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Everything posted by PaceRam

  1. I don't see how you can win many games (although, the Hawks almost pulled it off tonight!) getting out rebounded by over 20 rebounds!
  2. Did I really see in the box score that a Josh Smith only played 5 minutes in the 1st half? If this is true does anyone know why (Injury, Coach upset with him, etc?)?
  3. Not living in Atlanta (Florida) can you tell me what the Atlanta residents think of the Hawks current ownership/coaching situation?
  4. I really don't understand the lack of playing time for Zaza and Ivan (injuries, illness, just don't want to play them, etc?)!
  5. I wish all the NBA teams would be as hospitable to the Horford & the Hawks as the Bobcats!
  6. Great win for the Hawks tonight (of course, any win is a great win especially when it is on the road!)! Looking at the boxscore of the game a few of the stats (and, I do know stats are for losers!) caught my attention.1) The Hawks had a better shooting percentage with their 3FG shooting (11/22 50 % which is outstanding) than they did with their FT percentage (6/14 43% which isn't so outstanding)2) Al Horford (who had a great night with 26 points and 13 rebounds) only attempted 1 FT. I am not a basketball expert but I would think a Center as aggressive (at least I think he is aggressive?) as Horford would get more than one FT attempt in a game.3) The Hawks actually outrebounded the Bobcats 41 - 36 which isn't a huge margin but I get pretty excited anytime I see the Hawks outrebound an opponent!The boxscore also showed the Hawks getting 15 blocked shots (3 each by Horford, Lou Williams andDevon Harris) which seems like a lot to me.
  7. PaceRam


    That was an awful non-call by the refs and I am not a Lions or a Texans fan but I hate to see any team lose because of terrible calls like that one (unexcusable!)! But, I will agree with you that I don't understand why all the Lions players just stopped on the play. I am pretty sure that most coaches (Pro, College, High School, Little League, etc) teach/tell their players that you do not stop on a play until you hear the whistle! I told my dad that was one of the worst calls (non-call) I had ever seen in an NFL game and the League officials should be totally embarrassed by that non-call but I certainly didn't understand why the Lions total defense just stopped on the play without hearing the whistle!
  8. PaceRam


    One of the WORST calls (or, Non-Call!) I have ever seen!
  9. It amazes me that the Hawks can get out rebounded by 21 and still win the game! Of course, they were playing the winless Wizards and they probably won't get away with that very often! I thought the Hawks were doing a better job with their rebounding in recent games but this was pretty disappointing. I thought the Hawks were looking at a couple of Centers to add one to the roster? Just in my personal opinion (and, I don't get to see the Hawks play so I get most my information from this board and the AJC so my opinions are very limited!) but if the Hawks can get one more BIG that can help with the rebounding and possibly a little inside scoring they could be a pretty darn good team!
  10. I hope the Hawks keep Korver!
  11. A few years ago I would have liked to have seen the Hawks trade for Gasol but now with his age and salary I am not so sure he fits in Ferry's plans.
  12. Is this just a rumor or do you think there is a real possibility the Hawks could trade Smith for Gasol? And, if this did happen would it be a straight up trade or would one team (I am guessing the Hawks) have to add another player or draft pick to this trade?
  13. I don't get to see the Hawks games but looking at the stats (and, I know stats can be deceiving!) it sure seems to me that Ivan Johnson should be getting more playing time. There must be some reason that he is not getting more playing time and wondering if some of you Hawks fans that are fortunate enough to see them play could give us some of those reasons.
  14. I guess the stat sheet was a little misleading. Like many other Hawk fans I think if Josh Smith would take less (a lot less!) long range outside shots he could be awesome!
  15. Just looked at the Hawks/Blazers stats and saw that the Hawks held the Blazers to 36% FG shooting for the game. That is pretty impressive!
  16. I thought I read on the box score that he didn't take any 3 point shots (attempts) tonight. I was pretty impressed (encouraged) with seeing that stat!
  17. First of all - I have always been a huge fan of Josh Smith since the Hawks drafted him but I do think it is time for the Hawks to trade him (sooner than later!). I still think that Smith is a huge talent (one of the most athletic players in the League!) but I don't think he is going to reach his full potential with the Hawks. I think Smith needs a change of scenery with a team that can better utilize his talents and a Head Coach that can have better chemistry with him. With the right team and the right coach I think Smith will become a much better overall player and hopefully make the NBA Allstar game in the near future (but, probably not as a Hawk). I think it wii be to the best interest of both parties (Hawks & Josh Smith) that a trade happens in the near future.
  18. At least to me the three most impressive stats (other than the Hawks Win and their Huge 4th Quarter comeback!) were Josh Smith's 7 assists and his one (Just one!) three point attempt and the Hawks out rebounding the Pacers 51-41! This was a huge win for the Hawks!
  19. Do the Hawks have a rebounding problem?
  20. Whatever happened to Fasenko? This game might get him signed soon?
  21. It amazes me that the Hawks got out rebounded 58-36 and only lost by 7 points (and, was actually was in the game until the final minutes).
  22. Is this just a bad game (as far as rebounding goes) or is this going to be a problem for the Hawks all season? It might be my imagination (or bad memory!) but it seems like getting out rebounded by the opposing teams has been a problem for the Hawks for awhile!
  23. PaceRam

    I am sad...

    Yea, I was starting to feel sorry for you! I hope you have a great time cheering the Hawks to Victory!
  24. Does anyone else think it is strange that the Hawks don't play their first game of the season until Friday while the Lakers will be playing their third game of the season on Friday?
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