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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I just remembered that there's no longer a Dream forum on their official site, so they would probably appreciate the one here. There's a general site where they hang out, and if I remember where it is, I'll advertise the Hawksquawk Dream forum over there.
  2. Two questionable defenses, one of which had the worse defense in NFL history last season. I think our young corners and linebackers play up and the pass rush surprises everyone, despite all the preseason worries. Couple that with our explosive offense, and I predict: Birds 30 Aints 21
  3. I want no part of the Dodgers right now, and we just struggled with the Cards after having swept them this summer (to start our win streak). Of course I'd rather play the Pirates!
  4. Considering the age of some of the players, this really is a now-or-never season for us. We should have been in the Superbowl last year, but between Roddy being held on that last possession and giving up tons on yards in the middle of the defense, we blew it. Our schedule will be harder this year, but we can set the tone with a win on Sunday against the Aints, not to mention beating Green Bay away and beating the 69ers in the last game in their building (to avenge all those 1980's losses in the NFC West). These guys better play with killer instinct, and the young bucks on defense better grow up fast.
  5. Despite giving up a big lead in the East, we can get back to the postseason with a win over the Indiana Fever tonight. Realistically, the Dream could be the next team to bring a title to Atlanta, after having fallen short in two WNBA Finals appearances in recent years. Dream Big, ladies!
  6. I'm glad we finally got back on the winning track last night. We really squandered our lead!
  7. I just posted a link to Hawksquawk too, for their information: http://boards.atlantafalcons.com/topic/3983963-atlanta-hawks-forum-is-now-up/page__st__20#entry7897332
  8. As I said, I've been doing the exact opposite (telling people over there about Hawksquawk). I posted this thread to let everyone know that there are Hawks fans elsewhere that we could recruit to Hawksquawk, which isn't connected to the team's website like the AFMB is. Posting links to Hawksquawk articles over there might be a good idea to get real Hawks fans over there to join the real discussion over here. By "this board," I meant Hawksquawk.
  9. They've been asking for it for a while, and the mods finally added one. I've advertised Hawksquawk there for a long time too, but wanted to let you know. The mods here may want to let people know about this board was well. I'm just glad there are so many people interested in the Hawks in this city!
  10. Maybe he was celebrating the Braves' win?
  11. Best part was when he said that Atlanta fans don't have to worry about him (shooting jumpers) anymore, and can find something else to complain about. One of the hosts said that Atlanta fans are complicated, and Jamie Dukes said we're whiners. If you're sick of us whining, start winning!
  12. Thanks! I appreciate knowing an expert on the country for next time!
  13. Welcome! I've been to much of central Spain and south to Andalucia, but not as far as Cadiz. Can't wait to get back and see Barca and the southern coast.
  14. I spent a summer there, and this is making me miss Madrid!
  15. Smoove would beat Milsap in a game of 75-footer HORSE.
  16. I'll miss The 75-Footer Factory.
  17. On first glance, I thought this said Billy Knight
  18. I'll cheer whenever he attempts one of his famous 75-footers.
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