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Everything posted by Dsinner

  1. Good looking women but it really does have some great articles too. Seriously.
  2. No chance Yao retires THIS year. You're telling me he's not going to wait until after his surgery and try some rehab stints before calling it quits? Not saying Zaza won't go to Houston but it won't be because the team believes Yao is going to retire.
  3. There are really only 2 upper tier brands...Sony and Samsung (not counting Pioneer). Sony is overpriced, imo, and Sumsung has the best LCD picture on the market right now (check out their 650, 750 and 850 models). The only other brand that is making a decent set right now is Panasonic. I wouldn't even consider anything other than those 3 with Samsung being the best. Check cnet.com and consumerreports.com for their reviews.
  4. LOL! Didn't Bad Boys almost kill Martin? He does have a point though. No one knew who the hell she was before Transformers and let's face it, had it been a movie for "actors" she wouldn't have even been cast. Both seem a little full of themselves in that article.
  5. That was one that should have actually had a twist. I thought the ending was, as you guys have called Bay, lazy. As for Trans. 2 I thought it was as enjoyable as the first. I liked the fact that they went into a little more detail about their past. I could have really done without the Jar Jar Binx (sp?) twins (although they had their moments). What can I say about Mrs. Fox that hasn't already been said? Also, their was another hottie in it as well. Most of the fight scenes seemed as though they were slowed down as I'm sure that was a complaint from the first one. All-in-all it was a very entertaining movie. I understand the "flaws" of Bay's but I'm not sure I'd call this movie "lazy." Humor factor was adequate (the Mom and suitcase bot in particular) and the action was great but what really stood out (and the main reason I wouldn't use lazy as a term to describe it) was the details that went into the special effects. For example...when all of those spheres transformed into that razored edge robot it really made me think "wow" out loud. I'll be looking forward to T3 and will expect it to be along the same lines as the first 2. I won't be too disappointed if it is.
  6. The Sixth Sense was amazing and Unbreakable wasn't bad but, like you said, the rest were average at best. I agree, they should have left on of the best movies of all time sequel-less.
  7. I think that's why I don't really keep up with who directs what. If I see a preview I'm interested in I won't do any research at all on it and will just watch it (I really wish movie trailors wouldn't advertise with..."From the creators of blahblahblah" or "Directed by blahblahblah." I'd rather not know) I think that gives me a more open mind going into films. Now there are a few directors I know I'm not a fan of (M. Night Shamamymovesareoverrated) and some I usually love (Cohen bros). But for the most part I try not to even care about who directed a film.
  8. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of MIB at all. Talk about cheesy. Ghost Busters, on the other hand, is an all-time classic.
  9. Oh, I always called her my little "Flip". I was under the impression that term (depending on it's context) could be taken offensive by Filipinos. Maybe she lied. It wasn't the only time lol.
  10. Wasn't able to see it (wife became sick). We're shooting for Wed. night though. I'll post back with my thoughts.
  11. Now see I refuse to go see ANY of the classic horror remakes that I remember growing up. I still enjoy those memories.
  12. After even more further review, maybe I am simply giving him more of a pass than I should simply because I am caught up in the nostalgia that is Transformers. I just don't see you being able to come up with a much better plot for a cartoon based movie. The Die Hards and the like were written as a plot first, with humour and explosions written into it. The Transformer's "script" was written years ago and all that was really left was to not botch it up (ie. First incredible Hulk). It's no X-Men but it's no Leathel Weapon 4 either. I'm not sure I've heard anyone say that this movie was just "ok." I've heard nothing but good things about it, except from those who don't like him at all (which I can count on one hand). I also don't get how it keeps you from seeing other movies (you are in Atlanta right?)especially given your strict standards (and for the record I thought you hated No Country)? I guess I just thought the first one was very entertaining for what it is and I expect the 2nd one to be as well. I generally only see certain movies at the theatres (mostly summer actions that make my list) and this is going to be one of those.
  13. Hmm, that goes to show how much I follow action movies. I haven't a clue who most of those other action movies directors are. After reading your post I agree completely that he's not as good as some of the others. In fact, I was under the impression that he acutally directed a few you listed. He's not the worst by far, but no where near some of the ones you've mentioned.
  14. I agree. But considering the allegation, as a corporation, it would be wiser/cheaper to prove your innocense than payoff for the long haul. Not really the smart thing to do. I agree and my initial reaction to the accusations was the belief that he himself was just a kid. Literally. I don't know 100% that he is innocent, I really don't, but like you said...things don't add up either way. With Michael how could they? Themepark and a monkey. Unless you're saying the children never wanted to and the parents made them. I'll give you the parents were probably more starstruck than the kids. Which is why he needed the park. And monkey. Pure BS. You're telling me his lawyers knew that and still had him pay off that family? Now THAT doesn't add up. No way he has a case and still pays off the family. No way at all. You're looking at it wrong. If you were Michael would you want to be found innocent (which according to you he was or he would have been convicted) and saved millions or payoff someone and still be innocent? Doesn't add up D. I used to think the same thing. But why didn't all of these parents take advantage of the guy? Maybe you're right and he really was living his childhood but while living that childhood there may have been some lines crossed that, given his age, should not have. Maybe he isn't what you'd call a typical child molester and some line was crossed with only that one child. I'm not sure but whatever the case I feel in my heart something went down between a grown man (age wise) and a child that shouldn't have at least once.
  15. For the record Dolf, I am going to see it tonight and I hate F'n Brittney Spears (how that comparison came about I have no idea). I couldn't disagree with Hot and (to an extent) AHF more. These types of movies are, in fact, needed. They aren't my favorite genre, by a long shot, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a plotless action movie from time to time (as long as it entertains). Don't get me wrong, I love a good thought out plot driven film, but we are talking about a cartoon based movie guys. The director may seem lazy in doing these types of films but it's what he's good at. Whether or not you like them is irrelevant as millions would disagree (not that that fact is a good barometer). There are plenty of "action" movies that actually do suck but as far as "action" movies go, he's one of the best. If you don't like "action" movies I guess I can understand you not being a huge fan of his but somebody has to do them and I'm glad it's not somebody who actually does suck at it (ever see Independence day?). Bottom line is action movies are for the mass public (and usually do stink) and while they aren't usually on the top of my to see list there are a select few that are and Transformers is one of them. It's very entertaining and, considering it is plotless, there is a lot to be said for that.
  16. Initially I was completely against this trade. But the more I think about it, how could we turn down a player who, outside of Nique, would be the best player to every put on a Hawks jersey? If his health is OK, his offense vs Smooves far outweighs his defense vs. Smooves. I wouldn't give up Teague but Smoove and some filler and I'd have to do it. Do we win the East? More than likely "no." Do we win the East if we don't make the trade? Absolutely not. Even if Smoove peaks (which will NEVER happen under Woodson) he probably won't be the impact player Amare is. At best he'll be his equal. I think a lot of homers (myself initially included) are letting their hearts have too much of an impact on this idea.
  17. Filipino? My first wife was Filipino so please don't take offense to this question...Is your fav Hawks player Flip Murray? :-)
  18. Dsinner

