in the world has woodson done to this team
  18. the cavs have been performing the lay up drill on us the entire 1st quarter and still no signs of soloman jones. Woody has to be one of the worst coaches ever
  19. yeah his completion % is low but as we all know its now how many passes you complete but when you complete the passes; he has given his team a chance to win and in the late stages of the game he gets his passes completed and has been leading them to victory; he is looking very good right now; the part i a concerned about is that mike vick was like this early in his career and well we see where he is now; 19 consecutive 4th quarters without a TD pass! that is just unacceptable
  20. 21 minus 7 = 14..........so which individual is responsible for the other 14 points to solidify the come back....i understand that this is very upsetting to lose the game the way we did but as a man we do not think with our emotions; unfortunately our starters cant play 48 minutes a game. but once again the team gave up the lead, all of them i accountable for this disaster including coach woodson
  21. last i checked basketball is a team sport......this is not golf or tennis fellows.....blaming salim for a 21 point come back makes no sense at all. this has to be the dumbest post i have seen on here. the fact of the matter is there is a lot of blame to go around. we were out performed by a team that clearly wanted it more than we did. we need to stop blaming individuals in a sport that cant be played by just one individual
  22. i dont think larry brown would be a good fit for us because our offense needs to get out and run and the last time i checked larry brown runs a slow half court offense; even though our defense would be very good
  23. i doubt roger swift from seattle constitutes as a bruising big; but maybe you something about him that i dont know; otherwise pretty fair analysis
  24. lawman

    Did you see.

    thats what you call a flush not so much of a dunk; he did not touch the rim; very impressive play though
  25. if you are in atlanta game is on 48 or 53 cant remember for sure
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