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Everything posted by AnnArborHawk

  1. Quote: That Atlanta wants to drag Boston into an uptempo trash talking game. Am I wrong in thinking that Boston started the trash talking?
  2. Add up the first, second and third place votes for Horford, and you see that there were 3 voters out of the 125 who didn't think Horford was even in the top 3. I wonder who these idiots are. http://www.nba.com/news/durant_roy_080501.html
  3. AnnArborHawk

    Red Out

    I wish someone on the Hawks would reach out to the media, reach out to state and city officials, and ask for the their help calling for a red out (everyone wears red - a little more intimidating than the blue). You watch the Boston game and see a see of green, Atlanta's just never been able to pull off the color coordination thing, but it really adds an extra level to the home court advantage. Plus its a good motivator for the team and the city. I want a red out!
  4. In the eyes of the NBA, the best case scenario is unfolding. Hawks and Sixers compete to garner excitement in those markets and make for a better story than sweeps. In the end though, the want Detroit and Boston to win these, with Boston moving on to set up the dream series with LA. I have to believe the NBA's worst case scenario would have been Toronto beating Utah in the finals :-) At least we can all thank Orlando for making sure that didn't happen.
  5. Quote: Horford just screams for an Under Armor commercial. I'd never thought of that but that's a perfect fit. If these guys can pull off the series, I would expect to see a little national love come there way with some of these types of things.
  6. What I find amazing is, that while the media is having a field day with our upstart Hawks, there always seems to be a little one-liner in every article noting that it's a foregone conclusion the Celtics will still win the series. If we win tonight will that assumption finally go away? At least there's good bulletin board material out there for these guys tonight.
  7. Well you have to give the guy SOME credit. He has outcoached Doc in the past two games.
  8. Quote: Quote: Why doesn't ZaZa just walk up to ref and push him just so we know for sure ? Kidding ! He walked right up to a guy and headbutted him with his ginormous head, and he's playing tonight. You have to be kidding. Zaza clearly put his forehead on Garnett's to get right in his face WITHOUT any force. KG just did the usual and acted, flailing around, and coming just short of the full-on flop. With regard to the league being biased, I think the home team has had questionable calls go their way here and there, but that happens in every NBA game and it's just to be expected. But even with that I haven't seen anything blatantly biased. I will go on record, however, as saying that if Pierce was fined for his gestures, KG should have (at the least) been fined for shoving the ref.
  9. Quote: I think Ted feels he needs to use his money for more important things so we aren't eating each other in 40 years. LOL!
  10. I'm not an advocate for a class system of fans. It's nice to be a die-hard fan (I've had season tickets the past few years), but I don't think there's anything to be gained by trying to be elitist about it. Personally, I like having my small network of 4 or 5 die hard Hawks fans who were at the games with me in our 13-win season, but I also like the buzz that is going on about this team right now, seeing the city excited about it, and watching a playoff game with 20,000 rabid fans. If they only let the die hard fans in the door, it'd be a lonely place to watch a game.
  11. It seems to me that the worst thing Boston could have done was to talk trash to Atlanta in the first 2 games. If you're the number 1 seed, heavily favored, you keep your mouth shut, be a professional, and go about your business. I think Pierce and Garnett really lit a fire under this Hawks team by trying to verbally demean them with some of the comments and gestures they made. Well, they're getting what they deserve!
  12. AnnArborHawk


    The arena will still be half green though, lol.
  13. If Larry Brown comes in as our coach, I don't expect Bibby will last long. Unlike our other players who don't play defense, Bibby's been around for 10+ years and you can't suddenly teach him how to play solid defense at this point in his career. Bibby definitely becomes attractive the closer we get to the trading deadline next year. To have that kind of expiring contract and not turn it into something would seem irresponsible. If the NBA Finals favorites (Boston and LA) have shown us anything, it's that you have to make solid plays with assets like that when you have them if you want to get to the top.
  14. My guess is the only reason he doesn't end up here is if the ownership group doesn't pony up the $$$. Otherwise, of all of his options, this has to be the most attractive.
  15. that only shows one team scoring.... http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/...egoryId=2378529
  16. Bibby needs to shut up. Nothing worse than a guy who talks a lot of smack off the court but looks like a fool on the court. Kind of like Stevenson calling LeBron overrated. I'd much prefer our players keep their mouths shut and just try to earn their respect on the court.
  17. Somebody send this to Woodson. I don't think he's heard of this thing called an "in-game adjustment".
  18. Look at it this way....the old Woody wasn't very good, so what's the worst that could happen with a change in approach.
  19. The funniest part is how, after 3 years, half the fans on here still think that their bitchin and cryin and more woulda coulda shoulda might actually make a damn bit of difference. "Maybe if I make one more post about how we should've taken Chris Paul, wish REAL hard, and click my heels three times, it'll come true"
  20. You can't run unless you can successfully rebound. Right now, if we got out and ran on a shot attempt, you'd leave Rajon Rondo or Sam Cassell open for a long rebound and easy jump shot. When you talk about Boston's age, my question is how can a 78yo man like Sam Cassell consistently school this Hawks team, including taking them off the dribble. We knew we were weak against smaller quicker guards like Devin Harris, but I'm a little surprised to see Cassell having the same success.
  21. Horford's mannerisms, facial expressions, energy level, excitement, and poise looked exactly like what he showed in the NCAA Tourney the past two years. Johnson and Bibby may have been to the playoffs, but Horford plays like a champion.
  22. They will be announced late Wednesday night/early Thursday morn.
  23. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3327660
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