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Everything posted by NineOhTheRino

  1. The little explosion Joe had off the dribble is completely gone. He should be a SF for that reason alone.
  2. Simple: Woody did it with Josh Smith and a bunch of scrubs. The other coaches have future HOFers."The Sh*t Works"-the great Mike Woodson
  3. Well we know Aurthur Blank is a billionaire and he has investors. Sometimes it's just a matter of spreading the risk.
  4. I've been trying to dig up information on ASG's combined net worth but can not find anything. For all we know these dudes have billions. Think about it, Ted Turner's little boy probably carries around 100 stacks as strip club money.Seriously though, I think we all should relax with the assumption until we can confirm these guys are truly NBA poor.
  5. Pape Sy?Joe Johnson's truck?WNBA pre-draft thread?idk
  6. Mike Woodsonhttp-~~-//media.790thezone.com/Podcasts/2446/Mike%20Woodson%206-7-12.mp3Slow day
  7. Excuse me for being harsh, but JJ and potential should never be used in the same sentence. We've seen the best of Joe. There is no potential left. From this point on the Hawks should only expect diminishing returns.
  8. I don't understand why the Hawks would hold on to Joe for 2 more years. What has the guy done to deserve this level of trust? Forget about ASG, his contract, and all other surrounding circumstances. The fact is when he got here the Hawks were a joke, and all these years later the Hawks are still a joke.If we all agree that Joe Johnson's contract is indeed a bad contract why in the world would you not take whatever in return to get the contract off the books.
  9. too bad the only GM dumb enough to do it is unemployed.and...Trading Joe should have little to do with the skill level you're getting in return. Hawks should take any expiring contract or draft pick available. The #1 goal should be getting rid of that hideous contract.
  10. Dude may bring the ball up two times per game. How in the world is that holding Jeffery back? You guys are really going overboard with this Josh Smith agenda. What's the deal here?
  11. I would happily pay a Joe Johnson tax. I would go as far as adding an additional $10 to my monthly cable bill.
  12. Even though this is not his hometown he may be willing to take a hometown discount to get an opportunity to play with a future NBA champion & HOFer in Joe Johnson.Pipe dream?
  13. What's the point? You are still left with a mediocre team. Stop delaying the inevitable and return to being a lottery team sooner.last thing on this ever....So who will do the dirty work down low? Pau and Horford? No that's LOL funny!
  14. Think we all know Josh is in the driver seat here. He will set the agenda when he gives management his intentions this summer.Business wise the thing to do would be to trade him ASAP for the best available player/package, but as a fan I hope they decide to start rebuilding the team trough the lottery the day Josh is no longer a Hawk. Josh started this era so it fits that he'd be the one to end it.
  15. Pau maybe big but I guarandamntee Josh has more impact on the defensive end. You know what's sad? This trade has Rick Sund written all over it. I'm 100% sure if Pau Gasol is on the market he will be traded for Josh before the season starts. That is a bad. As a longtime Hawks fan I feel more for other longtime fans who thought this team had a chance to be something special with Josh. Sometimes you have to look past measurable and think about team chemistry. Okay I'll admit Josh is not perfect in this aspect but he's harmless when compared to Pau. This guy (Pau) needed to be pumped up in the freaking NBA finals! Who does that? Pau Gasol, Joe Johnson, and Larry Drew together has mediocrity written all over it. The talk of Pau Gasol being a low post presence is laughable. I don't care what the stats say I've seen this guy melt when playing against guys half his size. So in the end you've merely replaced a lighting rod with a 6'5" 7-footer with a considerably worse in-game work ethic.Have fun trying to win anything of note with that.
  16. Sometimes reading this stuff makes me feel as if I'm taking crazy pills.
  17. If the Hawks lose Josh and Marvin and bring in Pau and a scrub the Lakers would be getting better while the Hawks would be staying the same. At that point the Hawks are changing for the sake of change. Still left with a team of misfits and no star.
  18. For me it's as simple as knowing there is no way in hell the Hawks can win a title with JJ and Pau Gasol leading the charge. Don't see it. Blind me with all the stats you want.
  19. I don't get the thing where the other guy is a homer, thinking out of ignorance, being a clown, or just plain stupid if he does not follow my line of thought.Using that logic I can declare everyone an idiot since I think Tupac lives somewhere near the East Point Marta station.
  20. I don't understand the problem here. Why should players give management assurances? It would be nice if the player gave the team a heads up on his intentions, but he should not be vilified for not doing so.D12 however is different story. He would have been better off making a decision and staying with it. So either say nothing or stick by what you say.
  21. So we're putting Pau in the same hemisphere as : Dwyane Wade Joe Johnson Paul Pierce Kobe Bryant Dirk Nowitzki Steve Nash Wow!!! Only difference is those guys actually like playing basketball.
  22. Okay so you're the late great CrawfulToCrawesome. Now it all makes sense.Thinking about changing my display name to "JoeTheStripperTipper".
  23. He's down to make $19 mil per for those two year so that is JJ money. I'd rather let Josh walk for nothing than bring in another heartless lion. WTH man! Is this a basketball team or a NPO?
  24. Doug from the 2LS said it best last week. The Hawks would have been better off never signing JJ and keeping Jamal.
  25. There is no doubt in my mind the Lakers would have made it to the WCF if they had Josh in place of Gasol. The Lakers main problem this year was Bynum and Gasol needing to occupy the same space in the low post area. ain't got that problem with Josh.
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