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Everything posted by PaceRam

  1. I know it is early but are there any ideas on which prospects you would like to see the Hawks consider in the draft?
  2. The important question is will he be a Hawk next season when he resumes his quest to beat the record! I am hoping YES but I am guessing NO!
  3. I was kind of thinking just the opposite. With Kobe out I am guessing Dwight becomes "The Man" for the Lakers for the rest of this season and for whatever part of next season Kobe misses before he returns. I am guessing with Kobe's injury the Lakers will make a strong push to keep Dwight on the team.
  4. I probably overlooked it somewhere on the earlier posts but can someone tell me which team (Hawks or a Bulls) get the 5th seed if they end up tied in the standings?
  5. Last night was a great night for Atlanta Sports fans with huge wins by the Hawks and the Braves! I have to admit that with the way they started their games I really thought they were both on their way to losing their games. I am thrilled I was wrong and I will learn to have more faith in both these teams!
  6. PaceRam

    Kyle Korver?

    I really hope there is some way the Hawks can re-sign Korver! Can you imagine him and Jenkins lighting it up from the 3-point land next season?!
  7. It would be nice if the Hawks could be the next Miami Heat (NBA Allstar Team!)!
  8. PaceRam

    Kyle Korver?

    I really thought his STREAK was going to end tonight! I am glad I was wrong!
  9. PaceRam

    Kyle Korver?

    Thanks for the information! I am very glad to read he is not hurt!
  10. PaceRam

    Kyle Korver?

    I noticed by the Hawks-Sixers Boxscore that apparently Korver is not playing a lot of minutes. Can anyone tell me if he is still hurt or is Jenkins just playing that well? Will Korver's streak end tonight (I hope not!)?
  11. Thanks for the quick response! I was afraid that was going to be the answer! Hopefully, the Hawks can win a few remaining regular season games and hold on to the 6th seed!
  12. Can anyone please tell me if the Hawks end up tied with the Celtics at the end of the season who gets the 6th seed and who gets the 7th seed? Thanks
  13. I will admit that I NEVER get to see any Hawks games but I have followed them for YEARS but I get all my information from this board (Thanks!) and the AJC! But, all season I have wondered why the Hawks have not given more playing time to John Jenkins, Mike Scott and Johan Petro. And, while I do realize last night's San Antonio was just one game it was a game against one of the best teams in the NBA and all three of those players had what I considered very good games (Jenkins - 23 points, Scott - 22 points & 6 rebounds, Petro - 11 points & 15 rebounds). Am I wrong and the Hawks have had good reasons not to play these players more throughout the season or could it be bad coaching decisions? It will be very interesting to see what players AND coaches are back for next season!
  14. How does an NBA player go 0 for 7 at the free throw line?
  15. Congratulations to Korver for keeping his streak going tonight against the Celtics but by the look of the stats it does not look like he is getting much playing time? But, I guess that is ok since it looks like Josh is shooting enough for the two of them!
  16. I really hope Korver gets the record and I hope be gets it as a Hawk!
  17. Thanks for the answer! I have mixed emotions about the Bulls/Heat Game. I wanted the Bulls to lose since they are playing for playoff positioning with the Hawks but I really wanted to see the Heat streak come to an end!
  18. I apologize! I thought it was a good way to get an answer!
  19. Can anyone tell me if Korver still has his 3-Point streak going and if he does can you tell me how many games he is up to? He has at least a couple tonight against Raptors.Thanks!
  20. PaceRam

    2014 Hawks?

    Although, I am NOT giving up on this season (once you get into the playoffs everyone starts at 0-0 and anything can happen!) but I will admit that I am very excited about the upcoming Hawks offseason! I have no clue how much the Hawks will have available but apparently they should have quite a bit of salary cap money to spend before next season. Hopefully, Danny Ferry will make some wise decisions and have enough clout to convince some quality free agents to sign with the Hawks. And, then I noticed this morning that the Hawks have two draft picks in the 1st round and two more picks in the 2nd round of this year's draft (is this true?). Between free agency and the draft the Hawks should have a great opportunity to add some good players and some much needed depth to their next season's roster! I am curious how many Hawks fans think: 1) Josh Smith will be with the Hawks next season and 2) Larry Drew will be with the Hawks next season I have followed the Hawks (from a distance since I live in Florida) for a long time but I am by no means am I an expert on the Hawks but I am guessing that this offseason will be one of the most important (and, hopefully exciting!) offseasons they have had in a very long time! I am also guessing that before Danny Ferry is done with all his offseason transactions the Hawks will look like an expansion team next season!
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