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Everything posted by atlien

  1. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: He isn't better than Marvin and doesn't shoot well enough or defend enough to be a starter for our team. Childress is a great 6th man but is a below average starter. He is better than Marvin, Shoots better than Marvin, Shoots more 3s than Marvin, and is a better defender than Marvin. Marvin is going to hold this team ransom next year and because we have no starter quality players and FAs won't touch us, we will have to play his price and settle for mediocrity. Why do you guys get this dude started with Marvin Williams threads? He like an irritating broken record with absolutely no insight what so ever when is comes to personnel. Please stop cluttering this board with this nonsense! If you think that of me, imagine what I think of you MW Nuthuggers? The funny thing is, you devote waaaaaaay more time and attention to Marvin Williams than any so-called "nuthugger." In that situation, who's the real "nuthugger"? (i'm still convinced your a home-schooled 15-year-old in your mamma's basement)
  2. Both those offers are extremely fair (although I dont really think Chill is worth quite that much). While I understand both Joshes want the most possible, they are not getting "low-balled" or "disrespected" by those offers.
  3. Every single one. The latest "reports" have Okafor wanting out. Soon we'll hear how Biedrins and Ellis are unhappy too. It's just a baaaaad market for these guys.
  4. While I agree that signing Smoove is probably the wisest move, my point is that we now have to see what helps us the most going forward -- resigning Smoove or trading him for other assets (that might fit better with Horford, Joe, etc). Chill possibly leaving creates new questions.
  5. Quote: Prince/Billups./Amir Smoove/Speedy/Zaza There's no way Smoove can get us both Prince and Billups. Maybe tossing in Bibby instead of Zaza or Speedy... but I seriously doubt it. Dumars is actually a GOOD GM.
  6. Quote: Smoove for Prince/Maxiell is no where close to equal value. What's your suggestion then? My reasoning is that them throwing in Maxiell makes up the difference between Smoove and Prince. Just like Bass would be in a Josh Howard trade. Obviously, picks can always be included to balance out trades. Somehow getting Billups next to Joe Johnson has always intrigued me too...
  7. While I agree that (if this CHill deal goes through) we now have to address our depth issues by seeing what a Josh Smith sign-and-trade can get us, I wouldnt totally blame the Joe Johnson trade and the FO. I dont think ANYONE forsaw the fact that Chill would get such an offer in Europe, and would sign it... meaning we lose him for nothin (for the time being at least). I was 90% sure we were gonna get Smoove for 5 years, 60-mill and Chill for 4 years, 30-mill or so. Then, we wouldve filled out the rest of our roster on the CHEAP. Chill going to Europe, leaving us with nothing in return, really does throw a wrench in those plans. As I said before, we now have to see what Smoove can net us. Prince and Maxiell for Smoove and Speedy would work. You then move Marvin to the 6th man role and role out Bibby/JJ/Prince/Maxiell/Horf as your starting line-up.
  8. atlien

    Uh oh.

    Quote: Here's the bottom line. IF our Inept FO would have given him an offer to sign instead of dilly dally, he would have signed it. From how I understand it, it seems the Greek team is giving him more money than ANY NBA team would be willing to. He also gets some nice clauses in his contract that allows him to come back to the NBA if the market gets better for him. Also, he just became 50X more well known in basketball circles around the world. This seems like a no-win for us. (I still wont believe it until it's official... I still have a feeling this is all for leverage).
  9. atlien

    Uh oh.

    1) The national media is gonna blame the Hawks "inept" front office. While I agree our FO is pretty inept, NO TEAM in the league could rightfully give Chill a contract as big as what he is getting from the Greek team. With the cap and luxury tax rules, there's no way any team can pay guys like Chill 10-11 mill a year. This is a problem with the system, not our FO per se. Under the fiancial rules of the NBA, it's just not feasible to spend that kind of money on Chill. 2) The big one -- This just made a Josh Smith sign-and-trade all the more intriuging/likely While we now have more money to throw at Smoove, we also have more needs. Before we had Chill holding down 35 minutes at the backup 2 and 3 spots (thus trading for a sf like Prince or Howard didnt make much sense). I think a Smoove sign and trade for Prince/Maxiell/etc or Howard/Bass/etc just got a lot more likely. Clearly we need another quality wing player.
  10. atlien

    Uh oh.

