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Everything posted by HalfHawk

  1. Smoove's full response. "Clearly I am competitive and was frustrated by our recent losses. I understand and respect the team's actions and just want to get back on the court to do whatever is necessary to help my teammates. I apologize for letting them down and apologize to our fans for not being available for tonight's game." - Smoove Clearly, you're an immature dumbass.
  2. HalfHawk

    5 Points!

    Statement game. Unfortunately, we're stating we suck beyond measure.
  3. Fewest points, first half19-L.A. Clippers at L.A. Lakers, December 14, 1999 Darn, almost. Maybe next game.
  4. What about airballing a free throw makes Josh want to shoot a three?
  5. It's no lottery pick, but moving up a few spots in the draft can't hurt. http://thebrooklyngame.com/details-of-joe-johnson-trade-emerge-nets-agreed-to-swap-2014-15-first-round-picks-with-atlanta/
  6. Better to be someone creating contact than shying away from it. It's not a cheap move, it's smart basketball.
  7. Wait, trade who...? Are you sane? The trade alone would be enough to send half the board into deep depression, but the actual sight of Zaza in another uniform might kill a handful of us. Zaza will retire a Hawk, take this blasphemy elsewhere.
  8. It's true that he hasn't fouled once in the past two weeks, but it's also a bit of a sensationalist headline if you ask me. During the course of the past two weeks, the Heat have only played in five games and LeBron, 186 minutes. It's no mystery to anyone that superstars get the benefit of the call a majority of the time, but LeBron really is just that good when it comes to playing defense without fouling. He's a smart defender on top of being a good defender.
  9. My problem isn't Josh taking jumpers... It's his back to the basket game. I love him in the paint, cutting, and scoring garbage buckets, but I'm lost as to why we post him up so often.
  10. I don't recall dismissing Al's entire game or commending Josh for a flawless one, but I don't see why Al is untouchable in this situation..?
  11. Hey, yeah! And screw his 25 points! What was he thinking keeping us in the game?!? Don't even try to put this on one front court player. They all deserve blame for the rebounding issue, but if anybody deserves to be singled out it's Zaza. He had 2 rebounds in 21 minutes, but using Josh as the scapegoat is just too convenient to pass up I guess.
  12. Also, Al deserves an equal share of the blame for his nonchalant demeanor after the board. The shot barely drew iron and bounced right into Gee's hands, Al should have transitioned over for the help defense. Inexcusable.
  13. I don't want to say your last thread was a jinx, but your last thread was a jinx.
  14. Zaza Pachulia. That is all.
  15. Although it's not great quality, here's a video of the moment. The best part about the whole thing is that the kid is actually Al's younger brother or nephew. I see him all the time at the games donning a Horford jersey and sitting next to Al's wife and who I assume to be Al's mother.
  16. I actually cringe more watching him post up than watching him shoot a jumper. The form and technique in his jump shot is agreeably off and unproductive, but I damn, near hurl at the TV when I watch him play with his back to the basket.
  17. Some say the Hawks are still on the court, turning the ball over to this very day.
  18. I hate Josh shooting jumpers just as much as the next guy, but what else can he go to? [*]Can't post up other PF's. [*]Can't dribble. [*]Can't finish at the rim. [*]Can't play the P&R. [*]Can't spot up. [*]Can't create for himself or others. I know I'm not the only one who can't deal with his s*** any longer, just trade the guy.
  19. Tonight's stat line for Marvin... 6 points on 2-5 shooting, 5 rebounds, and 3 TO's. "Ballin"
  20. 37 points, 12 assists, 6 rebounds, and 4 steals in his first game as a Rocket. Very insightful thread indeed.
  21. That's what I thought, but the addition of Asik still isn't showing up. I added him to my lineup this morning, but the only way I can make my new lineup appear is if I check my projected lineup for tomorrow. Currently it's still showing Bynum in the lineup and Harris on the bench.
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