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Everything posted by AnnArborHawk

  1. I'm not confident in Woody's ability to motivate these guys for a stretch run. You wouldn't think they'd need any more motivation than knowing they've only got a half game edge in their playoff spot, but the lack of energy, passion, and just plain heart by most of the guys on this team as of late has been extremely frustrating. We have fans down there at Philips who get more into the game than many of the players. They just don't look like they want it.
  2. Quote: For anyone I left out - sorry - but you are obviously NUTS too. I think allowing ourselves to believe that a team led by the ASG, Billy Knight, and Mike Woodson could possibly do anything of note collectively qualifies us all as nuts...but at least we're moving past the denial stage now
  3. Are trading cards good investments anymore? If so, I'll have to break out my first edition Pokemon collection
  4. I was going to go with 5th Element as my #1 before I even saw it on your list After that, I'd have to go with Equilibrium. Not that it was an especially great flick, but because my expectations were so low, I was 10 times more entertained than I expected to be.
  5. I'm not ready to count out the Pacers either... They're a little further back, but have the easiest schedule the rest of the way.
  6. I think Joe is a good player (obviously not a superstar game-changer) who would be a great second or third scoring option on a contender. I'm not ready to say we need to ditch Joe yet. He obviously has a couple weaknesses (doesn't pass well out of double teams, for example), but I'd like to see (and hopefully we'll have the chance) if he can overcome those under the tutelage of a real coach. Joe's as good as he's ever going to get so long as Woodson is the coach...he's hit a ceiling and Woodson can't do anything more for him.
  7. Quote: There was only one page. I will describe it below: 1. Either Bibby brings the ball up and passes to Joe, or Joe brings the ball up. 2. Joe makes a weak-ass stab move which is intended to break the defenders ankles. 3. The stab move never works, for obvious reasons. Contingency plan: If the double team comes, don't get discouraged...stay the course and go on to number 4 anyway Quote: 4. Joe holds the ball over his head and looks for cutters that never come. Remember, double teams aren't real. They can't hurt you. They're like monsters in the closet. Keep going... Quote: 5. Joe waits for the shot clock to hit 6 or so and takes a three, preferably while fading away with someone in his face. 6. Don't get back on defense and repeat after the other team gets a dunk off an outlet pass.
  8. Quote: But if we want it, it's right there for us. I'm sick of hearing this from Woody. When he loses this job, he'll probably be spotted mumbling this as he stares in the window of the Krispy Kreme.
  9. Quote: The ASG are not the total joke that they are because they are greedy ... The ASG are a joke because they are absolutely clueless and incompetent. And this may be where I'm missing the mark. I was assuming it was a conscious decision, but perhaps they're too clueless to realize that this whole situation is their fault (not the NBA's) and they should man up and take the blame (rather than reap the benefits).
  10. And when I say "shamelessly promote", I'm referring to the already 4 emails I've gotten to buy tickets for this "historic night." It's only historic because our scorers are historically bad.
  11. When you consider that the Hawks are at fault and cost themselves a win (at least temporarily, if not permanently), they should come out apologetic to the fans, not trying to sell more based on it. Some say the league is at fault here, but it's the Hawks that are at fault. Why not apologize to the fans, make public how you're going to correct the situation, appeal to the league...all things you should do to try to make the situation right. Are we saying that our opinion of the ASG is already so low that we don't expect them to do the right thing anymore? I doubt that ANY business would do the same. Many realize that public perception counts more than selling an extra 1,000 tickets. I'm not suggesting that they don't mention to show up early for the conclusion of the Dec. 19th game, but to shamelessly promote is wrong. And to the poster who said I'm not having to buy an extra ticket. That's true for me, but not for the other several thousand fans (non-STH) on Dec. 19 who would have to now pay to see the conclusion of the game. That's not really my point with this whole thing, but it's another outcome.
  12. I'm a business owner as well, and I don't begrudge them for trying to make money. I would be very careful about the message I would be sending about me and my brand by trying to capitalize on my own incompetence. I certainly wouldn't try to diminish the reputation of my brand in order to earn a couple extra bucks. As a business owner, that's pretty short-sighted.
