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Everything posted by gurpilo

  1. For Trae is LOVE and Hate, one play he plays smart and you LOVE him, Next one he does a dumb play and you Hate him. When he learns how to play 80% of times smart basketball he is going to dominate the NBA
  2. Yes Trae, that is exactly the plays you need to do.
  3. That 3pt play from Collins os gold. Refs do not have same criteria for both
  4. Well, very little can be said about this quarter, just the best half I have seen in a while against the 2nd best defense of the league. Very difficult we can maintain this percentages on the 2nd half, Phily is shooting well also, we need to tight the defense a little. Throw some bodies at Embiid and don’t let them run that is their best offense
  5. Wow, simply unbelievable how Hawks are playing, fantastic effort guys
  6. Fantastic effort from the team, really unbelievable for a team this young. I think we can challenge the Sixers, specially if they miss Embiid. I think we can really win if Embiid is not playing and I am serious.
  7. For next year FA we clearly need a backup PG and a big Center, this will be clear if we advance and play the Sixers. Wether we add them by draft or FA is still on the air but clearly we need an upgrade there. Of course we need Collins back and I would try to keep Snell. My prefered options would be Dinwiddie but perhaps more realistic options could be McConnell, Payton, Cameron Payne, Frank Jackson For Center I see a lot of options for a backup C that could play a significant role on playoffs in particular, Dieng, Dedmon, Noel, McGee, Witheside, Zeller, Robin López, even stealing Holmes would be huge but he is small. My preference would be Dieng.
  8. I have seen Hawks team bend knees on the past to this bully attitude on the court. Now you see the youngest team since many years perform like vets and fight with toughness, that is so difficult to see, kudos to Nate for that. Hunter today really played bad but Gallo, Capela, Collins and Trae could not be contained by Knicks. Difference in talent is so great that I think it would be a great disaster to lose the series, I want to win 4-1 and close it on MSG.
  9. Well, you can see the good coaching here. We are a really young team but you can’t tell out there, they are playing defense smart and apart from some forced 3s from Trae and also a pair from Bogi they are doing good choices. Knicks is a dirty team but this young team are playing like vets, you can see a real good work there from coaching staff.
  10. We are a better team for aire, but better trama do nota always sin. Need to close the series 4-1
  11. That's the way to react Kev, he ido growing like a man
  12. WoW, finnally, awesome quarter by Hawks, we are much more talented
  13. We need to find the shooters, no way we shoot so poorly
  14. Trae needs to stop long 3s, he falled 4 already. Se are shooting 10%from 3, we need more Ball movement.
  15. Bogi, Collins and Hunter disconnected for now
  16. Well, Trae needs to calm down and stop long 3s
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