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Everything posted by gutz

  1. Exactly plus the Heat have to play Friday night at home against the Knicks then come to the ATL. We should win this game hands down and it will be a big disappointment if we lose. We need to win the home games especially after dropping the last two that should have been wins. Wade will get his points no matter what because you can't stop a superstar but his supporting cast is old and weak. We should run them out of the gym.
  2. We should beat them either way. Shaq is pretty useless out there on the court these days except for his leadership. All they have really is Wade to carry that team and it showed when the Nuggets beat them the other night eventhough Wade had a career game. They won't go anywhere this season. Hawks really have to win this game too because we need to keep pace with Orlando and its a division game. Must win really!
  3. We need to grab big 7"2 Roy Hibbert from Georgetown if he is available in the 10-15 range in the draft. dude is a BEAST in the post!
  4. Yeah last night on Sportscenter they had one of their polls on who would get rookie of the year this year. Guess who was on the ballot to vote for and was only one of 5 names on the poll. Yep Shelden Williams! The only real competition for him right now is Morrison who will probably win the ROY. Foye sucks, Roy is hurt! Shelden is going to get better and better each game this year. He will end up averaging closed to 10rebounds by the end of the year I predict if he plays as many minutes as he played the other night where he pulled down 15 boards. He just needs to get more involved on offense. This guy will average a double double his whole career once he gets settled. He is a beast out there!
  5. I agree I think Shelden has better low post moves than Zaza. Zaza ususally travels when he is posting up and makes a move or turns it over. Zaza also gets out of control with the ball when he drives. Shelden has some nice low post moves but just never gets the chance so far to display them. I've seen a nice up and under move he did one game where he actually got the ball down low. I think Shelden is going to be a beast in this league. Reminds me a lot of Carlos Boozer but actually plays defense. I don't know about anyone else but Shelden looks huge out there on the court to me and is now in the running for ROY since Foye and Morrison have sucked and Roy is now hurt. He is leading all rookies in rebounding. He just needs to get his scoring up some but of course he needs touches in order to do that.
  6. Yeah JJ is worth every penny we gave up for him including the overachieving fat Diaw. He will never post the numbers he did last year with Amare back in the lineup. The thing is our ownership mess really isn't affecting the team right now as we were able to go out and sign a few free agents like Speedy and LO Wright. The Hawks should be 6-1 but 4-3 isn't too bad considering we have been in every game except the opening loss to Philly. These last 2 losses hurt since they were both at home and we should have won. This sat. really is a must win against the Heat since we have some tough road games coming up.
  7. Its going to be tough because I think Shelden is playing better every game and is definitely a force down low even grabbing 15 rebounds last night against Mil. Obviously Marvin has to start and honestly i would bench Smoove and start Chill at the 3 and Marvin at the 4. Then bring Smoove and Shelden off the bench. Chill is just playing way too good right now to not be starting. Same with Lue. He should be starting. Bozeman looked terrible on offense and defense last night. Our depth is going to be ridiculous once we get Speedy and Marvin back. I like the way the Landlord is playing and rebounding lately. He finally played more than 20min. last night and while he didn't do much offensively he is a force on the defensive end and in rebounding.
  8. The Landlord got a lot more playing time last night and pulled down 15rebounds which was very impressive. This guy could be a Carlos Boozer type no doubt because he has some low post moves and a nice outside jumpshot. I think this pick is looking better every game he plays. Two tough losses in a row that we should have won. I still can't believe we blew that game last night up by 10 with like 7min. to go. This one really hurt! I really think we need to come out and win at home on Sat. against Miami. Shaq didn't play for them last night so hopefully he will still be out. All they have is Wade and he can't do it all so we can beat them. Actually we should run that old group out of the gym. Come on Hawks! Keep your heads up! Lets bring Sat. night!
  9. Were starting to get recognized and that all comes forth by winning games. We really need to win these next two games at home against Milwaukee which should be a shootout between JJ and Michael Redd. We really need to beat the over the hill bunch in the Miami Heat. We contain Wade and we win. I know its early in the season but the writer for this story is right. Its already a huge week for the Hawks since they are playing playoff teams from last year. Have to keep winning and hopefully Marvin gets back in about 3more weeks.
  10. Where did you hear Este was getting any minutes? I haven't heard his name mentioned at all this season so far.
  11. Hey does anyone know how many picks we have next year total? I know we should get the 1st rounder from Indy since they should make the playoffs if they all stay healthy(Oneal already sat out one game). Do we have any 2nd rounders in next years draft? We can easily get a solid PG to groom and another Big man in next years deep draft.
  12. This Chad Ford clown really is a joke! He knows nothing about basketball either. I haven't read one thing from him that tells me differently. How can he say Shelden has been TERRIBLE! Does he know anything about position defense and what he does for this team. I hate this idiot! Keep winning Hawks so this moron can eat some crow! Sorry for hating of Ford here but i've had enough of his criticism of the Hawks.
  13. Great post Northclyde! Maybe this will help Pete understand that he is wrong!
  14. I apologize for any bad mouthing towards Hot Sauce. Just can't understand why he is making these arguments with no facts to back them up. Especially when our Hawks are looking good for a change and once we get Marvin back we will be even better.
  15. Oh don't worry! I'm doing great! Just love how you make all these stupid arguments without backing them up! Its laughable and I think most on this thread agree with me. Please answer GoDawgs questions above so you don't look like a complete fool.
