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Everything posted by Brotha2ThaNite

  1. Okay I'm going to finally say it, SMUCK YOU Billy Knight!I don't care that 90 percent of the experts had Marvin rated higher. You're the GM and it's your job to get the pick right! Well, you smucked up and we are still suffering from it!Okay I finally got it out. I feel a little better. Lol
  2. LMBO... i feel you. give me Asik! PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
  3. If the Hawks put that line up on our team... I will kiss Danny the next time I see him.
  4. The KK signing is saying nothing but good things. More to come...
  5. This Mos Def makes me believe if we trade with the Rockets Danny Boy is going to go for the throat! lol
  6. ??? This has nothing to do with Josh. It has all to do with power and balance. Why help another team build another big 3? If we don't help... Josh will have to sign with someone else or us making the league more balance. The NBA is made up of about 8 strong teams. The rest of the league have no chance. So why help that trend continue? Asik PER sucks for a big. If we do get him I hope I'm wrong... I am pretty sure Danny will get the better deal if we do trade. He knows we have the leverage. But I still think Dwight will pick us. :-)
  7. I can see Asik and Al working good together. Asik, and Terrence Jones... But... I would rather do like the Lakers did with the Clippers when they said they won't do a SnT deal. If the Rockets want to build their "Big 3" find another way. We still have these nice young players we drafted... Go with another year of 1yr contracts. I would rather give Bynum a one year 15 mil contract
  8. Hell No! Why should we help them. I just went on a twitter rant about this. lol I would rather give Bynum a large 1yr deal than to help the Rockets get our top target.
  9. That is crazy. Why should we help the Rockets make Dwight happy? Oh because we are lil old Hawks...
  10. So am I the only to laugh at this typo? thanks for the laugh dolfan
  11. Conspiracy brotha here too... I agree with you. :-)
  12. Okay i saw this http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/07/01/reports-pelicans-to-offer-tyreke-evans-40-million44-million/ but I see yall are getting your info from ESPN
  13. I read $40 million or $44 million with his first year at 10, 300, 000.Where are y'all getting 12 Million?Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  14. If we let Teague go and put Dennis in. Then.... :-) If we let Teague go and put Dennis in. Then.... :-)
  15. The Hawks are meeting up today to talk with Josh Smith and Dwight HowardDo anyone know the time frame?Both of the meetings are in LA, right? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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