    The Hangover

    Hey that's cool man. Much better than the drama that is usually there.
  19. Not sure where you've been but affirmitave action has been used for years now. Now that we have a man of color as our Pres it's time to take this BS out of our lawbooks.
  20. IF you are innocent, the only time it is ever OK to payoff an accusor is if you are a mojor corporation and the bad publicity will cost more than the actual settlement. In other words it would be a business decision. When you are being accused of the most evil thing imaginable you fight. Having to spend the rest of your life defending your payoff is much more exhausting than proving you are innocent in court and being done with it. He payed them off hoping it would keep fans in denial of his guilt. It worked.
  21. Being in that age range I agree. I was a big fan myself, and a fan of music in general. However, your point about blaming the parents is rather irrelevant considering out of all the parents who were "looking for an easy lawsuit" only one actually sued. It was Michael Jackson and kids loved him and his amusement park. I know it is hard for me to say no to my little one when she wants a toy from the store. Forget my little one's dream of meeting her favorite celeb and hanging out with HER at her personal Disney Land. I wouldn't do it of course, but I can see how a parent could give in to that request. The innocent man payed off his accusors instead of going to prison. That's all I need to know about his guilt. I respect him for his genious in his profession, but as a parent I can't say I'm sad to see the King gone.
  22. Not sure if you heard our coach last year but he doesn't want a team that gives up 100+. Ever. So, even with the appropriate pawns you will never see us have a running team under Woody. The man has to go if we are ever going to see Smith/Teams full potential.
  23. Dsinner

    The Hangover

    You still go to movies with your ex or she just recently became your ex?
  24. Both are to blame but I know, as a father, I'd rather be guilty of letting my child sleep over at a celebs house than be guilty of molesting a/my child. Someone with children SHOULD understand that. Also, that wasn't the only time he's been accused of this sort of thing. If I remember correctly he was kicked out of a couple of countries for the same accusations. He then came back to America only to put himself right back into the heat. I can't believe the sympathy this man is getting across the Nation simply because of his color/status. Shameful.
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