  16. Quote: Gutz, you don't know a thing about whether BK's hands are tied or not. Not a thing. In fact, listening to Bruce Levenson (who is a class guy), it is the exact opposite...BK just hasn't found the right guys. So, between you and GD, I have a hard time responding because your facts are off. Second, don't call me dude. I'm not one of your HS classmates. BK had options that you don't know about, that I know about because I have a direct line into two owners. They know how I feel about the situation and happen to disagree. But you need to clam up yourself, the only idiot in this deal is you because you don't know a thing about whats happening in the organization. BTW, the Hawks had other options in the AL deal and chose the Indy deal, but there were options. I take it you wouldn't take CP3 over MW? Iggy over Chill? Roy over SW? Ellis over Salim? Paul Milsap (you probably don't know him) over Solomon Jones? And I bet you loved that your boy Billy didn't work out the top 6 players in the draft, that was fine right? BK is not the worst GM and he isn't in the top 10 either. But all you have in this world is your track record and his isn't too good. He is measured in W's and L's and his Grizzlies and Hawks gigs make him the worst GM record wise in NBA history. Now, you may defend that dubious distinction...but I'm not as sold or as blind as you are. Try supporting the team with your hard earned cash and then come back and talk to me. It might also help if you watch a few games on the tube. And not just Hawks games so you can watch some of the guys your buddy passed on. Hey DUDE I can call you that all I want. What are you gonna do about it? Don't act like i'm some young HS punk. Second i'm sure you have direct ties with the owners. Give me a break. How can you say he doesn't have his hands tied? are you nuts? The courts even said he can't sign anyone over 4yrs. Get your facts straight man! Your the one showing zero facts with your arguments. You haven't backed one of them yet. I've also heard of Milsap btw. He is a great rebounder no doubt but undersized. I know a lot more about college basketball and its players than you. Trust me. Pertaining to BK and his decisions in FA, that was exactly my point in the last post if you care to read it. There hasn't been one good FA out there for BK to throw some serious money at. I'm sure if the owners wanted to go another way in the AL trade they would have made that clear to BK obviously. They own the team right? That is another reason why I seriously doubt your so-called ownership connections. I could care less either way. I also watch plenty of basketball and obviously have more knowledge of it than you.
  17. Don't worry GoDawgs! Its obvious Hot Sauce here doesn't know what he is talking about. Are you forgetting that BK has had his hands tied in FA moves since the JJ trade? Are you aware of this? You say in your above post that drafting is only one way to address your needs right? Okay who in the hell was BK supposed to go out and sign in FA other than LO Wright(great signing BTW on the cheap) to address our interior weakness? There wasn't anyone out there worth throwing money at dude. You need to know what options were available to BK in FA and the draft before spouting off like an idiot bashing BK's draft picks. Your argument is awful and has no merit. BTW does anyone have ESPN Insider? John Hollinger just posted his best 25 available Free Agents for 2007. I'd love to see who is available next offseason. If you could post the list that would be awesome! Thanks
  18. Point is BK has made solid draft picks since coming to the Atlanta Hawks and each pick is either starting or has a crucial role off the bench right now even second rounders. No other team can really say that. I understand that it currently looks like we should have taken Paul over Marvin but I have no doubt in my mind that Marvin is going to be a star in this league. A lot of these other so called "good Gm's" you have named have also done terrible in FA signings as well as being terrible in the draft compared to BK's. I mean Kiki signing Kenyon to that outrageous deal is one example and he has sucked. Obvoiusly having Carmelo fall in your lap was an easy pick and why Denver is good now. I don't agree with everything BK has done by any means but I can't understand how you so-called Hawks fans can continue to bash this guy when he has made great picks, built our team from scratch, and kept our cap space(which many GM's in the NBA do a terrible job of). The only pick i can see that might have been incorrect somewhat, after the fact, is taking Marvin over Paul. EVERYONE on this board knows for a fact that Paul wasn't even that hyped up coming out of college and wasn't even the #1 PG going into the draft. But now you all bash Bk for not taking him? No one knew Paul was going to blow up like this not even the Hornets when they took him. You guys are a joke!
  19. I agree lets just bash BK for not signing the 26yr. old stiff. But fail to mention our budding star at Center he signed in Zaza for peanuts. Makes sense to me too! What a joke! Who cares about the Greek. He would have slowed our team down anyways. He didn't run the floor good.
  20. We can't handle both Frye and Curry in the post with only Smoove and Zaza. I would like to see Wright start at PF honestly. He can bang down there and put Frye in his place.
  21. All I know is this is a MUST win for the Hawks! We can't start out slow like this against mediocre teams like Philly and Knicks. You have to win against these teams especially at home. I will let the Philly game slide but if you can't beat the Knicks at home then we have SERIOUS problems. I hope Woodson does a better job of coaching tonight and doesn't look like a buffoon out there on the court like he did in Philly. That was terrible! No adjustments whatsoever. Better get it together fast or he will be outta here. Go Hawks! I will be there!
  22. I'll be there with my free rally towel they are passing out. We HAVE to win tomorrow night against the Knicks. I know its only the 2nd game of the season but its a must win no doubt. We have to get off to a good start damn it! Come on Hawks!! Shelden start collecting some rent down there!
  23. Honestly I think that lineup would be nasty. MW, JS, and the Landlord would be one nasty trio out there on both ends of the floor. Add JJ into the mix and either Speedy or CB even more explosive. I know Shelden is undersized but I like the idea of this lineup at different times of the game: Speedy JJ Marvin Smoove Shelden
  24. Yeah I can't beleive Phx lost to the Lakers WITHOUT Kobe!!! Diaw looked and played terrible last night. I hope they bomb this season. Amare is obviously not the same player we was before the Microfracture surgery. They signed him to some ridiculous contract as well right before surgery. Now he is a hobbling backup. Money well spent Phx!
  25. Honestly I think it is that the Heat are so bad now! They will not even come close to repeating this year. They are way too old! Shaq looks pathetic out there and can't even move hardly. All they really have is Dwade. Everyone else is just getting too old. Bulls straight up embarrassed them last night. Hawks will even whip their butts!
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