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Everything posted by NineOhTheRino

  1. Don't think the rest of the world is ready for Josh Smith.
  2. You guys ever noticed how mechanical Al look on the floor? No fluidity to his game at all.Summary of Al's game: Stop....Pause....PopYou do not build around that! If he was already partnered with a young and talented Rondo-like PG then maybe so but trying to build around a payer who does a few things well and nothing better than well is a waste. This is not sneaky way to say the Hawks should build around Josh. Building around Josh makes less sense. This is an open admission that I don't see what most here see in Al. Forget the stats. Dude just does not pass my eye test.
  3. I sure hope this isn't about selling a brand. before all this I found him corny and annoying. Now that he's created such a stir I bet his Q-rating is right there with Ben Roethlisberger and Mike Vick.
  4. JJ should not be part of a "big three" period. Good player but he does not have enough inside to be counted on when it matters most.
  5. Great post but.... I sure hope you're wrong. Compete for what? A playoff certificate perhaps....the same playoff certificate that more than 50% of the league gets.
  6. Three small guards and 2 PFs....now that's a lineup
  7. I haven't felt this good about a Hawks player since Salim Stoudamire.
  8. I think this is the second step to Ferry getting the Hawks back in the lottery. Anyone thinking this is a move to win games better think twice. Who in the hell gonna defend and create in that back court?
  9. Now if we can just find someone to challenge Drew to become a better coach.
  10. I don't understand why fans think it's a players obligation to help these teams make decisions. All we hear is how it's a business yet the "business" people are the ones who have no idea how real businesses are run.
  11. I only base that off the Hawks having an All-Star C/PF combination for the past few years and not being able to get out the second round. In today's NBA titles are won in the back court. Well...at least I think so.
  12. Yet I bet had Atlanta been the desired destination for a super team we'd all be singing a different tune. Play the hand you're dealt.
  13. I guess if the goal is being mediocre like before. You're rolling out 2 PFs ( neither special on defense) and 2 combo gaurds. Have fun watching that lineup miss the playoffs and draft on the bad end of the lottery. Time we do what we do best in this city. Lets be damn good at losing.
  14. I'm posting something about this later. Stay tuned!
  15. I have to disagree with considering the Nets a "super team". Joe, D12, and DW are natural losers. The Nets will be breaking that trainwreck up in 2 years. Just be patient. Our superstar player is on the way. This time around we have to actually draft the mofo though.
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