    If this does happen, I really wonder if the NBA will rewrite the FA rules to prevent this from happening in the future. This seems like it could open the flood gates for a lot of players to leave for Europe. B/c of the cap and luxury tax rules, no team can really afford to pay a player like Chill 10-11 mill a year. Thus, a lot of players who might only be able to get the MLE here, will go to Europe for more. That's a BIG problem for the NBA. So, will there be a "Josh Childress rule"? I think there will be. And, lol at a Josh Childress rule.
  11. atlien

    RMR GM 2

    Quote: Quote: Acie's looking good to start the 3rd. Much better. (He's taking that jumper they're giving him, and hitting it). Yeah, Acie is finally looking like the best player on the court.
  12. Looks like Richardson, Jackson and Not-so-Speedy impressed. Not such a good outing for Law. Mario`s impact cant be seen from a boxscore.
  13. http://www.nba.com/media/jazz/rmr08_day1_gm1.pdf http://www.nba.com/jazz/Revue/rmr2008_day1_dalatl.html The inaugural game of the 2008 Rocky Mountain Revue commenced with a contest between the Atlanta Hawks and the Dallas Mavericks. Both teams played somewhat tentatively in the first quarter, Atlanta finally cracked it open with a crowd pleasing alley-oop dunk. The first quarter ended with the score 28-21 in favor of the Hawks. Atlanta increased their lead to 14 points midway through the second quarter largely due to the impressive play of seventh year veteran guard Speedy Claxton. The Mavericks were still in summer vacation mode during the first half which ended with the Hawks leading 51-38. Atlanta’s Jeremy Richardson led all scorers with 15 points; Shan Foster was the leader for the Mavericks with 9. Speedy Claxton led the assist category with 4 and his teammate Jeremy Richardson contributed 3 assists to the effort. The Mavericks returned to the second half a little more organized. With 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter the Mavs made it a game, cutting the Hawks lead to 4 points at 64-68. Third year player Gerald Green out of Gulf shores Academy led the charge for Dallas in the 3rd with 14 points. The Hawks appeared to be a bit confused offensively at the end of the third quarter, but still maintained the lead a 72-66. Early in the 4thquarter Atlanta’s Luke Jackson; 4th year forward/guard out of Oregon, stretched the Hawks lead to 82-70 on a three pointer assisted by Acie Law. Law took it coast to coast in the final two minutes of the game for an easy layup which cemented the eventual win for the Hawks. Jeremy Richardson led in scoring on the game for the Hawks with 21 points; he also contributed 4 assists and 4 rebounds. Teammate Luke Jackson finished strong in the second half, with 20 points, 4 assists, 5 rebounds and 2 steals. Gerald Green led the Mavericks in the points category with 20 including 2 three pointers; he also contributed 2 assists and 1 steal to the losing effort for Dallas; 89 – 74.
  14. Pinckney (spelling?) has been stroking it too.
  15. They are showing the score. We were winning 26-19 before it just froze on me. J-Rich and Acie both look good.
  16. Ok, so they're definitely showing something live at the RMR. My internet keeps freezing, so im not sure what. Anyone wanna confirm?
  17. Actually, my internet is acting up so much Im not even sure if it is the actual game yet. They are at the RMR, and they just did a feature on Acie and Speedy, so it looks like the game should be playing. I just cant tell.
  18. http://www.nba.com/jazz/Revue/rmr2008.html click "watch live" at the top we're up 3-0... my internet is being mad slow tho
  19. I'm a huge Kansas fan, so obviously this a blow for me as I'd love to see things work out for Simien (to have it happen in ATL would be awesome). But, the injury bug has hit him again. Seems like he can't catch a break. Still, I hope that maybe he showed enough in practice and scrimmages to warrant a roster spot with a minimum contract. I really think he can be a good NBA player playing spot minutes off the bench.
  20. This is a "the grass is always greener" argument. Azubuike isnt better than either of Marvin or Chill. He'd be a great addition to our bench, but not at the expense of losing Marv or Chill. The trick is to ADD guys like that to what we already have, not give up key players in the process.
