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Everything posted by thefloydian

  1. Saying Marvin can't create his own shot is asinine.
  2. I like it for the simple fact that Smitty knows what Josh's weaknesses are and he might actually be able to get through to him in ways Woodson is incapable of.
  3. I don't know. From what I've seen, Villanueva kind of sucks.
  4. thefloydian

    Matt Barnes

    Have you ever even watched Barnes play? I'm not sure he's better than Marvin, but it is definitely close.
  5. Chin up, buckaroo. I'd never heard of that Maceo guy, but I youtube'd him and he looks pretty good for a bench player.
  6. This post is just brain dead.
  7. The only time I've really seen him play is when he killed the Hawks 2 years ago.
  8. Yeah, the Hawks should not let go of his rights unless they get a good offer if for no other reason than to spite him. I didn't really feel strongly about it one way or another, but this article is just whiny and annoying. The Hawks offered him a fair contract according to the market and he wanted more. He's just not as good as he thinks he is.
  9. Everyone who says he's done probably didn't watch many of his games last year. I mean he's nowhere near what he was, but as far as backup big men, he's still capable. I don't advocate giving him anymore than a 1-year minimum deal, but I think he could help the team.
  10. I think Crawford is going to be a really good 6th man. A 2nd team with him and Teague could be fun to watch.
  11. Childress is a punk. Let him stay in Europe for the rest of his career.
  12. I don't buy this. If New Orleans traded Paul they would have to move the team. No one would ever go to another game.
  13. Well, no, that's not really what you said. But even if we go with it now you're mostly wrong. Plus there's the added problem of a lot of the guys like that still playing on their rookie contract.
  14. You said the average was less than 8 mil. Now there are these qualifications. Not surprising. By that same logic we could argue that some of those guys are underpaid.
  15. Pretty much everyone who isn't playing on a rookie deal either makes over 8 mil or isn't as good as Marvin.
  16. Salary for Starting Small Forwards Currently Under Contract in the NBA(from shamsports.com): I labeled the players who are still on their rookie contracts and noted if I didn't know who the starter was or if they had one. Boston - Pierce: $19,795,712 Charlotte - Not sure who their starting SF is. Wallace: $9,500,000, Diaw: $9,000,000, Bell: $5,250,000 Chicago - Deng: $10,365,000 Cleveland - Lebron: $15,779,912 Dallas - Howard: $10,890,000 Denver: Anthony: $15,779,912 Detroit: Prince: $10,324,380 Golden State - Jackson: $7,650,000 Houston - Battier: $6,864,200 Indiana - Granger: $9,930,500 Clippers - Thornton: $1,900,200 (Rookie Deal) Lakers - Artest: Not listed. I think it's around the MLE. Whatever it is it's below his market value because he wants a ring. They offered Odom 9 mil/year. Memphis - Gay: $3,280,997 (Rookie Deal), Q-Rich is making $8,700,000 Miami - Beasley: $4,638,600 (Rookie Deal) Milwaukee - I don't know who their starter is or if they have one. Bruce Bowen has $4,100,000 non-guaranteed. Minnesota - Same as above. Corey Brewer is making $2,916,120 on a rookie deal. New Jersey - Yi? : $3,194,400 (Rookie Deal) New Orleans: Peja: $13,392,000 New York - Chandler?: $1,255,440 (Rookie Deal) Oklahoma - Durant: $4,796,880 (Rookie Deal) Orlando - Lewis: $18,010,791 Philadelphia - Young?: $2,105,400 (Rookie Deal) Phoenix - None currently unless Richardson counts. I don't think he does, but his salary is $13,333,332 if anyone cares. Portland - Outlaw?: $3,600,000 (I think this is a rookie deal but maybe not. Is he even the starter?) Sacramento - Nocioni?: $7,500,000 San Antonio - Jefferson: $14,200,000 Toronto - Turkoglu: Around $10,000,000 Utah - Kirilenko: $16,452,000 Washington - Butler: $10,030,970 Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this stuff or tell me things I didn't know.
  17. He should be fun to watch, anyway. I didn't realize he could dunk like that until a day or two ago when I was searching him on youtube.
  18. Yeah. I always got the impression that Steve thought Woody was an idiot.
  19. Oh, I didn't realize you still weren't counted as technically under contract as a RFA. Thanks.
  20. Anyway, if Ben was the second of two big men with someone like Wilcox or Gooden being the first I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just hope he doesn't end up being the best PF/Center we add with someone like Solomon Jones filling the other spot. Although, I admit, I am pretty certain that would not be the case.
  21. Oh, ok. I wasn't looking in the comments. Thanks.
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