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Everything posted by atlien

  1. Yeah, lets let this one simmer a bit longer. As of now, I really dont see Thabeet being a better pro than Horf.
  2. I dont have time to deal with this anymore, but you and I both know that there were a ton of reports that did the math on Chill´s deal, and said it was the equivalent of upwards of 10-mill/year when you factor in them paying his taxes. The way I understand it, Chill takes home 20-mill (tax free) over 3 years. That IS equivalent to making 33-mill or so over here, because once you pay taxes, that is 20-mill in your pocket. So yes Diesel, 3 years, 33 mill is better than 5 years, 33 mill. Again, he would have to be paid 33 mill (or so) here to pocket the 20 mill that he is getting there. I think you are be misleading on this one, trying to make it seem like his contract is really 3 years, 12 mill or something, but that because the team is agreeing to pay his taxes, it is really 3 years, 20 mill. That IS not the case. The deal is 3 years, 20 mill in writing. The team pays his taxes on top of that (Chill doesnt pay them), so its LIKE making 33 mill here. I honestly dislike you man. haha
  3. Dude, you quoted: "Childress estimated he would take home about $6 million this season, about twice as much as he would have had he played in the N.B.A" So you just acknowledged that Chill would make around $3-mill/year more in Europe, which is all Ive been trying to say the entire time. Why do you do this? Seriously.
  4. Nope. I like the birds in the hand.
  5. Exactly. This was a development the Hawks couldnt have really planned for, as it was unprecedented. Gotta give respect to Chill´s agent tho... dude did his job and made his client a lot more money (yes Diesel, 3 years, 33 mill is better than 5 years, 33 mill).
  6. Diesel, its a 3-year deal. You agree then that because the club is paying his taxes, it works out to a 3-year $33-million deal, or $11-million/year. So you think Chill would have forgone $5-6-million/year to stay here?? Had his agent let him sign here for 5 years, $33-mill (where Chill has to pay his taxes), when he couldve gotten a 3-year, $33-mill deal in Greece... well his agent would suck at his job and both him and Chill wouldve lost a good bit of money.
  7. LOL... a) We both know that the Euro deal actually works out to over $10-mill a season because the team is paying his taxes and other things as well. THAT has been well-documented. Cmon man. After ALL is said and done, we both know its over 10-mill. b) I knew you were gonna come back with the argument that "He only sought the Euro deal after he had decided to take the 5 year 33 Million dollar deal and was then told to "hold on" by Sund." Again, Diesel, as you must have missed it the first time: I know you wanna try to say "well, he wouldnt have gone out and looked for that Greek offer had the Hawks not dragged their feet." But, that is naive. His agent wouldnt have been doing his job if he didnt go out and try to get his client the most money possible, wherever that may be. Chill was not going to take 6-mill/year from the Hawks when his agent could get him 10-mill/year+ in Greece. But im done here. You are in I-HAVE-TO-WIN-THIS-ARGUMENT internet message board mode, so whats the point. Your response to my points was laughable.
  8. Diesel, another way to look at this is to compare what you are alledging Chill would have taken (the MLE or lower) with what he actually got from Greece... something that works out to over $10-mill a year, all things considered. Let´s be honest here. Why in the world would Chill forgoe $3-4mill a year, plus the opporunity to be a pioneer (especially when he can basically leave Greece whenever he wants). I know you wanna try to say "well, he wouldnt have gone out and looked for that Greek offer had the Hawks not dragged their feet." But, that is naive. His agent wouldnt have been doing his job if he didnt go out and try to get his client the most money possible, wherever that may be.
  9. Besides the Dunleavy part, dude seems like he wouldve been a much-better owner. Hard to know if that is true or not, but at least he understands an owner has to be decisive (which is the complete opposite of the bumbling ASG). http://www.ajc.com/blogs/content/shared-bl...ve_been_ni.html
  10. LOL at Ridnour and Nelson. I mean, I can understand China and Yi... but who on earth is taking the time to even punch a ballot for Ridnour and Nelson!
  11. It really doesnt sound like there are hard feelings over the way the Hawks handled the contract situation (it had been portrayed in the media as if there had been). If we want him back and give him a deal that makes sense for him and us, we can have him back. But, of course, it will have to make sense for both sides.
  12. Just to keep this in the same Chill thread, he recently answered a ton of user-submitted questions over at Dime Mag. Somewhat interesting. http://dimemag.com/2008/12/post-up-josh-ch...your-questions/
  13. Bingo. Therein lies the problem. Marvin should be the one shooting 19 times, not Smoove. Marvin needs to get more aggresive still. Smoove needs to know his role for this team (which in no way involves jacking 19 shots).
  14. All factors are in our favor to steal this one: - No McGrady and probably no Artest - Houston played a tough game last night and lost horribly - We´ve had a few days rest and are hungry for a Texas victory Also, I think by now there has been a proven way to beat Yao. Just take him out of the game and make him a liability by running. Horf and Smoove should look to attack him all night.
  15. Not to go too into it, but growing up, my dad had a close connection to Ted Turner´s private secretary. This involved us getting front-row seats every 3rd game or so. I had that for 5 years or so... it was great then, but it kinda sucks now as it took me awhile getting used to watching from higher up (spoiled, i know). But, it really is cool seeing and hearing things close up. When you can hear what the players and coaches are saying, you really get an insight into chemistry, personality, team dynamics, etc etc etc. It gives you a COMPLETELY different perspective. I miss it!
  16. I was entertained. I think you´re taking it a bit too seriously.
  17. atlien

    Home Crowd

    When I went to games last year, the GA Dome/Congress Center parking deck was only $10! And its the closest one! (just not many people know to go there i guess).
  18. atlien

    Home Crowd

    Whoa Dnice... im a little creeped out on the timing of this.
  19. atlien

    Home Crowd

    LOL, there is actually an article on Yahoo Sports about this! http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont...?urn=nba,126800
  20. Yeah youre right, it probably will end up being Bibby (considering he has the biggest name out of him, Marv and Mo). Prolly Bibby or Joe.
  21. I was comin here to post that too! It´s definitely gotta be Marvin or Mo (or maybe even Joe). We lead the league in 3P%, so someone is gonna get a spot in the contest. What a turnaround that would be for Marvin.... from a non-existent 3P shooter, to competing in the 3P contest. Crazy. Anyone wanna bump that thread about who will have a higher % this season, Smoove or Marvin. Its pretty comical now.
  22. TMAC hasnt been doing all that much for the Rockets even when he does play. The fact is that the Rockets are probably one of the hardest teams in the league for us to handle due to their stable of big men (Yao, Scola and Landry) and the toughness Artest brings. But still, I think by now we´ve shown we can beat any team in this league.
  23. Thats not true. For Mario, yes... but, as much as he can suck at times, there is a market for Zaza as a backup or 3rd string BIG.
  24. This has been my favorite development of the season. Shout out to Mark Price too!
  25. Im definitely all for that, but a front court of Horf, Smoove and Amare is a bit crowded. Would you trade either Horf or Smoove for a stud pg to put next to Joe? Im having a hard time thinking of the right candidate.
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