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Everything posted by HalfHawk

  1. I'll side with him in the fact that it was a terrible, inflated deal, but he needs to get it in his head, it was Joe or back to the lottery.
  2. Mines is atlanta5hawks. But I pretty much just stick to MW2. I might play some Fifa 10 sometimes, but that's about it.
  3. I think it's a typo and referring to the head coach of the Vikings, Brad Childress.
  4. I thought the whole locker room chemistry problem was between the frontcourt and the backcourt? Al complained about the ball not moving around like it was supposed to and the guards were to blame for their constant ball hogging. Then things started to bubble.
  5. Even if Joe didn't resign, AI would be my last option. He hasn't shown any signs of commitment or determination with any team he's played for in the past couple of seasons. Why would coming to Atlanta be any different and make us championship contenders? Now back to this thread.... JO isn't a legit 7 footer. He's listed as 6'11. Also, don't use Howard as an example, Dwight is a freak of nature. A more sizable comparison to him would be Horford, and he doesn't have much on Al.
  6. Aren't you the guy who recommended signing Iverson? Now you want to insist in signing another undersized center? Your genius suggestions are just too much...
  7. The ASG are trying to sell this year's first round draft pick for cash. Probably trying to get some money for that big name coach.
  8. Well, the biggest in NBA history is 68 by the Cavs against the Heat in '91. The one I posted previously is the largest playoff differential. Byron Scott was fired in season after the Hornets started 3-6.
  9. 58 points, set last year in the Nuggets/Hornets series.
  10. There's no set-up, only a punch line. This team. A performance like this makes me sick to stomach. We deserved this beat down. Horrible, putrid showing by the Hawks. If there's a repeat of this on Thursday, there's no point in following this team. Being good at home only get's you so far.
  11. Give credit to Smoove, he delayed the blowout until the middle of the 2nd quarter.
  12. I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's go Celtics! I hate the Celtics, but the Cleveland Lebron's are just too cocky.
  13. I want this guy gone... I can't stand to look at his face anymore.
  14. I've gone to about 15 Hawks regular season games, never seen one loss. First playoff game I've been to, hope the experience is as exciting as it looks.
  15. Please... don't get my hopes up... :sobbing:
  16. Jamal and Josh didn't show up?
  17. Or you could blame the "Evans factor" in the fourth quarter, but then again that leads to Woody for leaving him in.
  18. 3 straight misses that would've tied the game, and then as the cherry on top, dribbles the ball off his foot... Evans is a waste! :shake_puter:
  19. To their credit, they actually put up quite a fight in the second half. After getting Dwight in foul trouble, they relentlessly attacked inside. I'm expecting the Hawks to do the same if we end up with Orlando.
  20. Here's a couple... Crawfniac, Zalboa (Balboa + Zaza), IsoFTW, BadSwitch, and AvoidableMismatch.
  21. According to Bob Rathbun, we've blown 24... I repeat 24 fourth quarter leads. Something that pathetic has to be an NBA record? We could be jocking with Cleveland for first place in the East and have the best record in team history if we could have won at least have of those games. Flat out embarrassing.... :shake_puter:
  22. Nevermind, it says Grizzlies are playing, but the Hawks are on.
  23. Just checked my guide on charter, and for SportsSouth is shows a Thrashers game for 7 PM. And on FSSouth it shows a Grizzlies game at 8 PM. Anyone else getting this? Any links to watch online?
  24. During that interview, did anyone catch Dr. J say he expects a championship from the Hawks this year? :cant believe: Good day to be a Hawks fan.
  25. If we're up at home during the playoffs and Zaza's at the stripe, we should start a MVP chant. :biggrin:
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