  13. Dear owners, As frustrated as I am with the team's underperformance this year, especially in light of the revelation that the GM recognized the coaching situation as the problem and you all as the owners refused to act on it, I trust that their are elements of every decision that has been made that I do not understand. As a season ticket holder, I can't help but feel a bit slighted, but the rational side of me knows that I, as a fan and paying customer, do not have all the information that goes into making these decisions. It is with that that I have withheld overly criticizing the organization and continue to attend every game. I, however, do feel it necessary to take the organization to task over the marketing of this Saturday's replay with Miami. I find it reprehensible that repeated negligence by the Hawks scoring table led to this NBA "punishment" in the form of a replay, and you all are trying to capitalize by marketing "witness NBA history" and selling "2 games in one night." In my mind, there has been no clearer indication that this ownership group is focused more on lining their pockets than on delivering a quality product (in terms of wins and losses). The fact that the NBA office took away a win should serve as a severe call to action for this organization, as the negligence of the Hawks organization (in this case the scorers) resulted in a revocation of the one thing we as fans and paying customers want most, wins. To see the ASG attempting to capitalize on the situation disgusts me and serves as a true indictment of the owners and their motivation. This revelation into the driving forces behind how this organization is run will play a major role as I consider whether to renew my season tickets for next year.
  14. They're also promoting the Bowl N Ball. I like the dunk tank idea for that event. "Come get hammered, take shots at Coach Woodson in the dunk tank, and it's all for charity!" Sign me up! I'd also like to see Marvin bowling...the way he walks around the court, seeing him bowl could be pretty funny. Josh Smith would probably need bumper lanes (assuming a gutter ball is the bowling equivalent to an airball), but it sure would be fun to see him come out of nowhere at put a block on Joe as he's about to release his ball. Bibby's job would be to pass everyone their ball when it's their turn to bowl. Salim could bowl from way back at the seats - long range. Horford could jump in and push euroboy Zaza out of the bowling lane. Speedy should come and be designated to hold fans beers all night while they bowl. Billy Knight could step in after the first game and try to "replace a bowler" on that little computer, subbing Larry Drew for Woodson. At which point Gearon would have to come in and stop him. They could really make this thing a lot of fun if they did it right!
  15. Instead of interviewing Billy Knight after Hawks games, they should just cue this up after each game... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_slkTEZ0rs
  16. He's the teacher's pet. Woodson can bark and scowl at the Joshes, Marvin, anyone else, but treats Joe (and now Bibby) very differently. I think Woody's too disgusted with the young guys and not critical enough of his vets. I can't see Joe getting any better until you get a coach in here that will challenge him. It's kind of like how the one kid (usually the baby in the fam) can get away with anything, when it seems like the other kids get yelled at even when they don't do anything wrong. Just put an apron on Woody that says "World's Greatest Mom" and it'd be official.
  17. Depends on how bad the Hornets are beating the Hawks. Question: If he's not going to get any PT, can he come over to our bench and maybe coach the team tonight? Just spitballing here...
  18. Quote: Why do we have to matchup with them? Why couldn't they match up with us? Play to this team strength and not follow other team's strength. When has this team ever dictated the flow of a game? I think we all know you have to be at least at a 8th grade coaching level to be proficient in that
  19. Quote: -We don't make adjustments at halftime A lot of what you said could be summarized right there. We don't make in-game adjustments. We stick to the game plan (what there is of one). Doesn't matter who's hot, what the defense is doing, who's dragging a$$, etc.
  20. Yeah, and it didn't help that at the same time they're nailing threes we had a series of senseless turnovers. I think that's where it got out of hand.
  21. The whole reason they slowed down is because they had a few unforced turnovers in the transition game early in the third. Truth be told, you could predict the outcome just sitting there watching the game. At the end of the first half, the Hawks had shot better than they have in a long time, they were getting out and running, and playing good team ball. But for a team that doesn't do those things that often, it was only a matter of time before they stumbled a bit. Golden State knows this game, they're good at it. Looking at their scoring numbers quarter-by-quarter....pretty darn consistent. The Hawks played like, well, the Hawks for most of the game. I don't know who that team was in the first quarter, but the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter scoring numbers looking more like the Hawks we know.
  22. AnnArborHawk


    Quote: ASG is looking like the bad guy a lot!!! The buck stops with them. If you think Woodson's the problem, blame BK...oh wait, he wanted to fire them and the ASG said no. If you think BK's the problem, well the ASG signs his paychecks. And ultimately, if you think ASG is the problem, well you're probably right. I bet these guys have a lot financially at stake with the Hawks making the playoffs. If they don't, I'm not sure the money is there to keep Josh Smith.
  23. Definitely a step in the right direction. Now go out and get a good tackle at #3 and we'll be moving in the right direction.
  24. Sign Turner, go get yourself a left tackle at the top of the draft, and pick a quarterback later. This year, focus on solid D and controlling the ball on offense.
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