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Everything posted by HalfHawk

  1. http://espn.go.com/n...rdy-sources-say For the love of... Are you kidding me? Just when we thought it was all over..
  2. Seems pointless to me. If you're not a touch screen fanatic there is absolutely zero sense in upgrading.
  3. Can't believe we're forgetting this one..
  4. Just posted a few minutes ago. http://www.nba.com/video/channels/nba_tv/2011/08/08/20110808_hawks_presser.nba/
  5. Joe's contract and perhaps D-Will's unwillingness/uncertainty of resigning with Atlanta definitely had an impact on this deal not going through. No way, we would've just passed on it, but knowing the ownership in question... :kickcan:
  6. Concerning the Jay Bilas comment about his "motor," his coach in Oakland had this to say... "I wish he would have called me and asked me before he goes on and says that. That motivation has been there. He's been motivated to play in the NBA and turned himself from a guy that averaged five points a game in high school to an NBA player. When they talk about lack of toughness and motor, tell me about that. Atlanta will find out when they get him how good of a player he is." Hope his coach is speaking the truth, and not just hyping up his pupil.
  7. Note he "walked" out of the clinic. Was the surgery a success? Are his waddling days truly over?
  8. I know the season's over and everything, but will we still be bashing Marvin, Josh, Joe, etc? If we are, I'm all for it! I can never get enough of the Marvin jokes! :laugh:
  9. HalfHawk


    Maybe a bit premature on my part, but the core group of Joe, Smoove, Marvin, and Al won't be here in its entirety come next season. I think the ASG has seen even with a new coach, these guys can't possibly win anything.
  10. HalfHawk


    Assuming this really was the boiling point and final straw, I want to say a goodbye, but a thank you as well to this Hawks team. I personally think this is the last we'll ever see of the core we have watched grown and mature together. Prospect turned to duck, the next highlight reel turned to fat, and the glimmer of hope turned soft. Along with all other Hawks fanatics, I have suffered through the blowout losses, the bonehead mistakes, the skipped superstars, and the bad contracts, but if asked, I'd relive it all over again... This core was amazing, loaded with potential, but we will never know how good they could have become. And that's how I'll always remember them, just wondering.. what could they have accomplished? I can honestly say, this has been my favorite select group of players I've ever had the privilege, or curse, of watching. Here's to a new start and a new chapter! Go Hawks!
  11. I'm not worried about game 6, all the pressure is on Chicago to close out the series. But I'm just scared the refs are going to rear their ugly heads in Chicago once again...
  12. But did you see Jamal's defense? Well, neither did I.
  13. Joe was busy getting mauled by the bulls, while Rose was on the other side getting knocked out by air.
  14. :banghead: This is some of the worst officiating I've ever seen! Chicago could get away with murder out there! :banghead:
  15. HalfHawk

    Too Funny!

    So, I'm browsing the internet when I find these hilarious, Hawks - Chicago photos. Just wanted to share them with you guys... The Zaza one is definitely my favorite. Might have to change my username, lol. Can't wait for game 5! LET'S GO HAWKS!
  16. You know you're laughable on defense when your coach won't put you in to defend the guy with the dislocated elbow.
  17. Better yet, I don't think Drew should show up to Philip's on Friday...
  18. Will Ferrel's team in the movie Semi-Pro acquired a player for trading away their washing machine... I'm thinking we could get a nice, new alarm clock for him... Maybe they could throw in a coat hanger?
  19. Why the &#$& can't we hold on to the damn ball!!!!????
  20. I knew JT had hops and athleticism, but there was a move last night that really impressed me. Teague runs down the court with Smoove, but instead of just lobbing it up and potentially have it deflected decides to go right at Rose with a quick fake and take. I knew it was nice live, but upon replay, you could truly see how high he got up in one fluid motion. After that play and game altogether, I'm aboard the Teague bandwagon. This kid may not play up to his potential day in and day out, but within lurks a beast. I'm willing to wait..
  21. That and the fact that their regular season record is inflated... You play 16 games within your division, and being in a division that hosts only one .500 team, and that team being you, only makes your record look all the better. Bulls were 15-1 in inter-division games...
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