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Everything posted by thefloydian

  1. The people who argue that Woodson "got us" to the playoffs two years in a row use flawed logic. They act like "getting to the playoffs" is somehow the mark of a good coach. Just because a team gets to the playoffs, it does not necessarily follow that the coach had a positive affect on the team. With a better coach, we might have done a little better than barely squeaking into the playoffs with a losing record two years ago, or barely squeaking by Miami in pathetic fashion last year. And I'm not even going to get into the "he's coached us to a better record every year" because that is so obviously ridiculous an argument as to not warrant any reply.
  2. There's no way someone like Siler is going to play for the Hawks this year unless there are a lot of injuries. He is not a short-term big solution.
  3. Woodson didn't take anyone to the playoffs. If anything, the team drug him there kicking and screaming.
  4. That's not surprising. Woodson is incompetent.
  5. I thought this was a mistake when I saw it on realgm.
  6. The two main reasons Smith won't ever be a three are that he can't shoot or dribble.
  7. Huh? He already played with KG. He's thinking about joining Cleveland.
  8. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/60819/20090727/report_powe_considering_offer_from_cavs/ I wouldn't have minded if the Hawks had taken a chance on him.
  9. But how do you find a diamond in the rough if they never play? This is why I can't get excited about any young undrafted players. They won't ever play. There will never be anyway to evaluate them even if they are good enough to play in the NBA.
  10. 6 and 7% better is a big difference though.
  11. I don't know about that, but Sacramento waived him to make room for the players in the Bibby trade.
  12. How does shooting 6-7% less from the 3-point line indicate a comparable shooting ability?
  13. Booo. http://basketball.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/60802/20090726/source_odom_leaning_towards_heat/
  14. Again, I didn't say he couldn't have a great year. All I'm doing is pointing out that just because Crawford is thought to be better than Flip, his career numbers aren't much better than Flip's season last year. That's not to say his numbers couldn't improve this year, but I think it's relevant to point out the reality of the statistics as well.
  15. Signing this guy would be a waste of money.
  16. There's no way any of these guys will get any playing time anyway, so it's kind of irrelevant. These are the people who have a chance at/will get playing time. Bibby/Teague Joe/Crawford Marvin/Mo Smith/Free Agent Horford/Zaza After that it's just a bunch of practice players.
  17. I didn't say it wasn't an improvement. I just don't think it's as big of one as people think. Flip had a really good year last year and I really doubt Crawford is going to do a whole lot more.
  18. You missed the point completely. I didn't say Flip would repeat his numbers this year, but that still doesn't make Crawford much of an improvement over last year's Flip.
  19. Crawford's career numbers aren't much (if at all) better than Flip's season totals from last year.
  20. According to who? The Magic went to the finals last year and this off season have added Carter as a replacement to Turk, Brandon Bass and Matt Barnes. What else does it take to be in the conversation for the #1 or #2 seeds? At the absolute minimum they would basically lock up the #3 spot 1st Unit: Nelson Carter Pietrus Lewis Howard 2nd Unit: C.J. Waston (Or some other backup pg they will resign this offseason. do they still have AJ?) Reddick Barnes Bass Gortat
  21. This whole thread is embarrassing.
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