  21. Williams and Simien are the two guys I think most are excited about. Both are intriuging bigs (Williams a center and Simien a pf). Williams has shown a lot of potential, but has never really caught on anywhere. He could be a rebounding and shotblocking force (the potential is there... but it's just potential at this point). Im most excited about Simien. He starred at Kansas for 3 years and was named Big 12 player of the year his last season. He has a high basketball IQ, lots of skill around the basket, and was a late 1st round pick at one point. However, he's had numerous injury problems that have prevented him from doing anything in the NBA as of yet (a salmonella infection screwed him up for an entire season). When he played for the Heat, Pat Riley himself indicated that the kid had a great understanding of the game and NBA talent... it's just been a string of unrelated injuries that has kept him down. Im under the opinion that both these guys can make this team (and one definitely will). I honestly think they both are upgrades over Solo (which makes Solo's decision not to show what he can do in summer league all the more questionable). In any event, these are both VERY good invites from Sund. Either one of these guys could contribute off our bench, and Im hoping that one will have a break-out summer league performance (keeping my fingers crossed for my boy Simien). Luke Jackson was good in college, but has flat out SUCKED the last couple (he even struggled in the D league last year).
  22. Quote: And they better find a defensive PG somewhere, unless they're going to try to go with a Wade/James Jones backcourt, and essentially have Wade play the point. I know he`s just a rookie (drafted in the 2nd round no less), but Mario Chalmers is THE prototype of a defensive pg. He`s like Daniel Gibson with elite-caliber defense (cant handle the ball that great, but is lights out from 3). Other than that, I pretty much agreed with all your points. Our athleticism is a real problem for teams to deal with.
  23. Quote: Im thrilled that we are giving Simien a shot. It's been injuries, not a lack of ability, that has kept him from playing in the NBA. What's promising is that, unlike someone like Sean May, Simien has had a string of freak injuries (including some weird food poisoning or something) that has kept him out. It hasnt been one problematic, reoccuring injury. Just FYI, it was a salmonella infection that tore him up for a few months. He never really got back into the swing of things after coming down with it (which messed him up for an entire season). http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2006/oct/06/s...fter_infection/ Wow, be careful with that undercooked chicken yall. I thought salmonella was just food poisoning that would pass in a few days. In fact, it seems like you can suffer from it for months.
  24. Quote: I thought that Simien would have a good pro career and I really liked Williams in college as I thought he could be a Theo type of player. I believe that he just needs a chance. Im thrilled that we are giving Simien a shot. It's been injuries, not a lack of ability, that has kept him from playing in the NBA. What's promising is that, unlike someone like Sean May, Simien has had a string of freak injuries (including some weird food poisoning or something) that has kept him out. It hasnt been one problematic, reoccuring injury. The guy has some skill around the basket, and could definitely give a team some valuable minutes off the bench. I could see both him and Williams making the team to fortify our big men depth. Good invites Sund!
  25. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: (Here`s a bball hint by the way -- 7-foot Chinese dudes who cant defend athletic black dudes CANT SUCCEED IN THE NBA. That is why Yi will never be `unstoppable... Yao much? W ] That has nothing to do with racism. Anybody who cant defend ATHELTIC NBA players is a liability in the NBA. And Yao was (and is) often a LIABILITY to Houston for that very reason. Hmm? Not racism? Why use "chinese" and "black" if you meant "unathletic" and "athletic" (even though Yi is very athletic, just not adjusted to the NBA physicality)? Hard to see past the racism. W LOL. Im mixed (white and black). My best friend is Chinese and my girlfriend is Japanese. Don't talk to me about racism. Honestly, I dont see why you spend so much time trying to misconstrue people's posts to "pwn" them. Is it really that satisfying? I come here to talk Hawks. You come here to win arguments (and occasionally obsess about Marvin William's personal life that you KNOW absolutely nothing about). A
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