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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Reed: Tax breaks to Braves city was "unwilling to do" (AJC) Apparently, it would have taken hundreds of millions in tax breaks to keep the Braves in downtown Atlanta. This feels just like when Reed let the Thrashers leave without a fight. Now everyone knows how Thrashers fans felt, and that sucks as a fan of all Atlanta pro sports teams.
  2. They don't have a deal in writing with Cobb County on the tax revenue to fund this deal. Good luck with that.
  3. Braves just lost thousands of fans south and east of town. F*ck 'em.
  4. Does the team typically have extras at subsequent games? Does anyone here have an extra they're willing to part with? Also, does anyone have a photo of one? I collect these for all the local teams, but normally they're given out opening night, which I never miss.
  5. I remember the Thrashers doing this too. Not sure what the point is, other than, as mentioned above, anyone being traded at any time.
  6. Speaking of Antić, it looks like there are Macedonians at every game during this road stretch. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, REPRESENT!
  7. I was thinking the same thing last week. Alcohol hasn't helped.........much.
  8. Observation: the Hawks were the only Atlanta team that played with a backbone yesterday. As far as I'm concerned, the calendar has just turned to basketball season full-time for this guy.
  9. A player with the ball collides with a defender outside the restricted area, the ref decides which player is more popular, and he calls a foul on the other guy.
  10. Got some great tickets for this game; looking forward to the new-look Hawks (and a damn W).
  11. Not complaining; it's amusing, really!
  12. Prediction: Horf gets 20/20 tonight and the board melts down. Then he gets 11/5 again the next game, and it's Groundhog Day around here. Sad, really.
  13. I miss those 75-footers already!
  14. If we had the 20-rebound guy mentioned above, the sky's the limit!
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