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Everything posted by HalfHawk

  1. Very true, we can beat any team in the NBA on any given night, but our issue is consistency as we can also lose to any NBA team.
  2. Sometimes they piss me off to the point where I want to throw my HOUSE out the WINDOW. Yesterday was one of those days.
  3. I love how the players always give the same old bulls**t that they love the criticism and the underdog status, but yet they fold up like a damn lawn chair on the national stage in front of the very same critics that bad mouth them. This was a game where they could have shut them up, but instead they gave them ten more reasons to never take us seriously. I'm tired of it...
  4. They're called "free" throws for a reason, they're not meant to ruin your chances of winning a game. These bums get payed millions of dollars to dribble a ball and put it inside a metal hoop, and they can't do it from 15ft away with no one guarding them. Inexcusable.
  5. As long as we get the win, I don't care if he interviews like this..
  6. Strange you say that as he almost finished second in 2010 all-star voting among guards without playing a game... Hard to imagine he accomplished that by your accusation of nobody taking a liking to him..
  7. For one reason or another, you fail to realize we're an undersized jump-shooting team as well. In fact, we might be more undersized and more prone to taking jumpers than they are. The difference is that the Houston Rockets are an organized basketball team, while we're just a raw collection of talent. Kevin McHale knows how to coach and gameplan according to the way the game's going for his team, Drew sadly cannot. When Drew did make a few changes and we cut it to 6 in the fourth quarter, the idiot puts back the lineup that had us down 15 at one point and we end up blowing the momentum and ultimately losing the game. Houston's game ball goes to Larry Drew with Josh Smith coming in at a close second.
  8. I'm sorry, but when a player gives you some of the best years in his career to your city, shows incredible determination and will towards your franchise despite injury after injury, you show the man some damn respect. I don't know if the stands are filled with some ignorant, bloated people with extra money and nothing to do, but that is just inexcusable. Houston "fans" need to be educated on sportsmanship.
  9. First "Trade (Insert Player Name Here)" thread of the season. Yup, I'm in the right place. This is hawksquawk.
  10. Further indisputable proof of Marvin being the best player in the NBA.
  11. I'd like to see Larry Drew develop a system in which he DOESN'T play the entire bench at once. I can't count the number of times we've lost the lead or completely been blown out as a result of this kind of subbing. Drew needs to learn to play no more than 3 bench guys at once. If he doesn't get this down, especially during this shortened season with the bench we have now full of old vets, I don't like our chances.
  12. I can see why we waived Rolle and Wanamaker, but why the hell did we waste the pick, the time, and the effort on this Pape Sy if we were just going to waive him? Yet another wasted pick... http://www.hoopinion...izarre-non.html
  13. HalfHawk

    Ivan Johnson

    Sund's found an absolute gem in this Ivan Johnson guy. He's that blue collar guy we've been missing off the bench to pair up with Zaza. The two of them are gonna make a hell of tandem this season.
  14. The fact that there will be a season... Personally, all the motivation I needed.
  15. #Hawks F Radmanovic has jokes: "I'm getting older but when I see Jerry Stackhouse I don't feel so old." A little comedic relief from all the seriousness of Training Camp.
  16. http://www.nba.com/v...ls=iref:nbahpt2 I knew T-Mac isn't as young as he once was, but was anyone else surprised at just how much he's aged?
  17. Is this the answer to Smoove's request for a knockdown shooter who spreads the floor? I don't think Radmanovic will be a game changer, but he can definitely be serviceable over the course of the season.
  18. Michael Cunningham of the AJC is a great way to keep up with training camp. Just follow him on his twitter. You'll find all you need to know and more. Here's the link: http://twitter.com/ajchawks
  19. So if he's not "Duck" anymore, what do we all shout in the homecourt chats when he makes a play?
  20. Rondo is a great PG, don't get me wrong here, but Chris Paul is the real deal; a true, triple threat player. Rondo and his jumper, or lack thereof, really hurts the impact he can make on our team. With the Celtics offense, they're able to mask this by surrounding him with great shooters and allowing him to make the play. But be honest, when's the last time we let our PG's run the offense? It's always been Crawford, Joe, Josh, or Al initiating the play and dribbling out the clock until they either jack up a shot or miraculously find an open team mate. He just doesn't fit the bill. CP3, on the other hand, is almost a perfect fit, but that can be said about him in relation to any team he goes to. I'm not counting Teague out of being something special however, we simply don't know how much he'll be able to give with consistent starter minutes. I'm one who trusts in Teague, and I'm not saying he's going to be the star player CP3 is, but after that Chicago series and the plays he made, you never know. Hypothetically, Paul would be an amazing acquisition, but I'm quite content with Teague as of now..
  21. Did anyone else see this and have a mini-panic attack, only to be hit with the realization that the season begins late December? Damn lockout, messing with my mind and whatnot..
  22. Is it just me or does this NBA rumor stuff always seem to contradict itself? Just a few days ago, CP3 was being quoted as saying his heart is in New Orleans?
  23. From what ESPN is reporting, Billy Hunter sent out a memo to NBA players that they're going to receive 51.2 percent of the BRI with the new deal. Looks like the players organization and their lawyers squeezed out, quite literally, every little drop of money they could get their hands on.
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