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Everything posted by thefloydian

  1. Sorry if there's an obvious answer to this question that is alluding me, but I was just thinking about Rubio's buyout and started wondering something. How is it that Childress was able to leave the Hawks for Greece while still under contract, but Rubio is forced to pay some buyout to his Spanish team in order to play in the NBA?
  2. Why Ike over Wilcox? They seem like similar players from what I've read in this thread.
  3. I'd rather have Wilcox, Gooden, Gray, Magloire and even Siler before Skinner.
  4. Yeah, I don't think Sund is dumb enough to give him over 5 mil per.
  5. All the people that fit that description are already on other teams. And honestly, there's not many people that fit that description period.
  6. Granger and Butler both make more than 8 mil a year. So does Luol Deng. I think even Al Harrington Q-Rich were making more than that. And these are on older contracts. 8 million dollar SFs do not carry their teams unless they are playing for less than they're worth. I also don't understand why we're talking about Portland's salary structure at the turn of the century.
  7. That's good because it would make you look dumb.
  8. I don't think Marvin is worth 8 mil a year, but you act like there's some formula used to determine a player's worth. What are they supposed to say other than they think he's worth 8 million? All you're saying is that he isn't. Where's your proof?
  9. I will admit that part of the reason I want Wilcox is because he's fun to watch. Rasho might be the better fit, so I think we should just get both of them. :gift:
  10. I don't think Rasho is going to defend the basket a whole lot better than Zaza, but maybe I just don't know enough about him. While it would be nice to get a backup center, I think the best available big men are mostly power forwards.
  11. I don't think you have to worry about Andersen becoming great. I just kind of wish we would have held his rights instead of trading him for a worthless pick. If he didn't want to play for us I'd have rather seen him kept out of the NBA period.
  12. Marvin isn't going to be making more than Butler or Granger, and the only reason he's making more than Artest is that Artest wants to chase a ring and isn't trying to maximize his salary this year. That said, I think 8 mil/year is a little much, but I don't see what else we could do. I don't see Flip as an improvement over Marvin.
  13. Damn, I said top 10, but I would have chosen the "I Hate Woodson" option if I had been paying attention.
  14. It's all about the money for most people when it comes to their job.
  15. I would think we made a dumb move. Those guys aren't that good.
  16. I don't mind being the 4 seed, but I am annoyed that the coach is saying he hopes we stay there in public.
  17. The point is the team was hurt. No one's saying we would have beaten Cleveland, but it wouldn't have been as ugly if the team was healthy.
  18. I hope you're right about that. I honestly think it would take a 5th or 6th seed for them to fire him.
  19. ahahahaha it's amazing this guy still has a job
  20. Using Sham's salaries site I just calculated the Magic's total salary next year at around 78 million. And that's with only 10 players. Maybe I did it wrong, but geez.
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